Preoperative Fasting for Ambulatory Cataract Surgery: The PRACTICE Study
Cataract ExtractionFasting1 moreThe current standard for cataract surgery is phacoemulsification with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. In this procedure, topical anesthesia has become favoured over local anesthetic blocks due to potential serious complications resulting from retrobulbar or peribulbar anesthesia. Routinely, intravenous sedation is used to supplement the topical anesthesia. If patients are not fasted, there is the potential to reduce preoperative discomfort and anxiety, ultimately improving the satisfaction with the care received. An additional benefit is that liberal fasting policies allow for flexibility in the scheduling of cases, particularly for urgent or semi-urgent situations. Clinical practice guidelines for cataract surgery published by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS) recommend that fasting is unnecessary if only topical anesthesia is used without intravenous (IV) opiates or sedation. In general, these suggestions are in agreement with guidelines from the United Kingdom's Royal College of Ophthalmologists, who note that "it is unnecessary to fast patients for local anesthetic cataract surgery." According to the CAS practice guidelines, the same fasting restrictions are applied when IV sedation or anesthesia with peripheral nerve blocks (e.g. retrobulbar or peribulbar blocks) are administered. At our centre at the Kensington Eye Institute (KEI) in Toronto, Canada, almost all cataract patients receive fentanyl and midazolam, with propofol given only in rare circumstances with close observation. This research project at the Kensington Eye Institute will consist of two phases, namely a prospective, consecutive observational analysis and a prospective time-interrupted study. In the first phase, an observational analysis will be conducted in which consecutive cataract surgery patients will be surveyed with a validated questionnaire to assess their satisfaction. Inclusion criteria will include any cataract patient scheduled for surgery who is willing and able to participate in the study, with fully informed consent provided. Previously published literature has evaluated the use of a patient satisfaction questionnaire regarding preoperative fasting, which includes items on hunger, thirst, hoarseness of voice, difficulty breathing, pain, agitation, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, shivering and problems with concentration. A Research Assistant will complete the questionnaire with all patients preoperatively at KEI, as well as a baseline demographic checklist that will include the patient's age, gender, laterality, surgeon, length of time fasted for solids and clear liquids, as well as the type and amount of solids and liquids. Secondary endpoints will be collected postoperatively and will include the incidence of aspiration, nausea and vomiting, as well as the rate of cancellations of surgeries directly related to issues with fasting guidelines. The first phase of the study will be used to conduct an appropriate sample size calculation, which will ensure that our second phase is not underpowered for the primary efficacy endpoint. In the second phase, a time-interrupted prospective study will be established with the following two arms: (1) experimental arm: patients will be encouraged by the Research Assistant to drink clear fluids right up to the 2 hour limit as specified in the latest ASA and CAS guidelines, with no intervention applied for solids, and (2): control arm: standard of care without any encouragement to drink clear fluids up to the 2 hour limit. Patients will be assigned to groups based on month, so that the first month of study execution will enroll all patients into the experimental arm, the second month will enroll only into the control arm, and that subsequent months will alternate enrollment in a similar method. Given the design, the study will be in accordance with the latest ASA and CAS preoperative fasting guidelines, and will not involve any use of financial or other methods of coercion to incentivize patients that are randomly assigned to the experimental arm. The encouragement process will only involve the Research Assistant asking and encouraging the patient to drink a standardized quantity of clear fluid (up to 400mL of water, coffee, tea, apple or cranberry juice and maximum of 2 teaspoons of sugar) up to the ASA and CAS mandated guideline of 2 hours preoperatively, with the patient making the final determination of whether to comply. Following the encouragement process, a demographics and satisfaction questionnaire will be administered to each patient preoperatively, as well as another satisfaction questionnaire administered following the surgery. Baseline demographics, primary and secondary endpoints will remain consistent with the first phase.

Perioperative Change of Regional Ventilation During Spontaneous Breathing
Pulmonary InfectionPleural Effusion5 morePerioperative changes in regional ventilation by pulmonary electrical impedance tomography and spirometry will be investigated in patients at risk for postoperative pulmonary complications. Those patients undergo abdominal and limb operations. In a pilot study arm electrical impedance tomography is tested in patients receiving osteosynthesis of serial rib fractures.

