Can Acetaminophen Given 1-2 Hours to Children Before Ear Tube Surgery Reduce Agitation After Anesthesia?...
Emergence AgitationPainEmergence agitation (EA) occurs in up to 67% of pediatric patients after anesthesia for bilateral myringotomy tubes (BMT, "ear tubes"). The goal of this study is to find out whether acetaminophen given well before surgery can decrease pain and therefore, decrease emergence agitation better than acetaminophen given shortly before or during surgery. EA can be dangerous for the patient because it may be hard to monitor their vital signs during an important phase of recovery, they may injure themselves, may require the presence of extra staff, and it can be very distressing to the parents. Causes of EA are not well understood, but it can be worsened by pain. 70% of patients undergoing BMT experience pain that needs treatment. Intranasal fentanyl, a strong analgesic, has been shown to decrease EA, but often ends up in dose-dependent nausea and vomiting. In previous studies and in common practice, acetaminophen is given either 30 minutes before induction of anesthesia or immediately after induction. The peak analgesic effect of acetaminophen is 60-120 minutes. Since the procedure is generally completed in 5-10 minutes, the therapeutic effect of acetaminophen may not be present upon emergence from anesthesia. The purpose of this study is to find out if acetaminophen given 60-120 minutes prior to emergence can decrease EA in patients undergoing BMT. Patients would be randomized to one of three groups: Control will receive acetaminophen rectally while under anesthesia (standard practice), Group 1 will receive acetaminophen 10 mg/kg at 60-120 minutes prior to surgery, Group 2 will receive acetaminophen 20 mg/kg at 60-120 minutes prior to surgery. All groups would also receive a dose of intranasal fentanyl during the surgery, which is standard practice. Patients would be observed in the recovery room at various time points for evidence of EA and pain.

Dexmedetomidine Versus Gabapentin Premedication on the Emergence Agitation After Rhinoplasty
AnesthesiaTo compare the effect of intramuscular dexmedetomidine versus oral gabapentin premedication on the emergence agitation after rhinoplasty.

The Effect of Low Flow Anesthesia on Postoperative Emergence Agitation in Rhinoplasty
Emergence AgitationAnesthetics1 moreEmergence agitation, defined as restlessness, disorientation, arousal, and/or inconsolable crying, is a common phenomenon seen in the early phase of recovery from general anesthesia; this may cause respiratory depression, nausea and vomiting, as well as an increase in blood pressure, heart rate and myocardial oxygen consumption. Although its pathogenesis remains unclear, ENT (ear, nose and throat) surgical procedures have been reported to have a higher incidence of agitation in both adults and children. In recent years, low-flow inhalation anesthesia has been widely used in adult anesthesia practice. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of low flow anesthesia and normal flow anesthesia on emergence agitation.

Impact of Flumazenil on the Emergence Delirium
AnesthesiaGeneralFlumazenil rapidly antagonizes benzodiazepines (BZDs); it may induce agitation, seizure, or delirium, especially when applied to patients who have taken BZDs for a long time. On the contrary, it may help patients regain consciousness in a stable and calm state by appropriately reversing the central nervous system depressant effects of BZDs. In this study, we aim to investigate the impact of flumazenil on the emergence delirium in patients anesthetized with remimazolam, the short-acting BZD drug.

Effect of Remimazolam vs Sevoflurane Anesthesia on Incidence of Emergence Agitation and Complications...
Emergence AgitationRemimazolam4 moreAs a novel ultra-short-acting benzodiazepines drugs, Remimazolam has been accepted for induction and maintenance of clinical anesthesia. Compared to the traditional benzodiazepines drugs, Remimazolam combines the safety of midazolam with the effectiveness of propofol, and also has the advantages of acting quickly, short half-life, no injection pain, slight respiratory depression, independent of liver and kidney metabolism, long-term infusion without accumulation, and has a specific antagonist: flumazenil. This study aims to investigate whether Remimazolam reduces the incidence of emergence agitation in children after ophthalmic surgery, compared to sevoflurane (RCT).

Rivastigmine Patch Effect on the Post-operative Delirium in Patients at Risk of Dementia.
DeliriumDelirium is a common and serious condition and is associated with adverse outcome. The elderly who have cognitive dysfunction are expected to show delirium more frequently. It is most likely that delirium represents a response to impaired cholinergic neurotransmission. Investigators aimed to establish the preventive effect of the cholinesterase inhibitor, rivastigmine patch, on the post-operative delirium limited to femur neck fracture operation in patients at risk of dementia.

Perioperative Effects of Operating Room Virtual Tour
Preoperative CareAnxiety2 morePreoperative anxiety is associated with adverse consequences such as emergence delirium, and postoperative behavioral changes. According to previous studies, providing information of anesthetic procedures helps to lessen preoperative anxiety. However, verbal explanation alone provides the limited effect, and the tour program of the operating room prior to surgery may not be possible for a number of hospitals due to organizational and financial reasons. Therefore, the virtual reality (VR) tour of the operating room may be an innovative and novel method to give children information about the preoperative process and to alleviate the preoperative anxiety. In this study, we intend to evaluate the effects of the operating room virtual tour on preoperative anxiety as well as emergence delirium and postoperative behavioral changes, in pediatric patients.

Taking Brain Monitoring to the Next Level
Postoperative Cognitive DysfunctionPostoperative Delirium1 moreThis one arm clinical study will assess the impact of a goal directed therapy intervention, aiming at optimizing depth of anesthesia and intraoperative blood pressure on the incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction and delirium relative to a standardized anesthetic plan. We will enroll 60 patients and will measure the neurocognitive status (MoCA test) of patients before and after surgery (at discharge, within 2 weeks after surgery and 6 months after surgery) to determine the relative impact of anesthetic care on the development of postoperative delirium and cognitive decline. All patients will have a brain scan (fMRI) before and after surgical intervention. Patients will also be asked to participate in an optional blood draw which will take place during their brain imaging visit and post operatively (within 2 days after surgery).

Anesthetic Depth and Postoperative Delirium Trial - 2
DeliriumCognitive DisordersRecent limited evidence suggests that anesthetic depth may influence postoperative cognitive outcomes, however, the mechanism between this association is unclear.

Effect of Single-dose Dexmedetomidine on Emergence Excitement in Adults With Nasotracheal Intubation...
AgitationExcitement during the emergence from general anesthesia is a great post-operative problem. It may lead to serious consequences for the patient, such as injury, increased pain, hemorrhage, self-extubation, and removal of catheters, and it can necessitate physically or chemically restraining the patient. It has been reported that the incidence of postoperative emergence excitement in adults after general anesthesia is 21.3% occurrence. Many things are mentioned as risk factors for emergence excitement. Among them, excitement after orthognathic surgery (two-jaw) was more common than after other types of surgery. The patients undergoing emergence with nasotracheal intubation after orthognathic surgery may have a sense of suffocation during emergence from anesthesia, which may increase the incidence of emergence excitement. Pain is also a main cause of postoperative excitement. Dexmedetomidine, which is an S-enantiomer of medetomidine with high specificity for α2-adrenoceptor (α2 : α1, 1620 : 1) compared to clonidine (a2 : a1, 220 : 1), is approved as a sedative and co-analgesic drug. To the best of the investigators knowledge, effect of dexmedetomidine on emergence excitement was investigated only in children. The investigators hypothesized that single dose of dexmedetomidine would reduce the incidence and the severity of the emergence excitement in adults with nasotracheal intubation after orthognathic surgery (two-jaw).