Weber B Ankle Fractures With Associated Posterior Malleolus Fracture
Posterior Malleolus FracturesAnkle Fractures3 moreAnkle fractures constitute 9% of all fractures and have an incidence of approximately 187 per 100,000 persons per year in Norway. A posterior malleolar fragment (PMF), located on the lower backside of the tibia, is present in up to 46% of Weber B. Weber B fractures are the most common type of fractures of the fibula, located at the height of the syndesmosis. Patients with a PMF were recently shown to have significantly lower patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) than the general population. For this reason, the indication and choice of intervention for these fractures have been the object of increased interest over the recent years. It is one of the most debated areas within ankle fracture surgery. Traditionally, these PMFs have been treated with closed reduction, without direct manipulation of the PMF, anteroposterior screw fixation, or even no-fixation of the smaller fragments. A more novel posterior approach to the ankle for open reduction and internal fixation is increasingly popular and has led to fixation of smaller and medium-sized PMFs. Studies suggest fracture reduction is better with a posterior approach. However, there is no consensus as to what the best treatment is. There are no available randomized controlled studies examining PROM in patients after surgery with fixation versus no fixation for the PMF. Through a multicenter prospective randomized controlled trial initiated from Haukeland University Hospital, patients will be recruited and randomized to receive treatment with or without fixation of the PMF. Patients will be recruited at six study hospitals from all Regional Health Trusts in Norway. Treatment today is often based on local tradition and retrospective, ambiguous literature. As there is no clear evidence supporting the choice to fixate, or not fixate, the posterior malleolus fracture. The current study can contribute new knowledge and thereby contribute to an evidence-based approach to treating these patients. Mason and Molly type 2A and 2B fractures will be included in the study.

Randomized Controlled Trial for Ankle Fracture Pain Control
Ankle FracturesThis project is a multicenter, three armed, prospective randomized control trial studying the effectiveness of a long-acting local anesthetic "cocktail" in patients undergoing operative fixation of ankle fractures.

Use of Weightbearing Radiographs to Determine Treatment of bi- and Trimalleolar Ankle Fractures...
Ankle FractureBimalleolar2 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the outcomes after non-operative treatment of weightbearing stable bi-and trimalleolar ankle fractures.

A Study to Compare Two Different Managements After Ankle Surgery: Immediate and Delayed Weight-bearing....
Lateral Malleolus FractureThe investigators will compare two types of rehabilitation in patients who undergo a surgery for treatment of malleolar fractures: immediate complete weight-bearing and delayed weight-bearing. The investigators want to evaluate if the immediate complete weight-bearing can improve and hasten the functional outcome of the ankle without increasing the risk of complications.

Immediate Vs. Delayed Weight Bearing Postoperative Protocol in Diabetic Ankle Fractures
Ankle FracturesOperatively managed diabetic ankle fractures have significant risk for complications. The cause for failure is likely multifactorial, however, a component of failure has to do with an inability to process pain and pressure normally. This loss of protective sensation allows for an increase in abnormal stresses placed on the recently repaired fractures. Historically, diabetics have been kept non weight bearing for extended periods of time, which has its own functional and cardiovascular issues. The purpose of the study is to determine if a protocol of immediate weight bearing with a hindfoot offloading brace after surgically corrected ankle fracture in a diabetic patient will maintain adequate motion, have no difference in complications when compared to regular non-immediate weight bearing protocols, and lead to good outcome scores and patient satisfaction scores

Auricular Acupuncture as Part of Multimodal Analgesia After Lower Leg Fracture
PainPostoperative4 moreThe purpose is to find out if incorporation of an intraoperative electro auricular acupuncture protocol when added to a standard multimodal analgesic regimen for patients undergoing surgery to repair lower leg fracture under spinal anesthesia will help reduce postoperative opioid use.

Performance and Safety Evaluation of Inion CompressOn Screw in Foot and Ankle Surgeries. PMCF Investigation...
Medial Malleolus FractureLisfranc Injury19 moreThe study in question is a post market clinical follow up (PMCF) study to evaluate the safety and performance of bioabsorbable headless compression screw Inion CompressOn in selected fracture, osteotomy and arthrodeses operations of the foot and ankle. The study recruits 125 adult patients who meet the acceptance criteria. The follow-up time for each study patient is 4 years. The study is a single center single group study which is conducted in Tampere University Hospital (TAYS) in Finland. The main focus of the study in terms of performance is to evaluate the bone healing/ossification of operated areas. The main focus of the study in terms of safety is to evaluate the occurrence of adverse events and required revision surgeries that are or might be related to the study device.

Outpatient Versus Inpatient Surgery for Ankle Fractures
Ankle FracturesOrthopedic Procedures2 moreThis study is a single center randomized controlled trail in which we compare outpatient and inpatient patients with an ankle fracture requiring surgical treatment.

Functional Orthosis Versus Cast Immobilization for Partially Unstable Weber B Ankle Fractures
Ankle FracturesStability dictates treatment choice for trans-syndesmotic fibula fractures. Optimal treatment for partially unstable fractures remains a topic of debate. The purpose of this study is to evaluate possible outcome non-inferior of functional orthosis treatment versus cast immobilization for these fractures.

Early vs Delayed Weightbearing After Surgical Fixation of Unstable Ankle Fractures With Syndesmosis...
Unstable Ankle Fractures With Syndesmotic DisruptionNo study has prospectively compared a traditional post-operative non-weightbearing protocol versus early post-operative weightbearing as tolerated for unstable ankle injuries after surgical fixation of the syndesmosis. This prospective study will attempt to determine if early weightbearing can improve functional outcomes, result in a quicker return to work, and monitor differences in rates of adverse events. It will exclude the most severe ankle injuries and patients with excluding comorbidities.