Dexmedetomidine Versus Nalbuphine in Prevention of Emergence Agitation Following Adenotonsillectomy...
Emergence DeliriumThe aim of the present study is to compare the effect of IV infusion 0.5 µg/kg dexmedetomidine and IV 0.1 mg/kg nalbuphine in preschool children for prevention of emergence agitation after adenotonsillectomy under sevoflurane anesthesia.

Prevention of Postoperative Delirium After Acute Surgery
Postoperative DeliriumThe aim of this trial is to evaluate the implementation and effect of an evidence based, multicomponent intervention on postoperative delirium, when fast implemented throughout the patients stay in hospital before, during and after acute surgery in a risk population, the primary outcome being frequency of patients with positive Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) score. The hypothesis is that the frequency of postoperative delirium will be reduced after implementation of the preventive interventions.

Remimazolam Reduces Emergence Delirium in Preschool Children Undergoing Laparoscopic Surgery by...
Emergence DeliriumEmergence delirium (ED) is a manifestation of acute postoperative brain dysfunction that occurs with a relatively high frequency after pediatric anesthesia. The incidence varies depending on the diagnostic criteria used and the combination of administered anesthetic drugs. The use of sevoflurane has been identified as one of the most important risk factors. In the investigators' study,the researchers conducted the current study to investigate whether remimazolam can reduce incidence of ED.

Low-dose Neuroleptanalgesia for Postoperative Delirium in Elderly Patients
Stomach NeoplasmsColonic Neoplasms10 morePostoperative delirium(POD)is a common complication that can directly affect important clinical outcomes, and exert an enormous burden on patients, their families, hospitals, and public resources. In order to evaluate whether an intraoperative administration of low-dose neuroleptanalgesia reduces postoperative delirium, droperidol 1.25 mg and fentanyl 0.025 mg or normal saline is used by intravenous injection 30 minutes before the end of the operation, in elderly patients with non-cardiac major surgery under general anesthesia. The efficiency and safety of neuroleptanalgesia on the incidence of POD would be evaluated in elderly patients.

A Study to Evaluate ICU Simulation Experience in the Cardiothoracic Surgical Population to Reduce...
Post-Operative DeliriumThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of a pre-ICU admission virtual reality ICU simulation on post-operative delirium in the elective cardiothoracic surgical population while in the intensive care unit.

Does Emergence Time Relate With Emergence Agitation in Pediatric Patients?
Emergence AgitationPost Operative Behavioral ChangesEmergence agitation (EA) is one of the unpleasant symptoms after general anesthesia. The patient can be irritable, uncooperate, cry, moan and combative behaviors. Sometimes the patient may need to be thrashed to prevent physical harm. The mechanism of EA is still unknown. EA is usually self limiting within 45 to 60 minutes after wake up from anesthesia. The incidence of EA is much higher in pediatric group when compared with adult. In some centre the incidence of EA can be up to 67 % depends on anesthesia technique, race, and child's temperament. Kain et al, reported that the patient who had marked EA tended to have post operative maladaptive behaviors. These maladaptive behaviors such as insomnia, eating disturbance, aggressive behavior and even developmental regression can be happen until one year after anesthesia. From the previous study, reported that fast emergence was associated with a high incidence of agitation. This prospective observation study is conducted to determine that emergence time has any effect on EA or not. The authors use process electroencephalogram (entropy) to monitor emergence time which defined as the time which state entropy level over sixty to eighty. Meanwhile, we will evaluate the emergence time by the conventional method which used the time from ceasing anesthesia to the time of eye opening by normal voice stimuli. The primary outcome of this study is the correlation between emergence time (both from Process EEG and clinical presentation) and incidence of emergence agitation. Two secondary outcomes will be measured. Firstly, the correlation between emergence time and postoperative behavioral changes. Secondly, the relationship between entropy monitoring and clinical symptoms.

Validation of the 3D-CAM to Detect Postoperative Delirium
Postoperative DeliriumThe 3D-CAM is a new 3-minute diagnostic assessment for Confusion Assessment Method-defined Delirium. The primary objective of this study is to translate the 3D-CAM into the German language, as well as to validate its use to detect postoperative delirium in the recovery room. The validation will be based on comparisons to the Nu-DESC (Nursing Delirium Screening Scale), CAM (Confusion Assessment Method), and DSM-5 criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).

Effects of Remifentanil Infusion on Emergence Delirium After Dental Surgery in Children
Emergence DeliriumIn this study, the investigators tried to show the effect of remifentanil on emergence delirium caused by sevoflurane used in general anesthesia.We planned a retrospective study. We formed two groups of 80 participants. One group included patients who were received remifentanil infusion during general anesthesia.The other group included patients who were received only sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia. The patients included in the study were evaluated for emergence delirium in the postoperative period be evaluating the past recorded informations.

Tight End-tidal Gas Control During Anesthesia to Decrease Postoperative Delirium Anesthetic Management...
Post-Operative ConfusionDelirium1 moreRespiratory end-tidal gas control is a fundamental of anesthetic management. The range of end-tidal (ET) O2 and CO2 during the conduct of anesthesia is far outside that found in the awake state. Recent work has indicated that alterations in end-tidal gases may influence the incidence of postoperative delirium (POD). This study will examine the feasibility of tight end-tidal gas control during anesthesia to decrease the incidence of POD.

Emergence Delirium in Children for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
DeliriumPediatric Disorder1 moreSedation or anaesthesia is necessary to be able to perform magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on children who cannot keep still or are uncooperative, and thus the targets of maximum patient safety, successful imaging, and the highest imaging quality can be achieved. There are various drugs for sedation in MRI. A child with Anaesthesia Emergence Delirium (AED) has a state of consciousness which can be described as "irritable, uncompromising, inconsistent, crying inconsistently, wailing, and kicking". The incidence of AED worldwide has been reported to vary between 18% and 80%, depending on the diagnostic criteria used. This difference can usually be explained by the use of different scales and defining criteria. In 2004, Sikich and Lerman developed the Paediatric Anaesthesia Emergence Delirium (PAED) scale, including cognitive evaluation components in addition to agitation behaviours, and the validity and reliability of this scale have been proven. In a study of anaesthesia early delirium in children by Bong et al.7 a score of ≥10 on the PAED scale was shown to have the greatest sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of anaesthesia early delirium. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect on the occurrence of emergence delirium, and recovery, of propofol and ketofol in paediatric patients undergoing diagnostic MRI following premedication with intranasal dexmedetomidine and midazolam.