The Role of Tc 99m MDP SPECT/CT in Osteoarthritis
OsteoarthritisEvaluation of the diagnostic value of SPECT/CT in patients with knee and/or hip OA, whether it is related to clinical findings and it could reflect clinical disease activity, and to determine the usefulness of SPECT/CT in early detection of OA.

Microfluidic Organotypic Model for Monocyte Transendothelial Migration to the Joint in Obese Osteoarthritic...
OsteoarthritisOsteoarthritis (OA) is the fastest growing cause of disability worldwide due to population ageing and increasing obesity incidence. Obese individuals have a higher risk of OA insurgence and severe progression due to several risk factors, including their systemic inflammation state and superior migratory ability of monocytes. In the present project we aim at the development of a novel 3D microfluidic organotypic model resembling the joint to investigate the migration ability of monocytes from obese and non-obese OA patients. We hypothesize that monocytes from obese OA patients display superior migration ability and a specific pattern of chemokine surface receptors compared to monocytes from non-obese OA patients. We also hypothesize that these features lead to a superior infiltration of monocytes/macrophages to the synovial membrane in obese OA patients. Based on this, our main aim will be to highlight differences between Mo from obese and non-obese OA patients in terms of surface receptors and migration ability in a microfluidic organotypic model.

Minimal Invasive TLIF Arthrodesis Using Augmented Reality Navigation for Percutaneous Pedicle Aiming...
ArthrosisSurgery for degenerative spondylolisthesis requires decompression of the narrow lumbar canal and fixation by osteosynthesis-arthrodesis. Conventional surgery is done through the open route. For 10-15 years, minimally invasive techniques have been established, allowing faster postoperative recovery for the patient. The downside to these techniques is the use of intraoperative fluoroscopy. This is why surgical navigation systems have been developed, allowing safe positioning of implants (pedicle screws). A new process (augmented reality navigation) has been tested in vitro and applied in open surgery. The HUS were the first establishment to apply this new method in minimally invasive surgery in a hybrid room of surgery and interventional radiology.

Retrospective Assessment of the Morphology of Acetabular Defects: A 3D Reconstruction Approach
Hip ArthrosisHip InjuriesIn this study, we aim to develop a statistical shape model and use it to reconstruct the shape of acetabula with severe defects (Paprosky 3a-3b). This will allow us to visualise and assess the morphology of the missing bone. In future studies we will use the obtained results to improve the design of acetabular implants for revision surgery.

Ankle Osteoarthritis
Ankle OsteoarthritisAnkle osteoarthritis is a progressive degenerative joint disease that is characterized by severe pain, loss of autonomy, diminished health-related quality of life, functional disability and diminished physical ability to fulfill occupational duties of life in its end-stage. Current surgical treatments for ankle osteoarthritis are ankle arthrodesis and total ankle replacement. Despite the good pain relief provided by these procedures, patients are still experiencing post-operatively important functional limitations in their activities of the daily living which affect their independency and quality of life. In order to remain capable of performing primary activities of the daily living, those patients have to make functional compensatory adaptations in the ipsilateral adjacent joints that will cause additional degenerative joint disease in those joints. Currently, the outcome of foot and ankle surgery is primarily based on clinical, radiographic and questionnaire outcomes. However, these outcome measures have been criticized for not being sensitive enough to detect clinically meaningful change in foot function. To tackle these shortcomings, an advanced clinical examination platform integrating pressure-force-kinematic measurement devices was developed and showed its clinical value for the detection of intrinsic foot mobility impairments. Surprisingly, up-to-now, no study has included this integrated use of three-dimensional multi-segment foot models, plantar pressure platform and a force platform to report on the functional outcome of an ankle arthrodesis or a total ankle replacement. Therefore, a multi-centre study will be conducted with two foot & ankle surgery centres. Both centres are equipped with the same advanced clinical examination platform. It is believed that proposed approach has the potential to provide further insight in the true functional changes related to ankle arthrodesis and total ankle replacement. This may in turn result in improved rehabilitation, less risk for post-operative complications, earlier discharge and quicker resumption of normal activities of the daily living, which would make ankle arthrodesis and total ankle replacement more cost-efficient and could potentially affect thousands of patients each year. Therefore, the hypotheses of the present study are: Hypothesis (H1): Subjects with an ankle arthrodesis require a greater reorganization of foot and lower limb kinematic and kinetic patterns to respond to mechanical requirements of level walking compared to subjects with a total ankle replacement. Null hypothesis (H0): Subjects with an ankle arthrodesis do not require a greater reorganization of foot and lower limb kinematic and kinetic patterns to respond to mechanical requirements of level walking compared to subjects with a total ankle replacement.

Impact of the Excess Weight Loss on Mineralization Patterns of the Knee After Bariatric Operations...
ObesityWeight Loss1 moreEvaluation of the subchondral mineralization plate after excess weight loss in patientes undergoing bariatric operation by means of CT-osteoabsorptiometry.

Pain Compared Between the First and the Second Surgery in Staged BTKA
Knee Osteoarthritispostoperative pain and analgesic consumption between the first and the second surgery would be compared in patients undergoing staged bilateral total knee arthroplasty (BTKA).

Comparison of Stability and Outcomes in Single-radius Femoral Component for Total Knee Arthroplasty...
OsteoarthritisThis is a comparison of the functional results and Varus-Valgus Stability in Single-radius versus Multi-radius Femoral Component for Total Knee Arthroplasty.

Osteoarthritis Cardiovascular Risk Factors
OsteoarthritisCardiovascular Risk Factors2 moreWe analyze retrospectively the relationship between traditional cardiovascular risk factors as hypertension, obesity, dislipidemia and diabetes and hand or knee osteoarthritis and we compare the results with a control groups of patients with soft tissue disease with no other rheumatologic condition.

Genome-wide Study for Disease Susceptibility Gene(s) in Patients With Hand Osteoarthritis
Hand OsteoarthritisThis is a case-control study involving one medical center and one research institute to develop a data-set containing a minimum of 100 osteoarthritis cases, minimum of 100 independent controls of similar gender ratio and a minimum of 100 disease controls (cases with hip and/or knee OA) to associate DNA sequence (allelic) variations in candidate genes with osteoarthritis phenotypes. This study is intended to begin at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences at Academia Sinica (which includes National Genotyping Center (NGC) and National Clinical Core (NCC)), National Taiwan University Hospital.