The Effects of Erythropoietin (EPO) on the Transfusion Requirements of Very Low Birth Weight Infants...
InfantNewborn8 moreThis study tested the safety and efficacy of transfusing erythropoietin (Epo) and iron in infants of <1,250g birth weight. For infants 401-1,000g birth weight, we tested whether early erythropoietin (Epo) and iron therapy would decrease the number of transfusions received. For infants 1,001-1,250g birth weight, we tested whether early erythropoietin (Epo) and iron therapy would decrease the percentage of infants who received any transfusions.

Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing a Conservative Management and Laser Surgery
Blood and Blood DisordersAnemia5 moreThe objective of this trial is to compare both strategies (Expectative Vs Fetoscopic laser surgery) for patients with stage 1 TTTS and favorable obstetrical parameters in an international randomized controlled trial. This trial will answer an important question and will help in the management and tailoring of surgical indications in stage 1 TTTS.

Alteration of Stool Microbiota in Preterm Infants With Anemia
AnemiaNeonatal2 moreThis study evaluates the relationship between anemia and stool microbiota in premature infants. It also evaluates the relationship between blood transfusion and stool microbiota.

Optimized Erythropoietin (EPO) Treatment
Neonatal AnemiaNeonatal anemia is the most commonly encountered hematologic problem among all neonates cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). This project seeks to better understand the pathophysiology and treatment of this challenging and important condition, especially as it affects premature, critically ill very low birth weight (VLBW) infants who require intensive laboratory blood monitoring leading to the need for multiple red blood cell (RBC) transfusions (RBCTX). In the research strategy proposed in Study 1, Aims 1, 2 and 3, recombinant human erythropoietin (Epoetin Alpha, PROCRIT, provided by Janssen Scientific Affairs) will first be administered to 1.0 to 1.5 kg VLBW infants; then comprehensive pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) data will be systematically gathered and analyzed to identify clinical and laboratory covariate parameters differentiating the infants based on their level of Epoetin Alpha responsiveness. Finally the Epoetin Alpha responsiveness predictors thus determined will be applied prospectively in the Aim 4 Study, a 2 x 2 design in which VLBW infants will be identified as good or poor Epoetin Alpha responders, based on the predictors, and then randomly assigned to receive Epoetin Alpha treatment or no treatment. This will test the central hypothesis: RBCTX can be eliminated in the majority of good Epoetin Alpha responders by optimal administration of Epoetin Alpha, but only marginal reductions in RBCTx will occur in the poor Epoetin Alpha responders. This project challenges the prevailing thinking that the efficacy of Epoetin Alpha dosing in stimulating erythropoiesis is insufficient to eliminate the need for RBC transfusions in VLBW infants. Based on extensive preclinical and clinical PK/PD studies by our PPG team, we contend that previous Erythropoietin treatment studies in VLBW infants were not able to realize the full potential of Erythropoietin to eliminate RBCTX (in contrast to the very successful use of Erythropoietin in adult renal failure patients) because previous VLBW studies were conducted 1) without Epoetin Alpha dosing individualized for the complexities of neonatal erythropoiesis and PK/PD of Epoetin Alpha and 2) without consistent criteria for RBC transfusion, Epoetin Alpha dosing, and patient enrollment. Net Epoetin Alpha responsiveness as reflected in Hb level depends on two components: Epoetin Alpha PD and RBC lifespan (Fig 15). By determining RBC lifespan, we will explain inter-subject variability of Epoetin Alpha responsiveness resulting from one of these components. The fetal lifespan data will be examined for its correlation with gestational age. If the correlation is statistically significant, gestational age will be included in the final selection of covariates for the population PK/PD model to be developed at the end of Infant Study 1. To fully understand the correlation of RBC lifespan with gestational age infants ranging from 22-42 weeks gestational age will be studied. The overall impact of Project 1 will be significant and potentially transformative: the development of a personalized, mechanism-driven approach built on sound principles will improve understanding of neonatal anemia and will be applicable to the care of premature, anemic infants. RELEVANCE Project 1 results confirming our hypothesis that PK/PD optimized Epo treatment is effective in eliminating RBC transfusions administered to a select sub-group of NICU infants will provide fundamental knowledge about neonatal anemia that will reduce the burden of illness and disability caused by this condition. In addition, our results will stimulate researchers to extend our findings to other sub-groups with neonatal anemia, ie, smaller and sicker infants, and will stimulate novel treatments with similar, new biotechnology-produced protein drugs.

Supine vs Prone Position During Delayed Cord Clamping
Newborn; AnemiaUmbilical Cord ProblemThis study is conducted to evaluate if the prone position of the newborn on the chest of his mother at birth before delayed cord clamping leads to better hematocrit and hemoglobin at 24-48 hours of life compared to supine position.

Milking Versus Delayed Cord Clamping in Full Term Neonates
Neonatal AnemiaTo compare the short term risks and benefits of cord milking 5 times toward the neonate with delayed cord clamping for 120 seconds in the full term neonate delivered by cesarean section.

Red Blood Cell (RBC) Survival Following Transfusion in Infants
Neonatal AnemiaOUR OVERALL HYPOTHESIS is that post-transfusion survival of allogeneic and autologous RBCs can be accurately quantified in anemic human infants using biotin-labeled RBCs combined with mathematical modeling that adjusts for confounding factors commonly encountered in neonates. These confounding factors include 1) dilution of labeled RBC as a result of growth stimulated erythropoiesis, anemia stimulated erythropoiesis, and blood transfusion; 2) loss of labeled RBC due to laboratory phlebotomy; and 3) variable RBC life spans resulting from RBCs having been produced at different developmental periods and under varying rates of erythropoiesis. In contrast to infants, adjustment for these factors is not necessary in healthy adults under conditions of steady state erythropoiesis. Instead in adults, RBC survival is typified by a linear decline in concentration of labeled RBCs over time. When this line is extrapolated to zero concentration, the intercept with the time axis represents the mean potential lifespan (MPL) of RBCs. (<7 d) and stored (>21 d) allogeneic adult RBCs transfused in the same infant.

Feasibility and Safety of Umbilical Cord Blood Transfusion in the Treatment of Neonatal Cerebral...
Hypoxic-Ischemic EncephalopathyHypoxia Neonatal3 moreThe study is to investigate the feasibility and safety of autologous umbilical cord blood transfusion to treat the newborn infants with presence of clinical indications of neonatal hypoxic-ischemia encephalopathy (HIE) and anemia. Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is collected following labor and is transfused intravenously within 48 hours after the birth. Newborn infant without UCB available recieves the standard care will be enrolled as control group. Following the autologous UCB transfusion in the study group or standard care in the control group, HIE subjects will be followed for 2 years for survival and neurodevelopmental outcomes and anemia subjects will be followed for 6 months to assess the survival and change of hematocrit and hemoglobin levels.

Influence of Umbilical Cord Clamping Time in the Newborn
Anemia NeonatalPolycythemia Secondary2 moreThis study compares two umbilical cord clamping times; the early one, up to a minute (ECC) and the late or delayed one, when the cord stop beating (DCC). The additional blood volume delivered to the newborn from the placenta - placental transference - by delaying umbilical cord ligation, increases the contribution of neonatal iron with increased iron stores in the infant, without increasing neonatal morbidity.

Autologous Cord Blood Infusion for the Prevention and Treatment of Prematurity Complications In...
AnemiaNeonatal6 moreThe purpose of this study is to test the safety and effectiveness of a whole own (autologous) umbilical cord blood transfusion in the first 5 days after birth if the baby is born premature <34 weeks and developed anemia of prematurity.