Virtual 360°-Tour in Coronary Computed Tomography
Coronary Artery DiseaseAnxiety1 moreThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the virtual 360° counselling environment in the anxiety and process time of the patients coming to CCTA (coronary computed tomography angiography). The virtual, 360° environment 'Virtual 360°-tour in coronary computed tomography' uses 360°- technology based on spherical panorama images and resembles the spaces of the hospital according to the patient's pathway in CT-examination and provides information to the patient at various stages of the pathway.

Just Do You Program for Young Adults With Serious Mental IIlness
DepressionBipolar Disorder2 moreJust Do You is a young-adult-centered and theoretically guided intervention that has shown promise for keeping young adults connected to their professional treatments, while also enhancing their hope for the future and their own recovery. Just Do You is a brief two-module engagement program that utilizes a hybrid provider team of a licensed clinician and peer to address mistrust, lack of hope for the future, stigma concerns, literacy and a sense of efficacy early on when young adults begin a new service experience in adult outpatient day programs (i.e., New York State Personalized Recovery Oriented Services). The aim of this study is to test Just Do You through a moderately-sized randomized trial in order to see if it improves initial and secondary engagement among young adults with serious mental health conditions. The program is designed as an orientation to services, coupled with a curriculum designed to enhance motivation and agency, and keep young adults connected to their care. This study utilizes a randomized controlled trial to test the preliminary impact of the intervention, compared to best available services (treatment as usual, TAU) at two outpatient programs for adults with serious mental illnesses (n = 195). The program was adapted to two-sessions from the piloted four-session version through conversations with leadership at partnering agencies. The intervention involves intensive staff training and 24 months of ongoing provision, monitoring and supervision of the program. Quantitative survey data will be collected at baseline (pre), 2 weeks (post), 1 month, and 3 months. In this intention-to-treat analysis, we will conduct basic omnibus analyses to examine whether Just Do You leads to improved outcomes relative to TAU utilizing t tests across treatment conditions for each outcome measure specified. The investigators will likewise examine whether changes in the proposed mediating variables differ across groups.

Waiting Room's Environment and Children Anxiety Prior Dental Treatment
Dental AnxietyThe amount of time the patient has spent awaiting treatment and the nature of the waiting room environment influence the anxiety level prior treatment. The objective of the present study is to compare the effect of waiting room's environment on the levels of anxiety experienced by children, in sensory adapted dental environment (SADE) and traditional waiting rooms. A parallel randomized trial. The participants will be randomly assigned to one type of waiting room. The participants will be asked to answer Venham Picture Test (VPT) scale while waiting in the waiting room just before entering the clinic.

Cerebellar Neuromodulation to Enhance Fear Extinction and Predict Response to Exposure Therapy
Anxiety DisordersSocial PhobiaEmerging neuroimaging studies have shown that the cerebellum contributes to different aspects of timing, prediction, learning, and extinction of conditioned responses to aversive stimuli, factors that may be relevant to the success of exposure based behavioral therapy. Our goals are to determine the cerebellar contributions to fear extinction by attempting to modulate key pathways in this process by theta burst stimulation. The long term goal is to lay the foundation for future studies in which neuromodulation is used to augment exposure therapy.

Precision Psychiatry Continuity Clinic Project
Depressive DisordersDepressive Symptoms3 moreThis is a demonstration project focused on translating neuroscience insights into clinical practice. The researchers will evaluate how neuroscience assessments may be applied in the clinical setting to help inform care decisions. The aim of the study is to undertake a pragmatic pilot trial to assess whether the inclusion of structured feedback from neuroscience assessments has an effect on improving patient outcomes. The study will investigate how neuroscience assessments can be integrated into and improve clinical care. The impact of sharing information and conclusions from these assessments with psychiatric providers will be explored. Outcomes will include symptoms, social/occupational function and qualify of life.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Primary Care Patients
DepressionAnxietyThis study is done to evaluate the effects of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for primary care patients that have mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Half of the study participants will receive treatment as usual (TAU), and the other half will receive TAU plus MBCT. The investigators will be comparing changes in symptoms of depression and anxiety between the groups, and hypothesize that the TAU plus MBCT group will have significantly lower symptoms of depression and anxiety compared to TAU group post-intervention