Efficacy of Surface Landmark Palpation for Identification of the Cricoid Cartilage in Obstetric...
Aspiration PneumoniaRapid Sequence Induction (RSI), with cricoid pressure is advocated for all obstetric patients undergoing general anesthesia. Applying cricoid pressure correctly is crucial to prevent aspiration. Using Ultrasound guidance we will be assessing the ability of different disciplines of caregivers to correctly localize the cricoid cartilage in obstetric patients by anatomical landmark palpation.

Syndrome and Aspiration Pneumonia in Intensive Care
ICU PatientsUnder Mechanical Ventilation2 moreInhalation is a common condition in patients with impaired their awareness requiring protection of the upper airway by endotracheal intubation. This inhalation may lead to chemical pneumonitis and/or bacterial pneumonia. Only the latter requires the administration of antibiotics. Patients developing such a bacterial pneumonia, has a mortality, duration of mechanical ventilation and length of ICU stay increased. However, the proportion of patients with such bacterial pneumonia, bacterial ecology and morbidity that are little known. The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of bacterial pneumonia in patients admitted to the ICU for coma and treated with mechanical ventilation

Artificial Intelligence in Diagnosing Dysphagia Patients
Respiration DisordersSwallowing Disorder4 moreIn this prospective study we extracted acoustic parameters using PRAAT from patient's attempt to phonate during the clinical evaluation using a digital smart device. From these parameters we attempted (1) to define which of the PRAAT acoustic features best help to discriminate patients with dysphagia (2) to develop algorithms using sophisticated ML techniques that best classify those i) with dysphagia and those ii ) at high risk of respiratory complications due to poor cough force.

Assessing Gastric Motility and Distention in Postoperative Gastrointestinal Surgery Using Bedside...
Postoperative IleusPostoperative Nausea4 morePoint-of-care gastric ultrasound will be used to measure stomach contents postoperative in patients who underwent colorectal surgery. Stomach volume and status (empty or full) will be compared retrospectively to the standard clinical criteria for diet advancement to determine if stomach volume via ultrasound is associated with successful diet advancement, nausea/vomiting, nasogastric tube replacement, length of stay, and other clinical outcomes. Clinicians performing clinical care will be blinded to the ultrasound exam results.

Change of Regional Ventilation During Spontaneous Breathing After Lung Surgery
Pulmonary InfectionRespiratory Insufficiency3 morePerioperative changes in regional ventilation by pulmonary electrical impedance tomography and spirometry will be investigated in patients at risk for postoperative pulmonary complications. Those patients undergo lung and flail chest surgery.

Bronchial Alpha Amylase as a Marker for Early Aspiration Pneumonia in Therapeutic Hypothermia.
Early Aspiration PneumoniaEarly Aspiration Pneumonia is a frequent and dreadful complication in survivors of cardiac arrest. Therapeutic Hypothermia widely used in Intensive Care Unit for its benefice on post cardiac arrest syndrome may otherwise hide signs of early pneumonia that may occur without use of a reliable screening biological marker. The goal is to assess the diagnostic accuracy of bronchial alpha amylase measure to predict a risk of early aspiration pneumonia in patients successfully resuscitated after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. In this prospective non interventional study we included patients resuscitated after cardiac arrest and treated with Targeted Temperature Management (TTM). A distal bronchoalveolar lavage using specific display (Combi-Cath) was executed immediately after admission for each patient with both biochemic and bacteriological analysis including dosage of bronchial salivary alpha amylase. Urea was used as a marker of dilution in the measure of bronchial and plasmatic alpha amylase. Aspiration pneumonia diagnosis was established with clinical and biological criteria. On this basis we intended to determine a threshold measure of alpha amylase predicting occurrence of aspiration pneumonia and allowing a guidance in antibiotherapy prescription. Sensibility and Specificity of this technique were determined.

Study of Risk Factors for Developing Inhalation Pneumonia After Inhalation
Inhalation PneumoniaRisk FactorInhalation pneumonia (PI) is common in clinical practice but is rarely studied. For example, there are no data on the incidence of pneumonia after inhalation and risk factors or protective factors to develop one since it is known that anyone who inhaled does not necessarily develop an IP. There is no data on the benefit of treating inhalation by antibiotic therapy pre-emptively although this practice is common. In this context, this observational study wishes to take stock of the situation on the subject in order to determine what actions to implement to prevent IP.