Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells(MSCs) Transplantation for Acute Cerebral Infarction Patients
InfarctionMiddle Cerebral Artery12 moreThis is a placebo controlled, randomized, double blinded study including Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase I study is a safety assessment and Phase 2 study is incline to assess effectiveness of MSCs. Potential subjects must be screened and consented before enrolled. The primary objective of this study is to determine the effects of early intravenous infusion of allogeneic human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (HucMSCs or MSCs used in the following section) for patients with acute ischemic stroke. Eligible patients will receive a single dose of MSCs or placebo within 24 hours after stroke. Patients will be followed for 2 years post infusion for safety and efficacy (change in neurological symptoms and quality of life). Assessments will occur during transplantation and at 3,7, 14 days and1,3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after infusions of stem cells.

Translational Immunodiagnostics in Stroke (TrImS)
Acute Ischemic StrokeHaemorrhagic Stroke10 moreIn adult patients presenting to emergency departments within 24 hours of symptom onset with suspected acute stroke, we aim: to identify early brain- and pathology-specific circulating, whole blood, plasma and serum panorOmic biomarkers that enable early acute stroke detection, diagnosis, dynamics, differentiation, monitoring, prediction and prognosis. to identify early brain- and pathology-specific, panorOmic biomarkers in saliva that enable early acute stroke detection, diagnosis, dynamics, differentiation, monitoring, prediction and prognosis. to derive biomarker platforms of models for early acute stroke detection, diagnosis, dynamics, differentiation, monitoring, prediction and prognosis to validate these models in independent and external datasets

Effectiveness of EMS Versus TENS During Gait Training in Post Stroke Patients to Improve Gait and...
StrokeAnterior Cerebral ArteryThe goal of this Randomized clinical trial was to compare effectiveness of EMS versus TENS during gait training in stroke patients to improve gait and quality of life. The main question it aims to answer was: • To compare effectiveness of EMS versus TENS during gait training in post stroke survivors to improve gait and quality of life Participants were given consent form and after subjects read and sign the informed consent, they were included in study according to eligibility criteria. 2 groups were included in study, one group received stimulation through TENS and other through EMS. Both groups received exercise protocol and stimulation would be provided only during gait training. Outcome was measured through different outcome measure tools.

Stem Cell Therapy For Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
Middle Cerebral Artery InfarctionAnterior Cerebral Artery InfarctionThe purpose of this study is to determine whether patients with subacute ischemic stroke will benefit from infusion of patient's own bone marrow derived stem cells. Primary Hypothesis: Intravenous injection of bone marrow mononuclear cells at a dose of 30 to 500 million in patients with subacute ischemic stroke results in reduction of infarct volume and improvement of neurological function compared to those without the injection. Secondary Hypothesis: Patients receiving more than 100 million Bone marrow derived stem cells (BMSC) will have better outcome than those receiving fewer dosages of cells.

Effect of Rosuvastatin on Prognosis of Clinical Response in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients(REPAIRS)...
InfarctionAnterior Cerebral ArteryThis study is randomized, open-lable, parallel-group and comparator-controlled. 456 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted within the first 72 hours after onset of symptoms will be studied. Those patients who will be randomly assigned to receive 2 different treatment for the first 3 days of hospitalization(non-statin-therapy group) or to immediately receive rosuvastatin orally at a dose of 20mg daily (statin-therapy group). From the fourth day onward, rosuvastatin 10 mg daily will be administered in all patients. The total trial will be continued 12 months. mRS will be investigated at baseline, 3rd month, 12th month ;MMSE and Montreal tests will be investigated at baseline and 12th month. Laboratory data including serum lipids, Fg and hs-CRP.Among these, serum lipids will be tested at baseline, 8th day, 3rd month, 6th month,and 12th month; hs-CRP will be tested at baseline and 8th day, 3rd month; Fg will be tested at baseline, 8th day, 3rd month. Safety will be also assessed by adverse event reports and clinical laboratory data including CK-MB, renal and hepatic function at 3rd month, 6th month,12th month.

An Observational Registry Study of LUOTAI in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke in Vietnam
InfarctionAnterior Cerebral Artery4 moreIschemic stroke occurs when an artery to the brain is blocked. If the artery remains blocked for more than a few minutes, the brain cells may die. This is why immediate medical treatment is critical. Luotai® is the brand name of Panax notoginseng finished product. 2 kinds of formulation are available, the lyophilized powder for Injection and gelatin based soft capsule. They are being used for decreasing incidence of cerebral infarction or ischemic stroke. This study will be conducted as an observational study, regarding the safety, effectiveness of Luotai treatment in acute ischemic stroke patients. This study will be carried out in approximately 360 patients with acute stroke in 6 hospitals in Vietnam - Bạch Mai Hospital, 108 Military Hospital, 103 Military Hospital, Trung Vuong Hospital, Phu Tho General Hospital, 115 Hospital. STUDY PROCEDURES: Participants will be enrolled in an unbiased manner (by consecutive sampling) and consecutive sampling method. The investigators will record participants' information required by the Case Report Form. The study which last for about 3 months, and in each of the visit, the information will be collected includes informed consent, demographic data, ischemic stroke assessment, concomitant medication, adverse reactions. A travel transportation allowance of VND 300,000 will be given for each visit. Participants will receive Luotai and other medications according to the local hospital practice in accordance with the terms of the local marketing authorization in Vietnam. The recommended dosage of Luotai is: Luotai™ injectable lyophilized powder for consecutive 14 days, Luotai soft capsules for 65 days. The participation of the study is fully voluntarily. Patients decide not to participate in the study will not be disadvantaged in any way. All collected information from participants is protected as confidential. The results of the study may be published in medical literature, but participants will not be identified. This study does not include any procedure/test that there were not indicated according to local clinical practice. There is no specific associated risks or discomforts in this study related to the participation. The results of this research may guide in further understanding the Ischemic Stroke.