Prediction of Aortic Dilatation and Rupture
Aortic RuptureAortic aneurysm is a very common incidental finding in the diagnostic imaging of the chest. It is especially common in middle aged men (up to 40 %). It is called as a silent killer, since it can lead to aortic dissection and rupture without pre-existing symptoms. Mortality of rupture can be up to 50 %. This is why it causes extensive human uncertainty and fear. Currently, there are no methods to identify the high risk patients. That leads to a practice where all patients are followed with repeated aortic imaging using expensive methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography. There is data, that modern 4D flow MRI parameters well describe the intra-aortic flow conditions. This prospective clinical trial explore the value of 4D flow MRI parameters in the prediction of aortic dilatation and rupture. The trial consists of three subtrials in whitch the 4D flow MRI parameters are tested in clinical practice.

Developing a Decision Instrument to Guide Abdominal-pelvic CT Imaging of Blunt Trauma Patients
Abdominal InjuryPelvic Fracture12 moreUnrecognized abdominal and pelvic injuries can result in catastrophic disability and death. Sporadic reports of "occult" injuries have generated concern, and physicians, fearing that they may miss such an injury, have adopted the practice of obtaining computed tomography on virtually all patients with significant blunt trauma. This practice exposes large numbers patients to dangerous radiation at considerable expense, while detecting injuries in a small minority of cases. Existing data suggest that a limited number of criteria can reliably identify blunt injury victims who have "no risk" of abdominal or pelvic injuries, and hence no need for computed tomography (CT), without misidentifying any injured patient. It is estimated that nationwide implementation of such criteria could result in an annual reduction in radiographic charges of $75 million, and a significant decrease in radiation exposure and radiation induced malignancies. This study seeks to determine whether "low risk" criteria can reliably identify patients who have sustained significant abdominal or pelvic injuries and safely decrease CT imaging of blunt trauma patients. This goal will be accomplished in the following manner: All blunt trauma victims undergoing computed tomography of the abdomen/pelvis in the emergency department will undergo routine clinical evaluations prior to radiographic imaging. Based on these examinations, the presence or absence of specific clinical findings (i.e. abdominal/pelvic/flank pain, abdominal/pelvic/flank tenderness, bruising abrasions, distention, hip pain, hematuria, hypotension, tachycardia, low or falling hematocrit, intoxication, altered sensorium, distracting injury, positive FAST imaging, dangerous mechanism, abnormal x-ray imaging) will be recorded for each patient, as will the presence or absence of abdominal or pelvic injuries. The clinical findings will serve as potential imaging criteria. At the completion of the derivation portion of the study the criteria will be examined to find a subset that predicts injury with high sensitivity, while simultaneously excluding injury, and hence the need for imaging, in the remaining patients. These criteria will then be confirmed in a separate validation phase of the study. The criteria will be considered to be reliable if the lower statistical confidence limit for the measured sensitivity exceeds 98.0%. Potential reductions in CT imaging will be estimated by determining the proportion of "low-risk" patients that do not have significant abdominal or pelvic injuries.

Pathogenetic Basis of Aortopathy and Aortic Valve Disease
AortopathiesThoracic Aortic Aneurysm17 moreThe main purpose of this study is to define the complex genetic and pathogenic basis of thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) and other forms of aortopathy and/or aortic valve disease by identifying novel disease-causing genes and by identifying important genetic modifiers for aortic and aortic valve disease severity.

Thoraflex Hybrid Post-Market Study
Acute Aortic DissectionAortic Rupture4 moreThis is a global, prospective non-interventional, multi-centre, post-market study of the Vascutek Thoraflex™ Hybrid system in patients with acute thoracic aortic syndrome, subacute/chronic dissection of the aorta and aortic aneurysm.

Prospective Aortic Biobank of POP-STAR
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Without RuptureAbdominal Aortic Aneurysm4 moreThe overall objective of the POP-STAR project is individualized surveillance for patients diagnosed with abdominal aortic aneurysms by means of more precise, patient-specific AAA growth prediction.

