Effects of Peer Support and Progressive Relaxation Exercises on Sleep Quality and Anxiety
AnxietySleep DisturbanceThe effect of peer support and progressive relaxation exercise programs on midwifery students' sleep and anxiety levels in the COVID-19 pandemic was investigated in the present research. One hundred and four subjects were found eligible for the study according to the inclusion criteria, and they were grouped into three: the peer support program group (PSP) (n=34), the progressive relaxation exercise group (PRE) (n=35), and control group (n=35). The PRE group was given an online relaxation exercise program. The PSP group was given an online peer support program. The data collection tools included a descriptive data form, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-I-II), and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The scores of the groups that they obtained from the pre-test application of the STAI-I and PSQI did not yield a statistically significant difference. The scores that PRE and PSP groups obtained from the post-test application of the STAI-I and PSQI were lower than the score that was obtained by the control group on the post-test application of the measures, and difference was evaluated to be significant. Although the mechanisms of action of these two methods are different, it has been observed that they have similar effects in improving anxiety levels and sleep quality.

Coriandrum Sativum Seeds Improve Memory, Alleviate Anxiety and Depression, and Enhance Sleep Quality...
Memory DisordersAnxiety Depression1 moreC. sativum could potentially serve as a memory enhancer for university students. It is considered a preferable option to stimulant drugs due to its safety profile. Additionally, C. sativum may have positive effects on anxiety, depression, and sleep quality. However, it is important to note that the current body of research on the effects of oral C. sativum on the brain and nervous system is limited, and further studies are necessary to fully understand its potential benefits. Thus, this study aims to assess the impact of oral C. sativum on memory performance, anxiety, depression, and sleep quality in university students.

The Effect of Sound-Insulated Music Playing and Fıgured Mask Nebulızer Application on the Processing...
AnxietyChild1 moreThe goal of this is a randomized controlled intervention study. The study was carried out to determine the effect of nebulization treatment applied to 3-6-year-old children with a soundproof, music player and figured mask nebulizer on the child's anxiety during the procedure. The study was completed with 120 children who were admitted to the emergency room and would receive inhalation therapy. There are 3 groups in the study. These were intervention group 1 using sound-insulated music and nebulizer with figured mask, intervention group 2 using silent nebulizer, and control group using nebulizer used in routine.

Distraction on Procedure-Related Emotional Appearance, Pain, Fear, and Anxiety During Phlebotomy...
PainAcute2 moreThis randomized controlled study was planned to evaluate the effects of distraction methods, using virtual reality or a stress ball, on the emotional appearance, pain, fear, and anxiety associated with the procedure, during the phlebotomy in children aged 6-12 in a private blood collection unit.

Self-Administered Nitrous Oxide (SANO) During Transrectal Prostate Biopsy to Reduce Patient Anxiety...
Prostate DiseaseMalignancy5 moreTransrectal prostate biopsy is a commonly performed ambulatory procedure for diagnosing prostate cancer. Prostate biopsy are associated with pain or anxiety. Nitrous oxide (or laughing gas) is a well-known inhaled anesthetic which is frequently used in dental offices and for pediatric procedures to alleviate a patient's anxiety and pain. This study seeks to determine whether administration of nitrous oxide at the time of prostate biopsy will improve a patient's experience of care.

The Impact of Heartfulness Self-Care Program on Anxiety, Satisfaction With Life, and Loneliness...
AnxietySatisfaction With Life1 moreThis quantitative study assesses the baseline anxiety, satisfaction with life, and loneliness scores in students and staff in a global study. Assessments at baseline will include the GAD, SWLS, and UCLA loneliness scale, and the same questionnaires were collected in Week 4 and Week 8. The Google form questionnaire will ask the high schoolers and staff for their email address and their parent's email address (if they are under 18). The form will also include a question eliciting interest in participation in the 4-weeks Heartfulness program. The program will include tools that promote a heart-based nurturing environment focusing on relaxation, positivity, and developing growth mindsets.

