Study of Porcine Fibrin Sealant in Preventing Cervical Anastomotic Leakage
Esophageal Anastomotic LeakThe primary objective is to evaluate the efficacy and assess the role of Porcine Fibrin Sealant (Bioseal®) in preventing cervical anastomotic leakage after esophagectomy in the patients with resectable thoracic esophageal cancer and gastroesophageal junction cancer.

Open Abdomen and Delayed Anastomosis After Anastomotic Dehiscences to Avoid Stomas
Anastomotic ComplicationAnastomotic Leak Small Intestine1 morePhase III clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of the open abdomen as bridging therapy to perform transit reconstruction in patients with anastomotic dehiscence. It is a randomized controlled single-center study that will be carried out at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital in Seville.

Stratafix vs. Vicryl OAGB / MGB Suture Study
Morbid ObesityAnastomotic Leak2 moreTo compare shorttime (6 months) results of two competitive suture materials with regard to time demanded to perform the concerned surgical step and secondary to study anastomotic site safety and complications like leakage and hemorrhage as well as development of anastomotic strictures. Evaluation of cost-effectiveness.

Transanal Reinforcement of Low Rectal Anastomosis in Rectal Cancer Surgery
Rectal CancerAnastomotic leak after low rectal cancer surgery occurs between 3 and 24% of the cases and is a severe complication leading to sepsis, permanent colostomy, higher risk of local cancer recurrence and eventually death. In order to prevent this complication a protecting diverting stoma is usually fashioned with consequent morbidity due to the stoma and its closure and severe impact on patients' quality of life. This prospective, multi-center, parallel-arm, randomized controlled equivalence trial is aimed to demonstrate whether a transanal reinforcement of the suture line can prevent anastomotic leakage after low rectal cancer surgery thus avoiding the need for a covering ileostomy

Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Imaging in Prevention of Colorectal Anastomotic Leakage
Colorectal CancerColorectal Neoplasms5 moreThis is a randomized, controlled, parallel, multicenter trial to determine the difference in post-operative anastomotic leakages in colorectal surgery, where anastomosis perfusion is evaluated using indocyanine green fluorescence imaging as an addition to standard surgical practice compared to surgical practice alone.

Evaluation of the Introduction of a Colorectal Bundle in Left Sided Colorectal Resections
Colorectal DisordersSurgery--Complications3 moreThe complication rate in colorectal surgery is high and shows a large variance depending on the patient and the treating surgeon. The primary aim of the presented study is to evaluate the introduction of a colorectal bundle to reduce the complication rate in left sided colorectal resections. The colorectal bundle is a catalog of measures consisting of several items These are for example preoperative risk stratification, antibiotic and mechanical bowel preparation and preoperative showering. The primary endpoint will be the complication rate measured as the comprehensive clinical index (CCI) within 30 days. Investigators will include patients that undergo elective or emergency left sided colorectal surgery.

Investigation of the Benefit of Using an Autologous Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix (Obsidian ASG®)...
Anastomotic Leak RectumAnastomotic insufficiency remains one of the most significant problems after rectal resection.The complications following anastomotic insufficiency leads to increased morbidity and mortality with subsequent prolongation of hospital stay and higher costs. This study is an investigation of the benefit of using an autologous platelet-rich fibrin matrix (Obsidian ASG®) for treatment of anastomosis during rectal surgery - a single-blind, randomized, multicenter pilot study with enrollment of 2x220 patients The main objective of the study is to investigate on an exploratory basis whether the use of Obsidian ASG® during rectal resection reduces the frequency of postoperative anastomotic insufficiency compared to standard anastomotic technique. The secondary objectives of the study are to investigate on an exploratory basis: The frequency of anastomotic insufficiency (ISREC Criteria) severity Staple line bleeding requiring surgical intervention The duration of postoperative hospitalization are reduced when using Obsidian ASG ® compared with standard anastomotic treatment alone. are reduced when Obsidian ASG ® is added to the standard of anastomotic treatment compared with standard anastomotic treatment alone.

Assessment of Graft Perfusion and Oxygenation for Improved Outcome in Esophageal Cancer Surgery...
Anastomotic LeakEsophageal CancerAfter the esophagectomy, the stomach is most commonly used to restore continuity of the upper gastro-intestinal tract. The esophagogastric anastomosis is prone to serious complications such as anastomotic leakage (AL) The reported incidence of AL after esophagectomy ranges from 5%-20%. The AL associated mortality ranges from 18-40% compared with an overall in-hospital mortality of 4-6%. The main cause of AL is tissue hypoxia, which results from impaired perfusion of the pedicle stomach graft. Clinical judgment is unreliable in determining anastomotic perfusion. Therefore, an objective, validated, and reproducible method to evaluate tissue perfusion at the anastomotic site is urgently needed. Indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) is a near infrared fluorescent (NIRF) perfusion imaging using indocyanine green (ICG). ICGA is a safe, easy and reproducible method for graft perfusion analysis, but it is not yet calibrated. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of quantification of ICGA to assess graft perfusion and its influence on AL in patients after minimally invasive Ivor Lewis esophagectomy (MIE) for cancer.

Low Tie Versus High Tie of the Inferior Mesenteric Vein During Colorectal Cancer Surgery: A Randomized...
Anastomotic LeakAnastomotic Leak Large Intestine6 moreThis study aim to determine if a different surgical technique could result in a lower anastomotic leak rate. The two techniques are equally used around the world and well described by the international literature but this is the first study that compare the two techniques.

Use of NERv's Inline Device as an Early Diagnostic Method for Postoperative Complications
Anastomotic LeakNERv's traditional feasibility clinical trial is a multi-center, pre-market, single-arm, and non-randomized trial. This study will involve the retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. The trial is intended to establish the safety of NERv's Inline Device and collect preliminary data to illustrate the change in pH and electrical conductivity during normal postoperative recovery and in the event of a complication. The purpose of NERv's feasibility study is to establish a clinical model that shows the progressive change in pH and electrical conductivity during a normal post-operative recovery and in the event of an anastomotic leak in colorectal, hepatobiliary (HPB), trauma, and general surgery patients. Upon analyzing data collected from NERv's Inline Device, a clinical model of change in pH and conductivity over time will be created. The clinical model can be used in future stages to determine if a complication is developing. For instance, boundaries (reading thresholds) can be established to detect a complication when readings exceed such boundaries.