Pain Perception: on Relationships Between Dental Anxiety and Olfaction
Dental AnxietyDental Pain1 morethe objective of this study is to evaluate the ability of olfaction in obtaining positive emotional and behavioral responses toward dental anxiety and pain in patients undergoing different dental procedures.
Tailored Internet-administrated Treatment of Panic Symptoms - A Randomised Controlled Trial
Anxiety DisordersDepressionThe purpose of this study is to determine whether tailored internet-administrated CBT is a feasible approach in the treatment of panic symptoms and comorbid anxiety and depressive symptoms.
Treatment of Panic Disorder Among Individuals Consulting Emergency Departments for Non Cardiac Chest...
Panic DisorderAnxiety Disorder1 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the impact of three different treatment modalities on panic symptoms, quality of life and use of health services among individuals consulting an emergency department for non cardiac chest pain and having Panic Disorder.
Coaching for Confidence: Evaluating an Internet-based Program to Help Parents Help Children With...
Anxiety DisordersThe study is an open trial to evaluate a web-based intervention. The intervention focuses on supporting parents to help their children to overcome problems with anxiety. The children who are the focus of the study are in the age ranges of 4 - 12 and experience problems with separation anxiety, social anxiety, or generalized anxiety as identified by their parents. The program will exclude obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder that are seen less often in this age group and require somewhat different interventions.
Qualitative Sweat Distribution During Tilt Table Procedure
Postural Tachycardia SyndromeSyncope1 moreThis study uses an Alizarin Red powder mixture to characterize the sweat distributions in youth during tilt table testing. Patients with a known orthostatic sweat response from a prior clinical tilt table test in the investigators laboratory will be recruited. The Alizarin Red powder will be applied to exposed skin, and quantitative sweat will be measured at the thigh. During tilt testing, serial photos will be taken once the sweat response occurs. Sweat distributions will be compared during syncope (orthostatic sweat), during periods of anxiety (emotional sweat), and in patients with POTS (with and without syncope).
Prevention of PTSD III: Neurocognitive Training of Emotional Regulation
Post Traumatic Stress DisorderMajor Depression1 moreThe proposed work will evaluate the ability of neurocognitive retraining of executive functions and emotional regulation to reduce neurocognitive dysfunctions that follow trauma exposure and thereby prevent PTSD. The scientific rationale for this work is the hypothesis that impaired emotional regulation interferes with the expected recovery from the early responses to traumatic events, leading into a chronic disorder. In an initial phase the investigators will recruit 20 recently traumatized participants among trauma survivors admitted to a general hospital emergency room and test the planned intervention's acceptance and right 'dosing'. In the second phase the investigators will enroll 80 recent survivors into a randomized controlled study of the new intervention. The intervention will consist of web-based neurobehavioral training interventions that instill an emotional bias toward positive stimuli, improve emotion recognition and labeling, reduce resistance to emotional distraction, and enhance executive functioning. Control participants will complete web-based video games that do not have emotion-regulatory benefits. Outcome measures will include improvement in neurocognitive functioning and in PTSD symptoms.
FRIENDS as an Indicative Prevention Program in Norway
AnxietyThe purpose of this pilot-study is to evaluate a cognitive behavioral program, the Friends-program, as indicated prevention for anxious youth. The youths are recruited by school nurses who will also lead the intervention groups applying the Friends-manual.
Vestibular Dysfunction In Adult Patients With Panic Disorder With or Without Agoraphobia
Anxiety DisorderPanic DisorderOBJECTIVES: I. Determine whether the prevalence of abnormalities on clinical vestibular (balance) tests is higher in panic disorder with agoraphobia than in uncomplicated panic disorder and nonpanic anxiety disorder. II. Determine whether the prevalence of abnormalities on audiological tests of cochlear or brainstem function is elevated in panic disorder without agoraphobia or nonpanic anxiety disorder. III. Determine whether symptom patterns can be identified that are indicative of vestibular abnormalities in panic disorder. IV. Determine whether vestibular dysfunction can be induced by psychosomatic mechanisms.
Nursing Intervention in Supporting Family Caregivers of Patients Undergoing Stem Cell Transplant...
Anxiety DisorderDepression1 moreThis randomized clinical trial studies nursing intervention in supporting family caregivers (FCs) of patients undergoing stem cell transplant. A nursing intervention may help prepare FCs support the recovery of the patients
Benefits of a Psychoeducation Program for Those Awaiting Treatment for OCD and OCD Spectrum Disorders...
Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderAnxiety DisordersThis study will examine the effect of offering information sessions to a randomized group of patients with OCD spectrum disorders. Psychoeducation is a component of first line treatment; though intended to be informative in nature, these psychoeducation services can have a positive effect on quality of life, sense of self-efficacy, functioning and a person's readiness to engage in long term treatment. However, no studies have dismantled and tested the independent effect of psychoeducation from standard treatment such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. This study aims to directly test the potential effect of one aspect of CBT that if found to be helpful, can become a distinct early intervention component of care so that as people await services, they can profit from the early benefits associated with attending these information sessions. This study therefore sets out to examine the potential early benefits of providing education about the illness on symptom functioning, quality of life and readiness to engage in more formal treatment. We will offer 4 structured information sessions to individuals allocated to a wait list for services related to the treatment of OCD and OCD Spectrum Disorders in order to directly test the benefit of adding a didactic structured psychoeducation program to our services. The study will be a randomized trial where subjects (N=50) will be randomly assigned to receive either 1) 4 educational sessions covering information on diagnosis, treatment, available resources and self care for OCD and OCD Spectrum Disorders or 2) wait list as per usual with no additional information sessions. The experimental design is a 2 (treatment condition) by 2 (assessment phase) repeated measures factorial design. It is hypothesized that subjects participating in the psychoeducation group compared to the wait list control group will see greater reductions in self-reported measures of symptom severity and improvement in other measures of quality of life, level of functioning, self-efficacy and readiness to engage in treatment. If this study can demonstrate that the addition of a short structured informative intervention of 4 sessions can confer early benefits for those suffering with OCD and OCD spectrum disorders, then it provides another route by which patients can improve this condition specifically while waiting for consultation and the opportunity to receive a more structured, evidence-based treatment.