Effect of Woman-Centered Care on Anxiety and Comfort Levels
Anxiety StateCondition1 moreH1a: There is a statistically significant difference in anxiety levels between women who received woman-centered care in the early postpartum period and women who received standard care. H1b: There is a statistical difference in terms of comfort levels between women who received woman-centered care in the early postpartum period and women who received standard care. H0a: There is no statistically significant difference in anxiety levels between women who received woman-centered care in the early postpartum period and women who received standard care. H0b: There is no statistical difference in terms of comfort levels between women who receive female-centered care in the early postpartum period and women who receive standard care.

The Effect of Aromatherapy Applied to the Patients in the Urodynamic Procedure
AnxietyThis randomized controlled study is planned to determine the effect of aromatherapy applied to patients in the urodynamic procedure on patients' anxiety and serum cortisol levels. This study assumes that lavender inhalation in aromatherapy has positive effects on physiological parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, serum cortisol level, as well as reducing stress and anxiety.

Cognitive-behavioural Intervention for Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life Among Children Receiving...
Hematologic MalignancyAnxiety2 moreThe diagnosis and treatment of paediatric cancer is the most stressful experience for children and their families. Nearly all paediatric cancer patients are presented with at least one psychosocial problem, of which, anxiety and depression often coexist and are most frequently reported. Poorly managed anxiety and depression causes emotional and behavioural problems, impairs relationships and functioning, decreases adhere to treatment, increases the burden of symptoms and significantly impacts quality of life and prognosis. Despite the high rates and negative impacts of anxiety and depression in paediatric oncology, they are poorly managed. Thus, to mitigate the burden of anxiety, depression and impaired quality of life, an age-appropriate cognitive-behavioural intervention shows promise when incorporated with the existing pharmacologic interventions. This study aims to test how effective cognitive-behavioural intervention is to improve anxiety, depression and quality of life of children during chemotherapy. The study will be conducted in two hospitals in Ethiopia and include 8-18-year-old children with haematological cancer receiving chemotherapy, able to communicate with the local language, Amharic, able to provide parental consent and child assent, and without history of developmental, psychological, psychiatric, hearing or speech problems. The study will enroll up to 80 participants and randomise them into two groups, one group will receive a cognitive-behavioural intervention and the the other group will receive the usual psychosocial care provided by staff nurses. Participants in the cognitive-behavioural intervention group will receive five sessions of individual face to face cognitive-behavioural intervention. Each session will last approximately 30-35 minutes a week and supplemented by home-based practices. This study will use different intervention delivery strategies including psychoeducation, guided discovery or Socratic questioning, discussion, drawing, painting or writing, and play depending on the content of each session and maturity of the child. The levels of anxiety, depression and quality of life will be measured before the intervention, after the intervention and one month after completion of the intervention in both groups.

The Effect Of Use Of Raınstick And Kaleydoscope On Paın Anxıety Durıng Blood Draw
PainChild4 moreMedical procedures are negative experiences that cause pain, distress, and anxiety and are not only uncomfortable during medical procedures, especially in children; negative consequences such as poor recovery, sleep disturbances, and post-traumatic stress symptoms. There are many different approaches, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods, for the treatment of pain and anxiety in children during medical procedures. Non-pharmacological methods vary depending on the child's age, level of development and the type of procedure, and non-pharmacological methods generally used in children fall into three groups: supportive, physical and cognitive or behavioral methods. Supportive methods are practices that include psychosocial care of the child, such as reading a book or playing games. Physical methods include techniques such as cold application, massage, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. Cognitive or behavioral methods include practices such as listening to music, daydreaming, relaxation, and various methods of distraction. Cognitive and behavioral approaches typically use the activating or relaxing effects of music for arousal or calming and to enhance the learning of certain skills and behaviors. Music therapy practice reduces pain and anxiety levels by stimulating the pituitary gland. Another method used is the use of kaleidoscope. In the literature, they reported that the use of kaleidoscope is effective in reducing the pain that may occur during blood collection in studies conducted with preschool and school children, children and adolescents, and school-age children. The results show that the kaleidoscope can be used effectively to distract children from the painful procedure and reduce the perception of pain.