Compartive Evalution of the Efficiency of Maxillary Canine Retraction Using Power Chain Versus Burstone...
Class I Malocclusionevaluate and compare the efficiency between elastomeric chains and burston T-loop retractors in terms of rate of maxillary canine retraction and canine movements

A Comparison Between GUMMETAL and SS Orthodontic Wires in Space Closure
MalocclusionAngle Class IWhen there is space present between our teeth orthodontically we have the ability to close them through many methods. Using braces as our treatment modality this study will be investigating how efficient a new orthodontic wire is in closing tooth space. This new material is trade-named GUMMETAL and claims to have many benefits to treating patients orthodontically. We will be exploring its efficiency in space closure compared to an industry standard (stainless steel). We predict that the stainless-steel orthodontic wire will be more efficient at space closure than the new GUMMETAL wires.

The Efficacy of Lingual Aligners in Adults.
MalocclusionAngle Class IThe goal of this clinical trial is to test the effectiveness of lingual aligners in adults. The main question to answer is: - Are lingual aligners effective in achieving desired and predicted tooth movements?

BRIUS Vs FFA Efficiency
Dental MalocclusionAngle Class II3 moreThe purpose of this study is to compare the Full Fixed Preadjusted appliances (regular braces) when to the BRIUS system.

The Role of Low Level Laser Therapy in Acceleration of Teeth Alignment in Lingual Orthodontic Patients...
MalocclusionAngle Class I1 moreWe will treat patients with class I malocclusion who have moderate crowding (4-6 mm) according to Little's irregularity index and asses the efficacy of low level laser therapy in accelerating orthodontic tooth movement . There is two groups : treated with Low level laser therapy (LLLT) treated traditionally without any irradiation Patients will be randomly allocated in any group and all data will be collected through photographs when leveling and alignment completed. Also pain levels will be assessed using numeric rating scale to compare between the two groups and if laser really can relief pain or not .

Effect of Systemic Administration of Vitamin D on the Rate of Orthodontic Tooth Movement - A Randomized...
Angle Class IThis study is to evaluate the effect of vitamin D on the rate of tooth movement by measuring and comparing the extraction space closure during retraction in experimental (vitamin D supplemented) and control groups with a sample size of 24 and having serum vitamin D level (30-40 ng/ml). All subjects undergo orthodontic levelling and alignment after premolar extractions followed by vitamin D supplementation in the experimental group. The rate of canine retraction will be measured in both the groups and CBCT taken in the interval of 6 months before and after intervention to measure root changes

Comparison Between Clear Aligners and Traditional Fixed Appliances in the Treatment of Four-premolar-extraction...
MalocclusionAngle Class I2 morePatients who have severe crowding that require four premolars extraction will be treated in this study. The efficacy of the clear aligners and vestibular fixed appliances will be assessed. The treatment result of these two different methods will be explored using the Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) in two different times (T0: Before treatment, T1: After treatment) and the American Board of Orthodontics Objective Grading System (ABO-OGS) after treatment (T1). There are two groups: First group (Experimental): the patients in this group will be treated using clear aligners. Second group (Control): the patients in this group will be treated using fixed appliances.

Acceleration of Alignment of Crowded Lower Anterior Teeth
MalocclusionAngle Class I1 morePatients at the Orthodontic Department of University of Damascus Dental School will be examined and subjects who meet the inclusion criteria will be included. Then, initial diagnostic records (diagnostic gypsum models, internal and external oral photographs, as well as radiographic images) will be studied to ensure that the selection criteria are accurately matched. The aim of this study is to compare two groups of patients with moderate crowding of the lower anterior teeth First group (Experimental): the patients in this group will be treated with orthodontic fixed appliances + surgery to the alveolus of the lower anterior teeth in order to induce remodeling of the bony structures and enhance orthodontic movement. Second group (Control): the patients in this group will be treated using fixed appliances with any acceleration method.

A Biotype Enhancing Strategy For The Patient Undergoing Accelerated Orthodontics
Class I MalocclusionOther Periodontal Diseases1 moreNumerous treatment protocols geared towards accelerating orthodontic treatment have emerged in the past few years as an appealing alternative for patients and practitioners. In the context of a thin biotype, these approaches pose a burden that could precipitate periodontal detrimental changes. Therefore, case selection and the implementation of periodontal biotype enhancing strategies become a relevant consideration to ensure long-term successful treatment outcomes. This study focuses on the biological and clinical value of the use of a porcine naturally cross-linked collagen matrix known as Mucograft®. Within the scope of Surgically Accelerated Orthodontic Treatment (SAOT) the structural and material features of Mucograft® provide: 1) A protective effect to the thin biotype upon rapid orthodontic protusive/proinclination movements and 2) Mucograft® enhances the therapeutic window effect that supports an increase on tooth movement rate. The designs of this randomized controlled clinical trial includes a cohort of 40 subjects distributed on the following groups I) Ortho tx, II) Ortho tx + Decortication, III) Ortho tx + Decortication + Mucograft®, and IV) Ortho tx + Mucograft®. Comparing clinical, tomographic and digital impression derived measurements will capture the clinical phenotype; while the biologic phenotype will be derived from evaluating crevicular fluid levels of tooth movement mediators such as Interleukin 1-β and Interleukin-1RA. The significance and innovative value of this proposal stems from the use of Mucograft® as an ideal collagen-based biotype enhancer when performed along with the corticotomy. This approach could prove to be effective to further increase the therapeutic window that allows accelerating orthodontic treatment and, at the same time, could decrease the recession risk in movements of proclination of antero-inferior incisors. Besides, the use of a collagen scaffold alone could potentially trigger a comparable orthodontic acceleratory outcome that could be evaluated as an alternative to decortication.

3D Comparison of Anterior Teeth Retraction and Anchorage Control Between En-masse and Two-step Mechanics...
MalocclusionAngle Class I2 moreThe aim of this study is to compare en masse (EM) and two-step anterior teeth retraction (TSR) evaluated by means of three-dimensional images superimposition. Thirty-two adult patients with bimaxillary protrusion planed for treatment with four first premolar extractions will be enrolled. All patients will be randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to either EM (n=16) group or the TSR (n=16) group. Cone bean computed tomography will be taken before and after anterior retraction. A blind observer will construct separate 3D models for maxillary and mandibular surfaces using the anterior cranial fossa to register models of before and after space closing. Quantitative assessment of posterior anchorage loss and amount of anterior teeth retraction are the main outcomes. The secondary outcomes are the inclination of the molars, canines and incisors.