Testing Psychosocial Treatment Planning Methods for Youth Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety DisordersDepressive DisorderYouth depression and anxiety represent a serious public health concern, with affected youth often experiencing social, familial, and academic impairment. Research evidence supports a growing array of effective treatments for youth depression and anxiety, yet as the collection of evidence-based treatments expands, so do the challenges of utilizing the evidence: clinicians must be able to (1) access, integrate, and apply the available evidence, and (2) engage in a collaborative process with each family to develop a plan that is responsive to each family's unique characteristics, preferences, and goals. Engaging caregivers and youths as active collaborators in the treatment planning process is a patient-centered approach with the potential to improve the process and outcome of youth mental health care by facilitating the personalization of established evidence-based treatment approaches. Such collaboration, frequently referred to as shared decision-making (SDM), is a hallmark of evidence-based practice and a key feature of federal guidelines for health care delivery. However, despite growing rhetorical support for SDM, empirical support is lacking, particularly in the area of youth mental health treatment. The absence of such research is unfortunate, given the potential for SDM to facilitate the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based treatments, and to personalize the use of established treatments to increase acceptability, retention, satisfaction, and overall effectiveness. The present project tests the feasibility and acceptability of SDM through a pilot randomized controlled trial of 40 youths (ages 7-15) meeting diagnostic criteria for an anxiety or depressive disorder. The trial will compare an evidence-based treatment that is planned collaboratively with youths and caregivers using the SDM protocol, to an evidence-based treatment that is planned by the clinician and supervisor using pretreatment assessment data. Eligible youths will received up to 26 treatment sessions at no cost and complete assessments prior to the start of treatment, at the end of treatment, and six months following the end of treatment.

Integrated Mental Health Care and Vocational Rehabilitation to Individuals on Sick Leave Due to...
Generalized AnxietySocial Phobia2 moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of 1) a stepped mental health care intervention and 2) an integrated mental health care and vocational rehabilitation intervention for people on sick leave because of depression and anxiety in Denmark

Oxytocin Suppresses Substance Use Disorders Associated With Chronic Stress
Alcohol Use DisorderStress Disorders3 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether oxytocin will decrease craving to use drugs/alcohol and stress reactivity following exposure to laboratory-induced stress among Active Duty Service Members with a dual diagnosis of alcohol/substance use disorder (ASUD) and post-traumatic anxiety.

Determination of the Effect of Raised Supine Position and Back Support on Back Pain, Anxiety and...
Coronary Angiography PatientAnxiety2 moreIn addition to pharmacological methods, non-pharmacological methods are also used to control back pain and anxiety. The aim of the study is to determine the effect of 30 degrees raised supine position and back support applied to patients undergoing coronary angiography from the femoral artery on back pain, anxiety and patient comfort. This research was planned as a pretest-posttest randomized, controlled, experimental study in order to determine the effect of the elevated supine position and back support application applied to patients undergoing coronary angiography with femoral artery access on back pain, anxiety and comfort levels of patients. Research Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University SUAH Hospital Cardiology intensive care unit September 2021 - September The sample of the research was determined by power analysis. According to the calculation made, the sample; With an effect size of 0.90, a margin of error of 0.05, a confidence interval of 0.95, and a power of 0.95, it was calculated that there should be 35 people in each group to represent the universe. "Patient Information Form", "Numeric Pain Intensity Scale VAS", "State- The necessary information of the patient will be collected with the "Trait Anxiety Scale" and the "Immobilization comfort scale". After the information of the patient whose hemodynamics is provided, the experimental group will be given a 30 degrees Elevated Supine Position and the back area will be supported with a 36x33x10 sized silicone gel pad that prevents sweating, and the measurements will be repeated at the 2nd and 4th hours after the CAG procedure. The patients in the control group will have the same measurements at the 0th hour, 2nd hour and 4th hour after the femoral angiography procedure. During this period, the patients will remain in the straight supine position without back support, which is routinely applied in the clinic.