Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Fear Extinction
Anxiety DisordersPsychiatric disorders characterized by pathological fear and anxiety are common and often disabling. Despite their limitations, exposure therapies are among the most efficacious treatments for these disorders. Extinction learning is thought to be a core mechanism of therapeutic exposure. Extinction learning is mediated by a well-defined circuit encompassing the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), amygdala, and hippocampus. This raises the exciting possibility that direct engagement of this circuitry might enhance the response to therapeutic exposure. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a neuromodulation technology that can augment brain plasticity, learning, and memory. The proposed study will evaluate whether tDCS can engage extinction circuitry, and improve extinction learning and memory. This study will enroll psychiatrically healthy volunteers to test whether tDCS applied to the mPFC can augment spontaneous mPFC activity, engagement of extinction circuitry during extinction learning and recall, and classically-conditioned extinction learning and memory. Healthy volunteers will complete a standardized, three-day fear conditioning and extinction learning and memory task. On day 1, participants will complete a fear conditioning task. On day 2, participants will receive sham (placebo) or active tDCS prior to completing a fear extinction learning task. On day 3, participants will complete an extinction recall task. Electrodermal activity and heart rate will be continuously monitored during the conditioning and extinction procedures to assess autonomic arousal. All procedures will be completed in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner; imaging data will be collected before and after tDCS and during all conditioning and extinction procedures.

Waiting Room's Environment and Children Anxiety Prior Dental Treatment
Dental AnxietyThe amount of time the patient has spent awaiting treatment and the nature of the waiting room environment influence the anxiety level prior treatment. The objective of the present study is to compare the effect of waiting room's environment on the levels of anxiety experienced by children, in sensory adapted dental environment (SADE) and traditional waiting rooms. A parallel randomized trial. The participants will be randomly assigned to one type of waiting room. The participants will be asked to answer Venham Picture Test (VPT) scale while waiting in the waiting room just before entering the clinic.

Cerebellar Neuromodulation to Enhance Fear Extinction and Predict Response to Exposure Therapy
Anxiety DisordersSocial PhobiaEmerging neuroimaging studies have shown that the cerebellum contributes to different aspects of timing, prediction, learning, and extinction of conditioned responses to aversive stimuli, factors that may be relevant to the success of exposure based behavioral therapy. Our goals are to determine the cerebellar contributions to fear extinction by attempting to modulate key pathways in this process by theta burst stimulation. The long term goal is to lay the foundation for future studies in which neuromodulation is used to augment exposure therapy.

Precision Psychiatry Continuity Clinic Project
Depressive DisordersDepressive Symptoms3 moreThis is a demonstration project focused on translating neuroscience insights into clinical practice. The researchers will evaluate how neuroscience assessments may be applied in the clinical setting to help inform care decisions. The aim of the study is to undertake a pragmatic pilot trial to assess whether the inclusion of structured feedback from neuroscience assessments has an effect on improving patient outcomes. The study will investigate how neuroscience assessments can be integrated into and improve clinical care. The impact of sharing information and conclusions from these assessments with psychiatric providers will be explored. Outcomes will include symptoms, social/occupational function and qualify of life.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Primary Care Patients
DepressionAnxietyThis study is done to evaluate the effects of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for primary care patients that have mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Half of the study participants will receive treatment as usual (TAU), and the other half will receive TAU plus MBCT. The investigators will be comparing changes in symptoms of depression and anxiety between the groups, and hypothesize that the TAU plus MBCT group will have significantly lower symptoms of depression and anxiety compared to TAU group post-intervention

Integrated Mental Health Care and Vocational Rehabilitation to Individuals on Sick Leave Due to...
Generalized AnxietySocial Phobia2 moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of 1) a stepped mental health care intervention and 2) an integrated mental health care and vocational rehabilitation intervention for people on sick leave because of depression and anxiety in Denmark

Dental Anxiety in Children and Salivary Cortisol Levels
Dental AnxietyObjective: This study aimed to assess whether pediatric dental anxiety is due to the day of dental appointment, to the dental chair, or to the dental treatment procedure during the course of the first dental treatment in children. Study Design: Salivary cortisol samples were taken on three sequential days (pre-treatment, treatment and post-treatment days) and during the beginning and at ~15th minute of treatment, and at 15th minute post-treatment in children. They received (n=135; 15/group) root-canal treatment, pulpotomy, two- and one-surface restoration with and without local anesthesia; fluoride (with arch tray or cotton roll) or fissure sealant applications. Heart rate and SpO2 (peripheral oxygen saturation ) were monitored and The Facial Image Scale (FIS) and Children's Fear Survey Schedule-Dental subscales (CFSS-DS) were filled.

Use of Illustrated Material in Communication With the Patient in the Mechanical Ventilator
AnxietyComfort1 moreThis study was carried out to determine the effect of the use of communication material on the anxiety and comfort of the patient in communication with patients receiving mechanical ventilators.As a result, the use of communication material reduces anxiety and increases patient satisfaction and comfort level. In communicating with intubated patients receiving mechanical ventilator therapy, the use of illustrated communication material is recommended.

Nonpharmacological Methods for Children in Procedural Pain
Procedural PainProcedural AnxietyThe aim of this study was to determine the effect of the distraction cards, virtual reality and Buzzy® methods on venipuncture pain and anxiety in children aged 7-12 years.

Effect of Music in Intraoperative Period
Music TherapyPerioperative Care5 moreBackground and Aims: Music therapy has a wide range of uses in health care practice. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of intraoperative music played during spinal anesthesia operation on the patients' intraoperative vital signs, postoperative pain, and anxiety status. Methods: The study was performed in an operating room with a total of 90 patients, of whom 30 were in the music group, 30 were in the control group and 30 were in the sedated group. The ethics committee's approval, institutional permission, and the study participants' written informed consent were obtained. Data were collected using patient information and intraoperative observation form for vital signs as well as through the Visual Analog Scale and State Anxiety Scale. Preoperative and postoperative anxiety, the intraoperative and postoperative vital signs and postoperative pain and anxiety of all groups were analyzed.