Treating Primary Progressive Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech Using Non-invasive Brain Stimulation...
Primary Progressive AphasiaApraxia of SpeechThe purpose of the study is to test whether low level electric stimulation, called transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), on the part of the brain (i.e., pre-supplementary motor area) thought to aid in memory will improve speech and language difficulties in patients with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and progressive apraxia of speech (PAOS). The primary outcome measures are neuropsychological assessments of speech and language functions, and the secondary measures are neuropsychological assessments of other cognitive abilities and electroencephalography (EEG) measures.

Cognitive Reserve and Response to Speech-Language Intervention in Bilingual Speakers With Primary...
Primary Progressive AphasiaDementia14 moreDifficulties with speech and language are the first and most notable symptoms of primary progressive aphasia (PPA). While there is evidence that demonstrates positive effects of speech-language treatment for individuals with PPA who only speak one language (monolinguals), there is a significant need for investigating the effects of treatment that is optimized for bilingual speakers with PPA. This stage 2 efficacy clinical trial seeks to establish the effects of culturally and linguistically tailored speech-language interventions administered to bilingual individuals with PPA. The overall aim of the intervention component of this study is to establish the relationships between the bilingual experience (e.g., how often each language is used, how "strong" each language is) and treatment response of bilinguals with PPA. Specifically, the investigators will evaluate the benefits of tailored speech-language intervention administered in both languages to bilingual individuals with PPA (60 individuals will be recruited). The investigators will conduct an assessment before treatment, after treatment and at two follow-ups (6 and 12-months post-treatment) in both languages. When possible, a structural scan of the brain (magnetic resonance image) will be collected before treatment in order to identify if brain regions implicated in bilingualism are associated with response to treatment. In addition to the intervention described herein, 30 bilingual individuals with PPA will be recruited to complete behavioral cognitive-linguistic testing and will not receive intervention. Results will provide important knowledge about the neural mechanisms of language re-learning and will address how specific characteristics of bilingualism influence cognitive reserve and linguistic resilience in PPA.

Methylphenidate in Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Childhood Apraxia of SpeechThe purpose of this study is to describe the possible effects of methylphenidate (MPH) on speech intelligibility in children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) aged 6-12 years. This outcome will be compared between MPH intake and placebo intake.

A Randomized Control Trial of Motor-based Intervention for CAS
Childhood Apraxia of SpeechChildhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a complex, multivariate speech motor disorder characterized by difficulty planning and programming movements of the speech articulators (ASHA, 2007; Ayres, 1985; Campbell et al., 2007; Davis et al., 1998; Forrest, 2003; Shriberg et al., 1997). Despite the profound impact that CAS can have on a child's ability to communicate, little data are available to direct treatment in this challenging population. Historically, children with CAS have been treated with articulation and phonologically based approaches with limited effectiveness in improving speech, as shown by very slow treatment progress and poor generalization of skills to new contexts. With the emerging data regarding speech motor deficits in CAS, there is a critical need to test treatments that directly refine speech movements using methods that quantify speech motor control. This research is a Randomized Control Trial designed to examine the outcomes of a non-traditional, motor-based approach, Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cuing (DTTC), to improve speech production in children with CAS. The overall objectives of this research are (i) to test the efficacy of DTTC in young children with CAS (N=72) by examining the impact of DTTC on treated words, generalization to untreated words and post-treatment maintenance, and (ii) to examine how individual patterns of speech motor variability impact response to DTTC.

The Effects of Caregiver Training on DTTC Treatment Outcomes in CAS
Childhood Apraxia of SpeechThe goal of this clinical trial is to investigate the impact of direct vs. indirect caregiver training on treatment outcomes following a period of Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC) intervention combined with home practice in childhood apraxia of speech (CAS). Forty children with CAS, between the ages of 2;5 and 7;11 years of age, will be recruited for this study. All children will receive DTTC treatment at the frequency of standard care (2x/week) in a university clinic over and 8-week period. Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two groups: the Direct Training Group; the Indirect Training Group. All caregivers will complete an educational module about CAS, will observe all sessions, and will engage in home practice with their children. Caregivers in the Direct Group will receive coaching in the use of DTTC with their child during a portion of each treatment session to support home practice, whereas those in the Indirect Group will not receive detailed guidance for home practice. Caregivers in both groups will practice at home with their children during the treatment phase (3x/week). Following the treatment phase, home practice will continue at a higher frequency (6x/week) during a 4-week follow-up phase. Treatment outcomes will be compared between groups.

