Relationship Between Perioperative Sleep Disturbance and Postoperative Delirium
Postoperative DeliriumThe investigators are performing this research study to understand the role of sleep disturbance on the incidence of delirium after surgery.

The Effect of Preoperative Anxiety on Postoperative Delirium in Children
Preoperative AnxietyPostoperative DeliriumInvestigation of the effect of preoperative anxiety on postoperative delirium in children who will undergo circumcision operation

Effect of Infraorbital and Infratrochlear Nerve Block on Emergence Agitation in Patients Undergoing...
Emergence AgitationPainThe purpose of this study is to determine whether bilateral infraorbital and infratrochlear nerve block in patients undergoing septorhinoplasty are effective in preventing emergence agitation.

Comparison of Propofol 1mg/kg and Propofol 0.5mg/kg for Prevention of Emergence Agitation in Children...
StrabismusThe occurrence of emergence agitation (EA) in pediatric patients who have received sevoflurane anesthesia is a common postoperative problem. Among various strategies for reducing the incidence and severity of EA, the use of pharmacological agents at the end of anesthesia is thought to be the most convenient and easily applicable method in clinical situation. The one of typical agents that can be administered in this way is propofol. Previous studies demonstrated that the use of propofol 1mg/kg at the end of anesthesia could reduce the incidence of EA with low incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting. However, it was also demonstrated that the use of propofol 1mg/kg at the end of anesthesia could delay the emergence time. The purpose of this study is to compare the preventive effect on EA and the emergence time between propofol 1mg/kg and propofol 0.5mg/kg administered at the end of sevoflurane anesthesia.

Patent Foramen Ovale and the Risk of Postoperative Delirium Following Elective Hip and Knee Arthroplasty...
Foramen OvalePatent7 moreThis study will involve patients who are planned to have hip or knee replacement surgeries. They will undergo a Transthoracic Echocardiogram study (an ultrasound of the heart) to look for a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO). A PFO is a hole in the heart that everyone is born with and in most cases eventually closes by adulthood. However, it does not always close in all people. The investigators will compare the participants as two groups - those with a PFO, and those without, and look for differences in delirium in their postoperative stay. This will help us look for an association between postoperative delirium and the presence of a PFO.

Cerebral Oxygenation in Total Hip Arthroplasty Patients
Cerebral Oxygen DesaturationPost-operative DeliriumWe plan to investigate the relationship between hypotensive epidural anesthesia for hip arthroplasty and cerebral oxygen saturation.

How Different Sedatives Affect Hip Fracture Patient's Postoperative Delirium
Delirium in Old Agethe hypothesis is that Dexmedetomidine seems to decrease incidence of post-operative delirium . one possible mechanism is that Dex have a minor influence on cognition, since it has no effect on GABA receptor,another is that Dex could induce a sleep similar to natural sleep, thereby decreasing sleep deprivation and circadian rhythm disorder in post-operative patients. In this study , investigators devise the two different sedatives(Dexmedetomidine and Propofol)'influence on postoperative delirium in hip fracture elderly participants under spinal anesthesia

Butorphanol Mitigate Emergence Agitation in Patients Undergoing Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery...
AgitationEmergence agitation is one of the common postoperative complications after functional endoscopic sinus surgery(FESS). The objective of present study is to explore the effectiveness of butorphanol in the alleviation of emergence agitation in patients undergoing Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.

Rate of Postoperative Delirium and Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction After Spinal Anesthesia
DeliriumThe aim of this investigation is to compare the standard of general anesthesia used in these patients with these short-acting local anesthetics (Chloroprocain (Ampres®) and Prilocain (Takipril®)) for spinal anesthesia as well as to report the patient centered outcome of postoperative delirium and neurocognitive disorder. In accordance to current evidence regarding the occurrence of postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive deficit, patients are to be screened daily for delirium up to the fifth postoperative day if in hospital, or till the first postoperative day after ambulatory surgery and for neurocognitive disorder 1 year following the surgery. To detect delirium the Nu-DESC (Nursing Delirium Screening Scale) will be used as a validated scoring systems to ensure the highest sensitivity in delirium identification. CANTAB battery will be used for assessment of neurocognitive disorder. This is a neuropsychological testing (computer-based (I-Pad) [Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery - CANTAB connect and parameters from the item list], as well as the subjective / by proxy Assessment of Cognitive Limitations. It is essential to perform the appropriate cognitive performance tests not only on operative patients but also on a non-surgical cohort, using currently established models of calculation in postoperative cognitive deficits and a control group generated from non-surgical patients.

Impact of Acetaminophen on Postoperative Delirium Elderly Patients After Non-cardiac Surgery
AcetaminophenDelirium in Old AgeTo investigate the impact of acetaminophen analgesia on the frequency of postoperative delirium and 28 days mortality in elderly patients after noncardiac surgery.