Pregabalin in the Prevention of Postoperative Delirium and Pain
DeliriumPainThe purpose of this study is to determine whether administration of pregabalin by mouth immediately preoperatively and three times daily for 3 days after surgery reduces the incidence of delirium postoperatively and improves overall pain control.

Does Distraction With a Hand Held Video Game Reduce Preoperative and Emergence Anxiety in Children?...
Pediatric Emergence Agitation and PainPreoperative anxiety is characterized by subjective feelings of tension, apprehension, nervousness and worry. In children, preoperative anxiety is reported to result in postoperative negative psychological effects, including nightmares, eating problems and increased fear of doctors. Previous studies have assessed anxiety in children during the preoperative period and the effects of premedication and parental presence. Midazolzam has been shown to reduce preoperative anxiety in children but post operative recovery maybe delayed for children undergoing a short operative procedure. Distraction may be particularly helpful in children ages 6-12 as these children are curious about their environment. An association between preoperative anxiety and emergence agitation has been suggested. Emergence agitation in children is not well understood but is a frightening experience for child and parent. A previous study demonstrated the efficacy of hand held video games used as an interactive distraction to allay preoperative anxiety. The purpose of this study is to treat preop anxiety with premedication, or video game and to evaluate the impact of these interventions on the incidence and severity of emergence agitation.

Rivastigmine for the Prevention of Postoperative Delirium in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery...
DeliriumThe purpose of this study is to determine whether Rivastigmine is effective for the prevention of postoperative delirium in patients undergoing cardiac surgery.

A Study of Dexmedetomidine Pharmacokinetics for Preoperative Sedation
AnxietyPreoperative Care2 moreProper preoperative sedation can reduce patients' anxiety, enhance patients' cooperation and reduce perioperative complications. The investigators would explore the sedative effects of dexmedetomidine (DEX) with the administration of oral, intravenous and nasal drops, and detect DEX blood concentration in 15 participants, respectively. Pharmacokinetic parameters are detected at 8 time points ( before DEX administration, 10 min, 20 min, 30 min, 45 min, 60min, 90min and 120 min after administration). 3 ml arterial blood was collected at each time point. The blood samples are detected by mass spectrometer. The aim of this study is to investigate appropriate administration time and route for DEX sedation.

Comparison of Effects of Intravenous Midazolam and Ketamine on Emergence Agitation
Psychomotor AgitationCompare the effects of intravenous midazolam and ketamine on emergence agitation after sevoflurane anesthesia

Emergence Agitation Between Sevoflurane and Desflurane in Pediatric
ChildrenUrologic Diseases1 moreSevoflurane is the volatile anesthetic agent of choice in pediatric surgery. Nevertheless, sevoflurane anesthesia had the high incidence of emergence delirium compared to halothane and isoflurane.Bortone L et al.reported isoflurane for maintenance decreased incidence of emergence agitation compared to sevoflurane in unpremedicated preschool children under elective subumbilical surgery (32% versus 52% respectively). Desflurane is the new volatile anesthetic agent which provides faster recovery compared to sevoflurane.Valley et al.reported no significant differences between sevoflurane or desflurane anesthesia in children in term of the serious airway complication such as laryngospasm or desaturation excepted the number of coughing episodes were more frequent in the desflurane compared to sevoflurane (36 versus 18).Mayer J et al. reported sevoflurane had severity of Pediatric Anesthesia Emergence Delirium (PAED) scale higher than desflurane in ear, nose, throat inpatient surgery in children (12(2-20) versus 6(0-15) respectively) with no reported of incidence of emergence agitation between those two. Therefore, the investigators would like to compare the incidence of emergence agitation, recovery profile and respiratory events between desflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia in pediatric ambulatory urologic surgery under general anesthesia and combined with regional anesthesia.

Sevoflurane Induced Emergence Agitation
Emergence AgitationInvestigators evaluated the effect of intranasal ketamine or alfentanil addition to oral midazolam for prevention of emergence agitation.Seventy-eight, 1-8 year-old children, undergoing urological surgery with sevoflurane anesthesia was included in the study. All the children received oral midazolam 0.5 mg/kg 40 minutes before anesthesia induction then enrolled to one of the study groups, randomly. Ketamine group (Group MK; n=26) patients were given 2mg/kg intranasal ketamine whereas, alfentanil group (Group MA; n=25) were given 10microgram/kg intranasal alfentanil 8-10 min before the induction of anesthesia. Saline group (Group MS; n=27) received intranasal isotonic saline.Parental separation, mask acceptance were evaluated with a 4- point scale. Emergence agitation was evaluated with Pediatric Anesthesia Emergence Delirium score.

Risk Assessment for Postoperative Delirium
Postoperative DeliriumPostoperative delirium (POD) - a temporary state of confusion - is a frequent complication of surgery, which most commonly occurs in elderly patients. A tablet computer application that may assist preoperative risk screening for POD was developed at the University Hospital Basel in 2014. This study aims to investigate whether the computer program may assess the risk of a patient to develop POD.

Comparison of Dexmedetomidine and Midazolam for Prevention of Emergence Delirium in Children
TonsillitisEmergence delirium is a common complication in children after anesthesia. The incidence of emergence delirium is reported upto 50%. Prevention of emergence delirium in children is important not only for the patient safety but also for the satisfaction of the parents. Midazolam is the most commonly used medications for prevention of emergence delirium. However, it might lead to delayed awakening from anesthesia and respiratory depression. In this study, the investigators will evaluate whether dexmedetomidine can be effectively and safely administered for prevention of emergence delirium in children compared to midazolam.

Effect of Monochromatic Light on Incidence of Emergence Delirium in Children
Emergence DeliriumAnesthesia Emergence DeliriumEmergence delirium/emergence agitation (ED/EA) is a behavioral phenomenon of unclear etiology consisting of short lived behavioral changes that can be both traumatic to families and pose a safety risk to patients and staff. ED is characterized by a variety of presentations, including crying, excitation and agitation, that occur during the early stage of recovery from general anesthesia, generally in the first 30 minutes. Emergence delirium occurs in children of all ages following an anesthetic with halogenated agents (e.g. sevoflurane/isoflurane) with or without having undergone a surgical procedure (e.g. MRI patients). Presently, the treatment for ED is to revert the patient back to a hypnotic state mainly with sedatives so that they may "reset" themselves postulating that by re-inducing a hypnotic state, the brain has time to resolve this issue. The hypothesis of this study is that during ED, there is failure of organized EEG activity, especially alpha wave activity and that by enhancing alpha activity, the incidence of ED may be reduced without the need for additional pharmaceuticals which may be costly, delay recovery and are not without adverse effects specifically cardiopulmonary depression through the use of blue monochromatic light.