HOST - DAPT Duration According the Bleeding Risk
Coronary Artery DiseaseAcute Myocardial Infarction1 moreDual antiplatelet agent therapy (DAPT) is essential in treating PCI patients. DAPT can minimize thrombotic adverse events that occur not only at the stented lesion, but along the whole coronary tree. However, DAPT has a critical side effect of increasing bleeding complications. Addressing the clinical imperatives of lowering bleeding while preserving ischemic benefit requires therapeutic strategies that decouple thrombotic from hemorrhagic risk. Recently, the ARC definition of high bleeding risk (HBR) has been published, so as to stress the need of optimal DAPT treatment in HBR patients. Due to the definitely higher bleeding risk in HBR patients, it would be rather more straight forward to titrate the optimal DAPT duration in these patients. In this line, many studies are in progress on HBR patients, with an ultra-short DAPT duration (i.e. Leaders free, Onyx ONE, Master DAPT, Xience 28, Xience 90, Evolve short DAPT trial, etc.). As a counteract to the definition of HBR, there is a concept of LBR. Due to the relatively vague ischemic/bleeding risk in LBR patients, balancing ischemic and bleeding complications post-PCI is more difficult in LBR patients, which may be a more important dilemma for clinicians. In this regards, limited evidence exists on the optimal duration of DAPT in LBR patients. Various previous studies that have evaluated the optimal DAPT in PCI populations, did not have the concept of HBR or LBR, making interpretation difficult. Therefore, this study is planning to compare the efficacy and safety of different DAPT durations, in patients stratified according to the ARB-HBR definition.

A Placebo-controlled Trial of Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for the...
Stable AnginaChronic Total Occlusion of Coronary ArteryORBITA-CTO Pilot is a double blinded randomised placebo-controlled trial comparing the effects of chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention versus placebo on symptoms of angina in patients with background optimal medical therapy.

Impact of Rotational Atherectomy on Coronary Microcirculation
Stable AnginaCoronary Artery DiseaseThe purpose of this observational study is to compare the impact of rotational atherectomy to conventional stenting and to investigate how it may affect coronary microcirculation in patients with calcified coronary artery lesions and stable CAD. The study's objectives are to: investigate the impact of rotational atherectomy on the prevalence of post-percutaneuos coronary intervention coronay microvascular dysfunction; investigate the impact of conventional stenting on the prevalence of post-percutaneuos coronary intervention coronay microvascular dysfunction; and compare the impact of both percutaneuos coronary interventions on coronary microvascular dysfunction. Patients with calcified lesions will be enrolled prospectively and will have serial invasive and non-invasive microvascular testing prior to and after rotational atherectomy or conventional stenting.

Genotyping GUided Antiplatelet theRapy in pAtieNts Treated With Drug Eluting stEnts (GUARANTEE)...
AnginaStable3 moreThe aim of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of the CYP2C19 genotype guided antiplatelet treatment strategy, using clopidogrel in non-carriers of a CYP2C19*2 or *3 allele and ticagrelor in carriers of a CYP2C19*2 or *3 allele in patients treated with new generation drug eluting stents.

PRospective Evaluation of Complete Revascularization in Patients With multiveSsel Disease Excluding...
Multi Vessel Coronary Artery DiseaseNon-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction5 moreThis prospective, multicenter, non-randomized, single arm, objective performance goal (OPG) study is designed to evaluate clinical outcomes after complete revascularization by PCI and imaging guidance (OCT) in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease including left anterior descending (LAD) presenting with stable angina, or documented silent ischemia, or non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS).

Perfusion Estimation For Optimal Treatment Strategy in Chronic Coronary Syndrome
Chronic Coronary SyndromeMyocardial Ischemia2 moreWe will establish a cohort of 570 symptomatic chronic coronary syndrome patients undergoing 15O-water PET and assess their symptoms through repeated questionnaires. Two hundred patients with abnormal perfusion will be randomized to immediate or delayed referral to invasive coronary angiography with concomitant optimization of guideline-directed medical therapy with repeated 15O-water PET and questionnaires at 3 and 6 months. The primary objective is to compare the potential benefit of early invasive coronary angiography (ICA) versus guideline directed medical therapy (GDMT) on symptomatic relief defined as freedom of angina after 3 months following a positive [15O]H2O cardiac PET/CT in patients with symptomatic chronic coronary syndrome.

The Flash FFR Ⅱ Study
Coronary Artery DiseaseCoronary Stenosis7 moreThe overall purpose of Flash FFR Ⅱ is to investigate whether coronary angiography-derived fractional flow reserve (caFFR), compared with fractional flow reserve (FFR) measured by a pressure wire, has non-inferior clinical effect and cost benefit in guiding the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for patients with moderate coronary artery stenosis in terms of long-term clinical prognosis.

Effect of Remote Intervention in Patients With SCAD
Stable Chronic AnginaIschemic Heart Disease3 moreThe study was a multicenter, two-arm, parallel, open-label, prospective clinical trial that evaluated a remote intervention with 1 year of follow-up.

iCorMicA - Stratified Medicine in Angina
Microvascular AnginaAngina9 moreThe iCorMicA study is a multicentre, prospective, randomised, double-blind, sham-controlled, parallel-group, end-point trial and registry. The investigators seek to determine whether stratified medical therapy guided by an adjunctive interventional diagnostic procedure (IDP) during the invasive management of patients with known or suspected angina but no obstructive coronary artery disease improves symptoms, wellbeing, cardiovascular risk and clinical outcomes.

Efficacy and Safety of Aspirin in Patients With Chronic Coronary Syndromes Without Revascularization...
Stable Angina PectorisCoronary Artery Disease1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety aspirin in patients with chronic coronary syndromes without revascularization.