Using tDCS in Speech-based Stroke Rehabilitation
Apraxia of SpeechThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the effect of treatment for acquired speech impairment can be enhanced by combining effective behavioral treatment with non-invasive brain stimulation. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), which delivers low-intensity current to the scalp, and is a safe and well-tolerated approach that poses a non-significant risk to participants. tDCS provides low intensity neural stimulation which has been shown to facilitate motor learning in other domains of stroke rehabilitation such as arm motor learning but the potential to enhance speech motor learning has not been explored. This will be examined with a series of single-case experimental designs.

ASSIST: Treatment for Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Childhood Apraxia of SpeechChildhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a pediatric motor speech disorder that impairs the planning of movements needed for intelligible speech. Children with CAS often show little or slow progress in standard speech therapy. This research is a Phase 1 study that tests initial efficacy and optimal parameters of a theoretically based integral stimulation treatment called ASSIST (Apraxia of Speech Systematic Integral Stimulation Treatment). In three small randomized group design studies, children (N=20 per study) receive 16 hours of individual ASSIST. The three studies systematically investigate treatment intensity (2 vs. 4 weeks) and two critical aspects of target selection: complexity (simple vs. complex target) and lexicality (words vs. nonwords). Each study also systematically examines the effect of treatment on functional outcome measures, including parent ratings of intelligibility and communicative participation, and objective intelligibility measures obtained from unfamiliar listeners.

Dose Frequency RCT on DTTC in Children With CAS
Childhood Apraxia of SpeechChildhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a pediatric motor-based speech sound disorder that requires a specialized approach to intervention (Maas et al., 2014). The extant literature on the treatment of CAS commonly recommends intensive treatment using a motor-based approach, with some of the best evidence supporting the use of Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC; Strand, 2020). To date, a rigorous and systematic comparison of high and low dose frequency has not been undertaken for DTTC, resulting in a lack of evidence to guide decisions about the optimal treatment schedule for this intervention. The current study aims to fill this gap in knowledge by comparing treatment outcomes when dose frequency is varied. The goal of this clinical trial is to determine whether the number of treatment sessions per week has an effect on intervention outcomes in 60 children with CAS. The main question this research will address is whether whole word accuracy will differ between two groups of children undergoing DTTC treatment when one group of children receives treatment twice a week for 12 weeks and the other group receives treatment 4 times a week for 6 weeks. Community clinicians will administer all treatment sessions.

Changes in Neuroplasticity Following Intensive Rehabilitation of Aphasia and/or Apraxia of Speech...
AphasiaApraxia of Speech1 moreThe present study aims to investigate the short- and long-term effects of two weeks of intensive speech-language pathology intervention with additional physiotherapy, on aphasia and apraxia of speech (AOS) and their neural correlates in thirty persons with chronic stroke. Changes are studied following intensive treatment of aphasia and AOS with standardised speech-language testing and testing of communication and with voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis and resting state functional connectivity (rsFC).

Efficacy of START (Startle Rehabilitation Therapy) in the Treatment Stroke-induced Aphasia/Apraxia...
StrokeAphasia1 moreA stratified, parallel-group, double-blind, randomized controlled trial of remotely delivered START treatment to individuals with severe-to-moderate stroke (with recruitment focused on individuals with low SES) will be conducted. Subjects and assessors will be blinded to the condition making the experiment double blind. Specifically, subjects will be told that we are exploring a new therapy that using different sounds to improve therapy. Parallel group design will ensure that subjects in the Control group are unaware that their "sounds" are softer than the START group. Trainers may become aware that a loud sound is present thus a unique Assessor will evaluate clinical performance before and after training making the study double-blind. Fifty-four subjects will undergo baseline testing in the laboratory to establish their capacity for functional and expressive speech as well as their self-reported health-related quality of life (power analysis below). Next, subjects will participate in a high-frequency, word-picture verification/ auditory-repetition treatment, 2 hr/day for 5 consecutive days focusing on expression of words of functional significance (e.g., water, fall). Subjects will either receive training with START or without (Control). Subjects will be re-tested immediately following training as well as one-month post to assess retention. Aim 1 will evaluate capacity of START to enhance SLT outcomes by assessing the % change in clinical assessment of functional and expressive speech. Our preliminary data points to a robust response [details]. Aim 2 will focus on the capacity of these changes to 1) be retained and 2) impact subject's reported quality of life. NOTE: While we are planning in-person baseline, end, and retention testing, in response to COVID, we have established remote clinical screening using peer-reviewed validated techniques for WAB and ABA-2 (see Alternative Solutions). All preliminary data collected for this proposal were collected remotely via no-contact protocols.