Feasibility of Use of Indocyanine Green in Pediatric Colorectal Surgery
Hirschsprung DiseaseAnorectal MalformationsHirschsprung's Disease (HD) and anorectal malformations (ARM) are both paediatric diseases of the colon and rectum. Both of these conditions require surgery in order to correct them, frequently needing sections of the bowel to be removed. Some complications of removing parts of the bowel include forming a stricture (a narrowing of the place where the bowel is reattached), and leak from the join. These can be devastating complications, and can significantly impact a patient's quality of life. Indocyanine green (ICG) is a medication that binds to blood vessels and can be visualized using special cameras in the operating room. Once it binds, it "lights up" green on this equipment. This lends the advantage of being able to better see which parts of the bowel get good blood flow. The theory is that good blood flow can reduce the risks of previously mentioned complications. This has been shown to be true in a variety of bowel surgeries in adults. ICG has also been shown to be safe in children. Given that HD and ARM are both relatively rare conditions (~1/5000 live births), research in this area needs to be strategic. The investigators want to ensure that the investigators can recruit enough patients to the study using this protocol such that if this were to be scaled up to a multi-centre trial in the future, the investigators could demonstrate feasibility. The investigators will collect data both on the feasibility of recruitment as the primary outcome and secondary outcomes including stricture, leak, length of stay in hospital, and return to hospital.

Sacral Neuromodulation in Children and Adolescents
Chronic Constipation With OverflowEncopresis With Constipation and Overflow Incontinence3 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of neuromodulation for treatment of chronic constipation and fecal incontinence in pediatric patients and to evaluate the differences between the invasive vs. non-invasive approach.

StoMakker Mobile Application
Inflammatory Bowel DiseasesAnorectal Malformations2 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to investigate if access to the StoMakker application will significantly improve health-related quality of life in children receiving surgery resulting in an ileostomy, colostomy or continent urostomy. The main question it aims to answer are: Does access to StoMakker improve health-related quality of life in children receiving surgery for an ostomy? Does access to StoMakker improve the anxiety and social functioning of children receiving surgery for an ostomy? Does access to StoMakker improve postoperative complications of children receiving surgery for an ostomy? Participants will be asked to fill in several questionnaires around their surgery. The intervention group of the trial will be given access to the application "StoMakker". The control group of the trial will receive standard care.

Bowel Function and Associated Risk Factors for Bowel Dysfunciton in Patients With Anorectal Malformation...
Bowel DysfunctionThe present study was designed to evaluate bowel function in preschool and early childhood in a large number of patients with anorectal Malformation and to identify the associated risk factors for bowel dysfunction.

Long-term Qualitative and Quantitative Outcomes of Children With Hirschsprung's Disease and Anorectal...
Hirschsprung DiseaseAnorectal MalformationsApproximately 340 babies are born with Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) or an anorectal malformation (ARM) per year in the UK. Most require corrective surgery in the newborn or early infancy period. In both conditions, there is both variability in the severity of the condition and the type of operative technique used. Many children do well following surgery and have good continence in later life. However a significant proportion of children suffer from a lifetime of constipation or incontinence. This has a significant impact on their social and psychological welfare and is a significant burden on healthcare resources. Due to the variation in practice, there are limited data on long-term outcomes following surgery for children with HSCR or ARMs. Where studies have been performed, they often include small numbers, non-standardised outcome measures and short follow-up periods. It is therefore difficult to ascertain the effectiveness of different management strategies. However, a recent Delphi process has been carried out to establish 10 core measures in HSCR to improve outcome reporting. This research group has a long track record in this research area, specifically in the determination of long-term outcomes of children with HSCR, leading to well cited papers within the literature. In the last 2 decades there has been a significant change in the surgical techniques used in HSCR, however the underlying evidence base for this is still lacking. This study seeks to follow-on from previous studies looking specifically at the long-term outcomes in children with HSCR. Furthermore, the aim is to widen the study to encompass all children treated at Alder Hey and also to use the same methodology to assess long-term outcomes for children with ARMs, as both groups of patients experience similar long term morbidity. This will provide qualitative and quantitative data aiding counselling parents of children with HSCR/ARM.

Neokare Safety and Tolerability Assessment in Neonates With GI Problems
NECGastroschisis10 moreWith an increasing body of evidence to support a causal link between drinking milk that contain cow's milk protein (CMP) and the development of gastrointestinal disturbance in infants, many clinicians avoid the use of CMP containing feed in high risk babies. Delivery of adequate nutritional intake is one of the great challenges in the care of newborn infants, particularly those born preterm or with gastrointestinal problems. Whilst there are recognised benefits of human milk, a diet of exclusive human milk may not meet the nutritional demands of the infant. To close this gap, breast milk fortifier (BMF) is typically added to human milk. However, addition of BMF may be associated with gastrointestinal disturbance, possibly due to the fact that it contains CMP. This research study is to test the tolerability and safety of a new human milk-based BMF in neonates with gastrointestinal problems. It is hoped that this may provide an opportunity for high risk infants, to receive the benefits of human milk whilst minimising the risks reported to be associated with CMP. Eligible infants will be those in whom nutritional supplementation of breast is deemed clinically necessary, a weight of greater than 1.0kg at the time of starting fortifier and at least one of: previous gastrointestinal surgery congenital gastrointestinal anomaly medically treated gastrointestinal disease previously suspected intolerance of CMP based breast milk fortifier in the absence of other gastrointestinal disease Infants will be started on human milk-based BMF once they are tolerating 100 mls per kilo per day of human breast milk. The human milk-based fortifier will be commenced at half the recommended dose for 48 hours then increase to full strength. This will be continued until the infant reaches 44 weeks corrected gestational age, or until such time as they are deemed to no longer require the additional nutrition.

Longterm Outcomes of Individuals With Anorectal Malformations
Anorectal MalformationsThis is a cross-sectional observational study with the aim to assess longterm outcomes in a large cohort of individuals with anorectal malformations. Patients managed for anorectal malformations at Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, Stockholm 1994-2017 will be reviewed and they will be invited to respond to validated questionnaires evaluating bowel function (>4 years of age), urinary tract function (>4 years of age), sexual function (>18 years of age) and quality of life (>8 years of age). Data will be analyzed with descriptive and comparative statistics.

NASHA/Dx as a Perianal Implant for the Treatment of Persistent Fecal Incontience After Anorectal...
Fecal IncontinenceAnorectal MalformationPersistent fecal incontinence (FI) after anorectal malformations (ARM) is a common occurence. During the last two decades perianal injection therapy has emerged as an option for treating patients with FI due to other causes than ARMs. The studies done on different implants have always expempted patients with ARM which has led to ARM being a formal contraindication for treatment with perianal injection therapy. The study aims to treat patients with persistent FI after ARM with perianal injection of NASHA/Dx (Solesta®) and follow them with Clinical examination and questionnaires up to 18 months post treatment.

Non-invasive Sacral Nerve Stimulation in Children and Adolescents With Chronic Constipation
Chronic Constipation With OverflowEncopresis With Constipation and Overflow Incontinence2 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of additional neuromodulation for treatment of chronic constipation in pediatric patients

Comparative Study of the House Advancement Flap, Rhomboid Flap, and Y-V Anoplasty
Anal StenosisThis prospective randomized study included 60 consecutive patients suffering from anal stenosis in the period from April 2002 to December 2008. They admitted to colorectal surgery unit, Mansoura university hospital, Egypt. According to the classification proposed by Milson and Mazier(5), all patients had moderate to severe anal stenosis. There were 43 males and 17 female with a mean age 34 + 5.2 years ranging from 18 up to 63 years.