Assessment of Postoperative Delirium With CAM ICU Score in Patients Treated With Serotoninergic...
DeliriumThe study aims to observe the presence of postoperative delirium in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery, without changing the pharmacological prescriptions of the enrolled patients and the procedures carried out by normal clinical practice.

Postoperative Delirium in Hip Fracture Patients
DeliriumRisk factors for postoperative delirium in hip fracture patients.

Validation of the Greek Version of the Confusion Assessment Method Diagnostic Algorithm (CAM) and...
Postoperative DeliriumThis study attempts to validate the Greek version of the CAM Diagnostic Algorithm and Nu-DESC in patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia.

Predictors for Postoperative Delirium After Major Noncardiac Surgery in Adults
Postoperative DeliriumThis research project is an observational cohort study by retrospective chart review of patients that underwent major noncardiac surgery at University Hospital Basel, Switzerland, in the years 2011-2015. The PODMAS study aims to identify risk factors for POD in a general surgical population.

Methadone for Emergence Delirium in Children Undergoing Outpatient Strabismus Surgery
Emergence DeliriumStrabismusStrabismus surgery for children is a very common procedure, with a high incidence of emergence delirium in the recovery room. Pain is often implicated in delirium. The primary aim of this study is to determine whether a single, intraoperative dose of methadone for outpatient ambulatory pediatric strabismus surgery reduces postoperative delirium.

Incidence of Emergence Delirium in the PACU
Emergence DeliriumEmergence delirium (ED) is serious complication in the postoperative period in paediatric anaesthesia, reported incidence is 20-60%. It is characterized by psychomotor and perception disorder with excitation of paediatric patients. Emergence delirium has impact on morbidity and even on mortality of paediatric patients in the postoperative period. The potential risk factors for ED development include sevoflurane, which is the dominant anaesthetic agent used in the paediatric patients, and which is actually the only inhalation agent used for inhalation anaesthesia induction. The incidence of ED is higher in postoperative period, for example in the Post-anaesthesia Care Unit - PACU. Patients with ED are at higher risk of psychomotor anxiety, agitation, unintentional extraction of intravenous cannula, and nausea and vomiting. For the therapy of ED propofol, midazolam and eventually ketamine in a reduced dosage are used.

Predictors for Postoperative Delirium After Cardiac Surgery in Adults: a One-year, Single Center,...
Postoperative DeliriumThe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. (DSM-5) describes delirium as a "disturbance in attention (i.e., reduced ability to direct, focus, sustain, and shift attention) and awareness (reduced orientation to the environment)". In addition, a "disturbance in cognition (e.g., memory deficit, disorientation, language, visuospatial ability, or perception)" occurs. Postoperative delirium (POD) usually develops in connection with a surgical procedure within the first five days after an intervention. Roughly 10-70% of all surgical patients above the age of 65 years are affected. POD places not only a burden to the patient and their families by increasing functional and cognitive damages, and increasing mortality, it also has a high impact on the health care resource utilization. A patient with POD often requires more intensive care, has a longer length of hospital stay, more complications, and often requires long-term care after being discharged from the hospital. All these aspects show the need for prevention of POD. There are various preoperative risk factors that influence the development of POD. Broad research has been done on this topic and shown that advanced age, cognitive impairment, depression and other psychopathologic symptoms, intake of psychotropic substances, sensory impairment like decrease in visual or auditory perception, impairment in daily life activities, dehydration, malnutrition, metabolic dysfunctions, urinary catheters, severity of disease and different comorbidities, such as chronic cardiac insufficiency, atrial fibrillation, or previous history of stroke or infections may favor the occurrence of POD. The incidence of POD is among the highest in cardiac surgery. The study was designed to assess predictors for POD after cardiac surgery. Study hypothesis is that some patient variables, scores and biomarkers are not only predictive of the incidence of POD but also of the severity of delirium-associated symptoms and duration of POD after cardiac surgery.

Postoperative Delirium in Adult Patients After Elective Craniotomy Under General Anaesthesia
Intensive CareSurgical2 morePostoperative delirium may result in many adverse complications. At present little is known about postoperative delirium in patients after crniotomy because they may manifest similar symptoms to definitely delirium for some structural brain disease. Objective of this study is to find out incidence and risk factors of postoperative delirium in patients after elective craniotomy and also the relationship of postoperative delirium with clinical outcome.

Predictors of Postoperative Delirium in Elder Patients After Spine Surgery: Regional Cerebral Oxygen...
Postoperative Delirium in Elder Patients After Spine SurgeryPostoperative delirium is an important problem in patients undergoing major surgery. The incidence of delirium was 12.5% in the patients over 70 years old undergoing spine surgery. A study shows that a low preoperative regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2) is associated with postoperative delirium after on-pump cardiac surgery. This same perturbation likely also increases the risk for postoperative delirium after spine surgery, although there are little data that have evaluated this hypothesis. Therefore, this observational study was designed to explore the relationship between perioperative rSO2 and the delirium in elderly patients undergoing spine surgery.

Relevance of the Peripheral Cholinesterase-activity on Neurocognitive Dysfunctions in Surgical Patients...
Postoperative DeliriumIn this prospective, multicenter observational study the investigators capture the perioperative course of peripheral cholinesterase activity. The focus is the perioperative inflammation causing postoperative delirium. Therefore we measure the activity of Acetylcholine-Esterase and Butyrylcholine-Esterase in whole blood of adults in the perioperative context. Early postoperative delirium will be detected by Nu-DESC in the Recovery Room or the Postanaesthesia-Care-Unit. The course of the peripheral cholinesterase activity will be compared with the incidence of postoperative delirium and other clinical dysfunctions. We follow up the patients for up to five years regarding Delirum, comorbidities and mortality data.