The Effects of Playing Digital Games on Children's Pain, Fear and Anxiety Levels During Suturing...
PainProcedural2 moreThe aim was to determine the effects of digital game play on children's pain, fear and anxiety levels during suturing. Data was obtained from 84 children between the ages of 8-17 at the Pediatric Emergency Department between 16 January and 19 March 2020, using the Socio-Demographic and Clinical Characteristics Form, the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (WBFPS), the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the Fear of Medical Procedure Scale (FMPS), and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAI-CH). While the study group (n=42) played digital games during the suturing procedure, the control group (n=42) did not play digital games.

The Effect of Two Distraction Methods on the Level of Pain, Fear and Anxiety in Children
PainAnxiety3 moreThe aim of this study is to determine the effect of watching cartoons with virtual reality glasses and tablets applied during the blood collection process on the level of pain, fear and anxiety experienced by children.

The Effect of Music Concert and Inhaler Aromatherapy Applied to Patients Who Have Had Coronary Angiography...
AnxietyPainCoronary angiography; It is defined as the imaging of the coronary arteries by providing the catheterization of the femoral, brachial or radial arteries, and the administration of contrast material under the guidance of fluoroscopy. Coronary angiography is a stressful procedure for the patient. Because patients are conscious during the procedure, they may experience anxiety about possible complications and an uncertain outcome. Anxiety causes changes in the physiological parameters of individuals by affecting the sympathetic nervous system of individuals. As with all procedures performed in the hospital environment, patients may experience pain during coronary angiography. Coronary angiography causes fear of death and anxiety in patients due to the unknowns it contains. Aromatherapy is the use of oils obtained from plants for treatment and care. Aromatherapy provides control of pain and anxiety by affecting the amygdala and hippocampus, which regulate fear and aggression behaviors in the limbic system. Music has been used by different civilizations throughout history for purposes such as reinforcing religious feelings, intensifying emotions and curing diseases. The multifaceted effect of music on people has led to its use in treatment. Among the therapeutic benefits of listening to music are the reduction of fear, pain and anxiety by diverting the attention of the individual, affecting the autonomic nervous system and increasing the secretion of endorphins. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of aromatherapy and music listening on pain, anxiety and fear in patients who will undergo coronary angiography

The Effect of Touch on Pain and Anxiety During the Bone Marrow Biopsy Procedure
PainAcute1 moreThis study is analyzing the benefit of untrained touch provided during a bone marrow biopsy procedure as compared to performing the procedure without providing it.

Effect of Anterior Implant Treatment on DA, Aesthetic Perception and OHRQoL Changes
Dental AnxietyAesthetic Perception1 moreAccumulating evidence has revealed the effects of anterior implant procedures on dental anxiety (DA), aesthetic perception and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). However, few reported the changes and influencing factors of the above outcomes before and after anterior implant treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes of DA, aesthetic perception and OHRQoL related to influencing factors of patients' demographics after anterior implant treatment.

The Effect of Informing Relatives of Patients With Short Messages
Cardiovascular SurgeryAnxiety1 moreSurgical intervention is a planned or unplanned procedure performed to eliminate the existing or subsequent abnormal conditions in the individual's body, to reduce the effects of these conditions, or to remove the abnormal structures from the individual's body to eliminate the existing distress. While surgical interventions also cause anxiety in patients, it is known that they also cause significant anxiety in patients' relatives.This study was planned as a randomized controlled experimental study in order to examine the effect of this information on the anxiety level of the relatives of the patients by informing the relatives of the patients about the operation process with a short message during cardiovascular surgery. In data collection; Introductory information form for the patient and patient relatives, a short message follow-up form, state and trait anxiety inventory will be used during the surgical intervention. The sample of the study will be the relatives of the patients who are willing to participate in the study. Considering the change in the state anxiety scale scores between the experimental and control groups in the study of Baydemir S. (2019), it is calculated that there is a large effect size difference. Based on this finding, in order to test a large effect size (d=0.8) difference in anxiety scale scores of patient relatives between our experimental and control groups with 5% margin of error and 95% power, a total of 84 relatives of patients, 42 from each group, were included in the study. needed was calculated. H0: Informing by text message has no effect on the anxiety of patient relatives. H1: Informing by text message has an effect on the anxiety of patient relatives.

Effect of the Education Given to the Patients Who Will Be Applied Coronary Angiography
Coronary AngiographyAnxiety4 moreThis research; The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the pre-procedural education given to the patients undergoing coronary angiography on the anxiety level and vital signs of the patients.

Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Asystems' Complete Calm Supplementation on Sleep Quality and Duration,...
SleepStress1 moreThis is an open-label observational single-arm clinical trial to study the efficacy of a commercial dietary supplement and its effect on sleep quality, sleep duration, anxiety, mood, and stress.

The Effect of Listening to Music Before Surgery on the Anxiety of Individuals Scheduled for Urological...
Preoperative AnxietyMany patients before the operation feel a high level of anxiety. This felt anxiety can develop due to many reasons such as anesthesia, not being able to wake up from the surgery and being disabled, and fear of feeling pain after the surgery. Music applications, which are among non-pharmacological techniques, are frequently used in the management of pain and anxiety.In this study, the effect of listening to music in the preoperative period on the anxiety of urology patients will be investigated

Perceived Stress and Anxiety Levels of Nurses
StressAnxietyThis study was conducted to determine the effect of web-based progressive relaxation exercises applied to nurses working in a pandemic hospital on perceived stress and anxiety. In this randomized controlled clinical trial, nurses working in the pandemic hospital were randomly assigned to the control and intervention groups.