Registry for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease With Anxiety and Depression in China
COPDAnxiety1 moreAnxiety and depression are common comorbidities of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, the exact prevalence is not known in China. COPD patients with anxiety and depression tend to have more severe symptoms and worse prognosis, but the related evidences are not strong enough. The study aim to investigate the prevalence and long-term outcome of anxiety and depression in COPD.

Elective Coronary Angiography and Anxiety Study
AnxietyAnxiety will be assessed from two aspects, the somatic and emotional. ANGST aims to determine how anxiety correlates with psychological parameters (personality traits, coping strategies and depressive symptoms) and with the outcome of elective coronary angiography (CA).

A Non-Interventional Pilot Study to Explore the Role of Gut Flora in Anxiety
AnxietyAnxiety Disorders1 moreThis study seeks to correlate microbiome sequencing data with information provided by patients and their medical records.

Intensive Care Anxiety in SARS-CoV-2 Patients
AnxietyIt should be known by the clinician that COVID-19 patients are prone to anxiety, and these disorders need to be properly diagnosed and addressed to improve prognosis, shorten hospital stay and avoid long-term mental health problems.

Parental Anxiety and Its Relationship With Pediatric Patients' Post-operative Responses
Post-operative DeliriumChildren1 morePost-operative delirium had multiple risk factors, such as pre-operative anxiety status, post-operative pain, and anesthetic method. We currently decrease pre-operative anxiety by parental accompanying until the children put to sleep. However, references indicate that parental anxiety can increase the post-operative delirium. Heart rate variability was used to measure the anxiety status of parents. We think sympathetic tone elevation measured by heart rate variability may not induce by anxiety alone, thus we want to explore this question by using Stat-Trait Anxiety Inventory questionnaire.

Evaluation of Generalization Paradigm Patterns Among Different Psychiatric Disorders
MDDBipolar Disorder3 moreLearning includes the ability to generalize to new situations and respond to similar, yet not identical stimuli. In previous work, focused on stimulus generalization in healthy volunteers, tones that were negatively reinforced induce wider generalization curves than tones that were positively reinforced, and these in turn induce wider curves than neutral memory (Schechtman et al, 2010). The current study aimed to evaluate those patterns in different clinical disorders (including Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, MDD, Anxiety disorders (Panic and GAD) and PTSD, and healthy subjects that would be used as a control), with consideration whether those patterns are unique to any specific disorder or state. The generalization patterns evaluation would conduct twice though enable to compare the stability of those patterns during the course of the illness (i.e during remission compared to acute state). The basic paradigm based on conditioning of a tone (sound) with unpleasant noise, and extinction of that conditioning afterword. During the 60 minutes of evaluation, the capability to discriminate between the original tone and similar but not identical tones, and the tendency to categorize similar tones as identical to the original tone. A neutral tone without conditioning will be used as reference. The clinical diagnosis will conduct by a senior psychiatrist, and the state would be evaluated using standard questionnaires

Brain Imaging and Computer Games in Children With Either Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, Anxiety or Healthy...
Bipolar DisorderAttention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity3 moreThe purpose of this research is to learn more about how children with mental health problems, including bipolar disorder (BD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), differ from children without these problems. The investigators want to understand how these 4 groups of children differ in brain activity, function, and structure.

Role of the Stress in the Development of the Metabolic Syndrome
Anxiety DisordersDepressive Disorders2 moreThe purpose of this study is determine the incidence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in people of high risk, of 40 or more years and attended in the Primary Care. Evaluating the association between anxiety, depression, quality of life and the vital stressful events, and the development of the metabolic syndrome in general population. Our hypothesis is that population of the cohort with bigger degree of stress will develop earlier the metabolic syndrome. If our hypothesis about the metabolic syndrome are demonstrated, it would allow establishing in a future interventions on these factors of risk to prevent or to decrease the incidence of this syndrome in the Primary Care.

Emotional Brain Networks & Cognitive Functioning in Depression and Anxiety
Major Depressive DisorderGeneral Anxiety DisorderThis study aims to 1) examine common and specific emotional and cognitive dysfunctions between Major Depression and generalized anxiety disorder; 2) Examine emotional and cognitive dysfunctions between the two disorders and healthy controls; 3) Examine the biomarkers predicting successful therapy or not.

Perinatal Mental Health Care in Switzerland
Mental DisorderPerinatal11 moreThis qualitative study with quantitative elements examines the health care provided to women who suffered from mental disorder during pregnancy and / or in the first year after birth (i.e. during the perinatal phase). Investigators will perform individual interviews with former PMD patients, and health and social care professionals to gain insights into current health care for PMD patients.