Association Between the Brain Excitability and Postoperative Delirium in Patients Undergoing Heart...
Brain ExcitabilityPostoperative Delirium1 moreThe purpose of this study is to explorethe brain excitability in patients undergoing heart valve replacement surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass and the correlation with postoperative delirium

Cerebral Oxygen Desaturation and Post-Operative Delirium in Thoracic Surgical Patients
DeliriumThoracic SurgeryThis study will assess the incidence and risk factors for post-operative delirium in patients undergoing thoracotomy. Specifically, the study will assess if there is any relationship between an intra-operative decrease in brain oxygen levels which can occur during one-lung ventilation, and the occurrence of delirium in the post-operative period.

Relation Between Withdrawal Movement for Rocuronium and Emergence Agitation
Inguinal HerniaRocuronium results in burning pain on injection site. It can be reduced by local anesthetics or opioid, but still some patients, especially in children, show withdrawal movement for pain. This might resulted from individual pain sensitivity. Emergence agitation (EA) in children is quite frequent postoperatively and is known to be associated with postoperative pain. If a patient is susceptible to postoperative pain, he or she would have high probability of EA postoperatively. Therefore, the investigators explore the relation of withdrawal movement of rocuronium and EA.

Postoperative Delirium - European Society of Anaesthesiology Survey
Postoperative DeliriumThe ESA is currently preparing a guideline on the management of postoperative delirium (POD), which attempts to reduce the impact of postoperative delirium and provide recommendations for prevention, diagnostics and treatment of delirium outside the intensive care unit. The guidelines are going to be published during 2015. While the guideline provides recommendations for daily practice, assessment of current practice and knowledge is of utmost importance, because the implementation and the measurement of a change in clinical practice will be dependent on these measurements. This Survey has been approved by the Scientific and Research Committees of the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA), the Media Committee of the ESA, as well as the institutional ethical committee of Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Biochemical Predictors of Delirium in Cardiac Surgery
Postoperative DeliriumDelirium is a common neurologic complication after cardiac surgery occuring in 30-50% of patients. The occurence of this complication is associated with worse outcomes, including prolonged length of stay in the ICU and hospital, increased morbidity and mortality. Considering great clinical significance of this complication, the search for early predictors of postoperative delirium remains an urgent task. The purpose of this prospective observational study is to test the hypothesis that metabolomic changes before and after cardiac surgery could be served as early predictors of this complication.

Parental Anxiety and Its Relationship With Pediatric Patients' Post-operative Responses
Post-operative DeliriumChildren1 morePost-operative delirium had multiple risk factors, such as pre-operative anxiety status, post-operative pain, and anesthetic method. We currently decrease pre-operative anxiety by parental accompanying until the children put to sleep. However, references indicate that parental anxiety can increase the post-operative delirium. Heart rate variability was used to measure the anxiety status of parents. We think sympathetic tone elevation measured by heart rate variability may not induce by anxiety alone, thus we want to explore this question by using Stat-Trait Anxiety Inventory questionnaire.

Post-operative Delirium (POD) in Patients Undergoing Hip Fracture Surgery
DeliriumCognitive DysfunctionThe primary endpoint of the study is the appearance of Post Operative Delirium within the first 3 months. The secondary endpoints are the development of POCD, dementia of any type of new onset at 12 months, mortality at 30 days, postoperative hospitalization time (including rehabilitation performed within the Polyclinic).. The analysis of the risk factors of POD and their correlation with the development of POCD/Dementia in the post-surgery period will provide important information for the optimization of the management path of these patients at an individual level , with inevitable repercussions on the possibility of reintegration into social and family life

Association Between Changes of GFAP After Surgery and Postoperative Delayed Cognitive Recovery
AstrogliosisPostoperative Cognitive Dysfunction1 moreAssessment of serum level of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) before surgery (on the day of surgery), 24 hours after surgery and on 3 or 4 postoperative day. Neuropsychological testing before surgery and on 3 or 4 day after surgery. Investigation of relationship between changes of GFAP and scores of neuropsychological tests.

Survey Assessing the Level of Knowledge of Postoperative Delirium in Poland.
Postoperative DeliriumPostoperative Delirium (POD) is one of the most common complications occurring after surgery with an incidence ranging from 4 to 53%. It may lead to increased postoperative morbidity and mortality, with loss of independence and cognitive dysfunction in certain groups of patients. Aiming to reduce the incidence of POD and improve the outcome of patients diagnosed with POD, it is necessary to raise awareness regarding POD. The most important issue are: identification of risk factors, improved monitoring, necessary prevention and adequate treatment. The Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy (PTAiIT) has made an attempt to improve the situation in Poland by testing the implementation of official POD guidelines published by the European Society of Anesthesiology in year 2017. While the guidelines provide recommendations for daily practice it is necessary to identify the degree of their implementation in each country. Therefore survey has been prepared regarding postoperative delirium in Poland. This Survey has been submitted to the Bioethical Committee of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin (Poland) and received a waiver due to the non-interventional, observational character of the study (decision no. KB-0012/06/01/2020/Z).

Effect of Preoperative Anxiety on Postoperative Delirium in Elderly Patients Undergoing Orthopaedic...
DeliriumAnxietyPostoperative delirium is a common and important complication in patients. The aim of this study was to investigate whether preoperative anxiety predicted onset of postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery, so as to help develop preventive approaches.