Thoraflex™ Hybrid IDE Study
Aortic AneurysmAortic Dissection1 moreThe study will assess the effectiveness, safety and clinical outcomes of the Thoraflex™ Hybrid Device in the treatment of aortic disease affecting the aortic arch and the descending thoracic aorta, with or without involvement of ascending aorta. The study will also assess safety and early clinical outcomes in patients who receive an extension procedure within 1 year of Thoraflex™ Hybrid Device implantation. Lastly the study will assess the safety and clinical outcomes of patients who receive a Thoraflex™ Hybrid Device for treatment of a ruptured aorta. Patients will be followed for 3 years. The Primary Endpoint will be freedom from defined Major Adverse Events (MAE) occurring ≤ 1 year post-procedure.

Reduction of Myocardial Infarction by Preconditioning in Patients With Ruptured Abdominal Aortic...
Abdominal Aortic AneurysmPreconditioning in patients treated for elective abdominal aneurysm showed that the rate of perioperative myocardial infarction could be reduced by 80 %(ARR from 27% to 5%). Precondition where performed by 10 minutes of clamping of each iliac arteries before clamping the abdominal aorta. Human studies in cardiac patients have shown promising results with precondition. Instead of clamping arteries they have all performed the procedure by inflating a blood pressure cuff above arterial pressure on a arm. The investigators want to investigate if preconditioning induced by a blood pressure cuff on a arm can reduce the perioperative rate of myocardial infarction in patients open operated for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm.

In Vivo Evaluation of Growth and Risk of Rupture of Dilated Ascending Aorta Using 4D Cardiac Magnetic...
Aortic RuptureAscending aorta aneurysmal disease is common and can be complicated by dissection or rupture. There is substantial variation in individual aneurysm progression: established risk factors for an accelerated aneurysm growth rate include initial size or localization, the presence of aortic valve disease, congenital bicuspid aortic valve or connective tissue disorders.

Haemostasis Management of Abdominal Aortic Procedures
Abdominal Aortic AneurismAbdominal Aortic Rupture2 moreComparative study on efficacy of haemostatic therapy guided either by standard laboratory coagulation parameters or point-of-care testing in patients undergoing vascular surgical procedures. We investigate the amount of perioperative bleeding and the number of blood product used. Inclusion criteria Patients scheduled for elective and acute open aorta surgery or undergoing acute aorta surgery with minimally invasive techniques and were provided treatment in the operating theatre and/or ICU attached to perioperative care, they must be at least 18 years of age and written informed consent was obtained from the patient or his/her legal representative. Randomisation technique Patients will be randomly assigned to each of two treatment groups using sealed envelopes. In group 1 (G1) haemostasis strategy guided by conventional coagulation tests, while in group 2 (G2) transfusion algorithms guided by point-of-care (POC) tests will be carried out. Sampling techniques and measurements For assessment of monitored parameters shall be used arterial or venous blood depending on the catheter placed preoperatively. In case of the above mentioned vascular surgical procedures, all patients will receive arterial cannula routinely, and, depending on the extension of procedure, as appropriate, a central venous catheter will be inserted as well. Sampling in the patient groups shall be performed as follows: pre- and postoperative evaluation of standard laboratory parameters in all patients evaluation of standard laboratory parameters and arterial Astrup test during and after surgery in group 1, if the blood loss volume reaches 1,5 ml/kg/minute during 20 minutes in case of elective surgery: thromboelastometry and arterial Astrup test during and after surgery in group 2 if the blood loss volume reaches 1,5 ml/kg/minute during 20 minutes in case of acute surgery: thromboelastometry and arterial Astrup test before, during and after surgery in group 2 in case of positive anamnesis, preoperative platelet aggregation test in both groups Besides the above samplings, routine lab tests (blood gas, blood count, sodium (Na), potassium (K), parameters of renal and liver function, clotting and inflammation, lactic acid, blood sugar) will be performed every day as usual during intensive therapy.

START - Early Thrombocyte Administration to Patients With Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurism
Ruptured Abdominal Aortic AneurismThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of platelet infusion prior to transfer to a vascular surgical department in patients with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurism.