Acetylcholinesterase in Postoperative Delirium
DeliriumThe level of acetylcholinesterase is suspected to correlate with postoperative delirium. The investigators therefore score patients once preoperatively and twice postoperatively with the german version of the delirium-score NuDESC (Nursing Delirium Screening Scale) and compare the results with the acetylcholinesterase activity, butyrylcholinesterase activity and the serum anticholinergic activity (SAA) at corresponding time points.

Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Delirium After Living Donor Renal Transplantation in Adult Patients...
Postoperative Delirium After Living Donor Renal TransplantationDelirium, an acute change in mental status, is a serious medical complication among hospitalized patients. Syndrome of delirium involves agitation, sleep disturbance, affective disorders and cognitive disruptions. One vulnerable period for developing delirium is in the postoperative days. Postoperative delirium often initiates a cascade of adverse consequences including an increase in length of stay and hospital costs, and greater mortality. The investigators have observed that the incidence of postoperative delirium in patients after renal transplantation is about 20-30% in our hospital. Several studies have revealed that dexmedetomidine, as a widely used sedative during anesthesia, can decrease the incidence of postoperative delirium after cardiac surgery. The investigators aim to examine whether administration of dexmedetomidine can reduce postoperative delirium after living donor renal transplantation in adult patients.

Evaluation and Implementation of the "Paediatric Anesthesia Emergence Delirium Scale" (PAED) in...
Paediatric Anesthesia Emergence DeliriumThe goal of this study is to determine the incidence and characteristics of Emergence Delirium (ED) in children aged 0 - 13 undergoing general anesthesia and being taken care of at the paediatric PACU of the Charité Campus Virchow-Clinic. Therefore the "Paediatric Anesthesia Emergence Delirium Scale" (PAED) is used. In order to measure the patient's pain level, age-appropriate pain scales (CHIPPS or FPS-R) are applied. Risk factors for the occurrence of ED are to be determined and therapeutic approaches in case of an occurring ED are to be evaluated. Finally the future implementation of ED-monitoring in the PACU is to be prepared.

The Effects of Anaesthetic Agents on Postoperative Delirium
DeliriumThe purpose of this study is to prove the correlation between the post-operative delirium (POD) and anesthetic agents. The investigators hypothesized that intravenous anaesthetics would show the lower incidence of POD, compared with inhalation anaesthetics in off-pump CABG.

Optimized Anesthesia to Reduce Incidence of Postoperative Delirium
Postoperative DeliriumThe purpose of this study is to compare the difference of incidence of postoperative delirium between patients received general anesthesia guided by Bispectral index (BIS) and patients received general anesthesia using standard technique.

Impact of Impaired Cerebral Autoregulation on Postoperative Delirium in Elderly Patients Undergoing...
DeliriumDelirium (confusion) after surgery is common and associated with a longer hospitl stay and increased hopsital cost. There is very little information available about how often delirium occurs and the complications associated with it. Elderly patients are at high risk for delirium after surgery. This research is being done to measure how often delirium after spine surgery occurs and to see if there are ways to predict if delirium will develop. The results from this study will provide important information on a possible mechanism and predictor of delirium.

Sevoflurane, Propofol and Desflurane on POD/POCD
SevofluranePropofol1 moreThe investigators will perform clinical studies to test the hypothesis that participants who have total hip/knee replacement under sevoflurane, propofol or desflurane anesthesia will have different effects on the incidence and severity of POD/POCD, and POD/POCD is associated with retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness, as well as Serum level of vitamin B12, folic acid, homocysteine and human myeloid differentiation protein-2 (MD-2s). The investigators plan to perform the studies in 300 participants at Shanghai 10th People's Hospital.

Dexmedetomidine to Improve Outcomes of ARDS in Critical Care COVID-19 Patients
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeInflammation4 moreA continuous infusion of Dexmedetomidine (DEX) will be administered to 80 patients admitted to Critical Care because of signs of Respiratory Insufficiency requiring non-invasive ventilation. Measurements of respiratory performance and quantification of cellular and molecular inflammatory mediators. The primary outcome will be the avoidance of mechanical ventilation with secondary outcomes duration of mechanical ventilation, avoidance of delirium after sedation and association of mediators of inflammation to outcomes. Outcomes will be compared to a matched historical control (no DEX) series

Correlation of Electroencephalogram With Postoperative Delirium During Cardiac Surgery
ElectroencephalogramPostoperative DeliriumThe purpose of this study is to explore characteristic changes of EEG epileptiform discharges in patients under CPB and correlation with POD

Predicting Cognition After DBS for Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's DiseaseDeep Brain Stimulation2 moreThe aim of the study is to improve estimation of cognitive outcome after STN-DBS in PD in order to avoid risk factors by optimizing peri- and intraoperative management personalize therapeutic strategies for optimal long-term benefit The investigators will test possible predictors (clinical, neuropsychological, neuroimaging, electrophysiological and molecular) for the risk of cognitive dysfunction after deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN-DBS) in Parkinson's disease (PD) at a single center (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany). Data collection takes place prior to as well as 3 and 12 months after the STN-DBS operation. Participation is proposed to all PD patients that are planned to undergo STN-DBS after careful examination of eligibility for this treatment according to standard operation procedures.