Inositol Supplementation to Treat PCOS (INSUPP-PCOS)
Polycystic Ovary SyndromeAnovulation4 moreTo determine if Inositol, a dietary supplement, will improve ovarian and adrenal androgen excess in women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS).

Randomized Controlled Trial of Combined Letrozole and Clomid (CLC II) Versus Letrozole Alone for...
Polycystic Ovary SyndromePCOS1 moreThis study evaluates the addition of clomiphene citrate (CC) to letrozole for the treatment of infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome across a course of two treatment cycles with stair step dosing of letrozole similar to standard of care. Half of the participants will receive letrozole and CC in combination, while the other half will receive letrozole alone.

Effect of Vitamin D on Ovulation Rate in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic Ovary SyndromeAnovulationThis is a randomized double-blind controlled trial on the effect of vitamin D supplementation to assess the ovulation rate of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and other reproductive, endocrine and metabolic outcomes after one year of treatment.

Sperm Preparation Prior to Intrauterine Insemination Study
InfertilityInfertility Secondary4 moreThis is a randomized controlled trial comparing density gradient centrifugation and microfluidic sperm sorting in patients undergoing intrauterine insemination to evaluate cumulative pregnancy outcomes.

Evaluation of Ovarian Morphology and Function in Overweight Women During Weight Loss
Weight LossAnovulation2 moreThe objective of this study is to explore the effects of weight loss on body composition, metabolic status, reproductive hormones, and ovarian follicle development in obese women with regular menstrual cycles versus obese women with irregular menstrual cycles and/or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Feasibility and Safety of Fasting in Fertility Treatment
Sub FertilityFemale7 moreThis exploratory study investigates fasting as a potential supportive therapy in infertility treatment for women suffering from infertility

Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Normogonadotropic Anovulation
EuthyroidAged 18-451 moreThyroid hormones (TH) can modify the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, affecting the functions of granulosa cells and the development and apoptosis of preantral follicles. TH receptors are present within the oocytes, and TH and anti-thyroid antibodies (ATA) are present in the follicular fluid. Improper thyroid function can cause ovulation disorders, luteal phase failure, impaired endometrial receptivity and result in implantation failures and recurrent miscarriages. While overt hypothyroidism is treated to improve fertility, the effect of subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) and the presence of circulating ATAs on fertility and obstetric outcomes is uncertain and data on ovarian reserve rates are conflicting. Among the causes of ovulation disorders (group II according to the WHO classification), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) dominates, found in 3-15% of women of reproductive age, and the remaining group of causes is the so-called Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Dysfunction (HPOD). The exact etiology of both entities is unknown.

Pilot Study:Role of Dietary Fiber in PCOS Anovulation
PCOSThe purpose of this study is to determine whether 6 months of fiber supplementation will improve ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Amlodipine on Blood Flow of Preovulatory Follicle in Polycystic Ovarian Patients
Female Infertility Associated With AnovulationOn the basis of the current study, amlodipine seems to be a promising drug on improving uterine, ovarian blood flow, size of pre-ovulatory follicle, midluteal progesterone level and pregnancy outcome in patients with pco.

A Phase III Clinical Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of DA-3801 and That of Gonal-F®
InfertilityAnovulationopen label, active-controlled, randomized, parallel group, comparative study.