the Research of the Cerebral Protection Effects of Electroencephalogram (SedLine) During Carotid...
Transient Ischemic AttackAcute Stroke2 moreFragile brain is the most common phenomenon seen in the patients undergoing CEA. The patients with fragile brain have a high incidence of postoperative brain dysfunction. This study intends to apply EEG monitoring (Sedline) to CEA to investigate whether EEG monitoring can reduce the incidence of postoperative neurological complications in CEA patients and improve their prognosis. 220 patients with CEA were randomly divided into 2 groups. Group S [Sedline monitoring + Transcranial Doppler (TCD) + regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rS02),n=110] and group C [Bispectral index (BIS)/Sedline monitoring + TCD +rSO2,n=110], recording intraoperative and postoperative conditions, neuropsychology scale assessment, blood examination and imaging examination. The incidence of postoperative neurological complications was compared between the two groups.

Superficial Parasternal Intercostal Plane Block in Cardiac Surgery Trial
Post-operative PainPost-operative Delirium5 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to assess whether the use of intermittent superficial parasternal intercostal plane blocks reduces opioid usage in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with median sternotomy. Participants randomized to the intervention group will receive the blocks with 0.2% ropivacaine administered via catheters placed in the superficial parasternal intercostal plane bilaterally under ultrasound guidance. Researchers will compare this group with a control group given 0.9% saline through similarly placed catheters. The primary outcome will be cumulative postoperative opioid use (measured as Milligram Morphine Equivalent (MME)) up to 72 hours following catheter insertion.

Decreasing Preoperative Stress to Prevent Postoperative Delirium and Postoperative Cognitive Decline...
Preoperative StressPostoperative Cognitive Dysfunction1 morePatients undergoing cardiac surgery often complain of anxiety before a major operation and the resulting stress. This circumstance is a risk factor for mental problems that may occur after the operation (e.g., delirium or memory deficits). This study aims to prevent these discomforts by a preoperative relaxation intervention.

Namsos Anaesthesia Children Outcome Study
Emergence DeliriumBehavioral disturbances are often seen in children after anesthesia both immediately after surgery (emergence delirium) and after discharge from hospital. Persisting behavioral changes may affect emotional and cognitive development. It is known that both type of surgery and anesthetic management affect the occurrence of behavioral disturbances. Specifically, differences in occurrence were found after sevoflurane anesthesia and propofol anesthesia, two anesthetics that are generally used in practice. However, evidence is based on methodologically weak studies. The described occurrence of behavioral disturbances in children after anesthesia is not in line with the investigators' clinical experience, and neither are the described differences in occurrence between sevoflurane anesthesia and propofol anesthesia. This study will compare emergence delirium and behavioral changes after discharge from hospital in children who had surgery for removal of their tonsils under sevoflurane anesthesia versus propofol anesthesia.

Cerebrolysin in Prevention of Postoperative Delirium in Cardiac Surgery
Neurocognitive DisordersSurgery-Complications3 morePostoperative delirium (POD) and postoperative neuropsychological dysfunction are frequently noted in critically ill patients undergoing elective or emergency surgery and treated in the intensive care unit (ICU). Delirium is a serious complication that prolongs hospital stay and contributes to poor outcomes and increased risk of death. The pathomechanisms of delirium are still not very well recognized and there are several theories that seem to explain it. The most important pathomechanisms of delirium are associated with cerebral ischaemia, disorders in acetylcholinergic system, disorders in neuronal plasticity and oxidative stress. Cerebrolysin, a mixture of various peptides obtained from the structural proteins of the pig's brain, possesses strong antioxidative and neuronal protective properties. Cerebrolysin is recommended to treat patients with dementia, after cerebral ischemia and after brain trauma. It has been documented that Cerebrolysin reduces the severity of secondary brain damage after ischemia, improving neuronal plasticity and then cognitive function, and reducing severity of oxidative stress. Based on these properties it can be speculated that Cerebrolysin may reduce the risk of postoperative delirium in patients undergoing elective surgery, which are associated with a high risk of postoperative delirium.

Nalbuphine Versus Dexmedetomidine for Prevention of Emergence Agitation in Pediatrics
Agitationthe investigators hypothesized that Nalbuphine may be alternative pharmacological agent for prevention of emergence agitation in pediatrics who will be scheduled for elective lower abdominal surgical procedures (inguinal hernia repair and hypospadias) during sevoflurane anesthesia

Low-dose Droperidol for Prevention of Postoperative Delirium in Elderly Patients After Non-cardiac...
Digestive System DiseaseUrologic Diseases2 moreThe aim of this multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-blind and large sample study is to explore the preventive effect of low-dose droperidol on POD in elderly patients after non-cardiac surgery, providing new approach for reducing the incidence of POD and improving the prognosis and quality of life.

Dexmedetomidine Supplemented Analgesia and Delirium After Hip Fracture Surgery
ElderlyHip Fracture Surgery3 moreDelirium is common in the elderly after hip fracture surgery, and is associated with worse outcomes. The investigators hypothesize that, for elderly patients after hip fracture surgery, dexmedetomidine supplemented analgesia can reduce the incidence of delirium and improve the long-term outcomes.

Benzodiazepine-free Cardiac Anesthesia for Reduction of Postoperative Delirium
DeliriumPost-cardiac SurgeryB-FREE is a pragmatic, multicentre, cluster crossover trial evaluating whether a policy limiting the use of intra-operative benzodiazepine reduces post-operative delirium when compared with a policy of 'ad libitum' administration. The knowledge generated by this study will provide the basis for cardiac anesthesia practice guidelines.

Effect of Neoadjuvant Anti-PD-1 Immunotherapy on Perioperative Analgesia and Postoperative Delirium...
ImmunotherapyAnalgesia2 moreTo observe the effect of preoperative anti-PD-1 monotherapy combined with chemotherapy on patients' perioperative pain and opioid analgesia, and evaluate its effect on the incidence and severity of patients' postoperative delirium.