A Pilot Study of a Blended Intervention Targeting Emotion Dysregulation in Adults With ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderThe current study aims to investigate the feasibility and preliminary clinical effects of a blended psychological intervention targeting emotion dysregulation in adults with ADHD.

Phase 3 Efficacy and Safety Laboratory Classroom Study in Pediatrics (6-12) With ADHD Using CTx-1301...
ADHDADHD - Combined Type5 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CTx-1301 in children (6-12) with ADHD in a laboratory classroom setting.

A Trial of Centanafadine Long-term Safety in Children and Adolescents With Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity...
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderThe primary purpose of this trial is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of centanafadine QD XR in pediatric subjects with ADHD.

Stimulant Effects on Disruptive Behavior
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderProblem BehaviorThe goal of this study is to determine the effects of stimulant medication on disruptive behavior, function, preference and choice; however, it is primarily methodological and will add to current research by establishing an effective evaluation of the impact of stimulant medication on these behaviors. Three behavior assessments for children and adolescents diagnosed with AD/HD who exhibit disruptive behavior will be conducted: Preference assessments will be conducted to determine whether preference for social and nonsocial items and activities differs under medication and non-medication conditions. Functional analyses will be conducted to determine whether stimulant medication has an effect on the frequency and function or purpose of disruptive behavior. Choice assessments will be conducted to evaluate the impact of stimulant medication on impulse control/delay discounting. This study will be conducted in three phases. For each of the 5 to 10 participants there will be 8 total visits. The first 4 visits will entail a preference assessment, followed by a functional analysis. On visits 1 and 3, the participant will be asked to take his/her stimulant medication as is typically done; however, on visits 2 and 4, the participant will be asked to refrain from taking the medication. For visits 5-8, participants will continue to participate in preference assessments, but will also be presented with a choice arrangement with work and play. In the choice arrangement, participants will be given four work cards and four play cards that they can organize in any order. Work cards will be associated with a brief academic task and play cards will be associated with a brief play period using high-preferred toys/activities. On visits 5 and 7 the participant will be asked to take his or her stimulant medication as usual, while on visits 6 and 8 the participant will be asked to refrain from taking his or her medication.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Interventions in Individual Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents...
Hyperkinetic DisorderDepressive Disorder1 moreThe study 'Mindfulness and Relaxation interventions in Individual Training Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents' (MARS-CA) aims to examine the effects of short session-introducing interventions with mindfulness elements (SIIME) on juvenile patients' psychopathological symptomatology and therapeutic alliance at the beginning of the first 24 therapy sessions.

Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADHDAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder characterized by lack of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. It can have major impact on everyday life and result in negative consequences for one's personal, academic, and work situation. For individuals with symptoms of ADHD, increased levels of anxiety and depression are common, and an overall reduction of quality of life is often present. This study protocol describes a clinical trial of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT), using a randomized controlled study design, with the primary aim to increase quality of life, as well as to reduce symptoms of ADHD, anxiety, depression, and stress. A second aim is to investigate, by qualitative means, what aspects of treatment were perceived as helpful and hindering when it comes to completing iCBT. Two hundred participants with symptoms of ADHD will be included and randomized to two conditions (treatment and wait-list control). The treatment period is comprised of ten weeks, with two mandatory modules and ten modules from which the participants can choose freely. Self-report measures are completed by the participants at baseline and end of treatment, as well as at a six-month follow-up. The treatment is guided by therapists and consists of weekly correspondence with the participants. The study will utilize an intention to treat design, with ANOVAs and Reliable Change Index to evaluate treatment effects. The qualitative part of the project will be interview-based and employ thematic analysis. Lastly, a psychometric evaluation of a common instrument for determining ADHD-symptoms will also be made. The results will hopefully contribute to the evidence base for iCBT for individuals with symptoms of ADHD and help disseminate potentially effective interventions.

Mindfulness-Based ADHD Treatment for Children: a Feasibility Study
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects 11% of children and leads to adverse outcomes. Medications, while often effective in reducing certain ADHD symptoms, have many disadvantages, including misuse and side effects. Behavioral interventions do not have these adverse effects, but they are not as effective. Mindfulness is a candidate intervention for ADHD in elementary school children, but has not been systematically and rigorously studied. This study will evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of Mindfulness-Based ADHD Treatment for Children (MBAT-C). MBAT-C is designed for children at precisely the age when ADHD-relevant neurocognitive systems are developing and clinical symptoms begin to appear. Forty-five children from the New Haven, CT area, ages 7-13, will be recruited to participate in this randomized-controlled feasibility trial that will compare MBAT-C, medication, and a combined intervention.

Attention and Pain in Children With and Without Attention Deficit and/or Hyperactivity Disorder...
Attention Deficit Disorder With HyperactivityPlacebo Effect2 moreIn Quebec, there has been an important increase of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis since 2015. ADHD symptoms, related to behavioural and/or concentration difficulties, are very similar to other disorders symptoms, such as anxiety and depression, and have a significant impact on students' academic success and future life. Adults (parent, teacher, coach) expectations towards a child's abilities are consciously or unconsciously perceived by the child, influence his expectations of his own abilities, and thus his academic performance (Pygmalion effect). The child and his entourage's expectations are therefore a major factor to consider, especially in school-age children. According to ADHD studies, some brain areas involved in pain regulation and in attention cognitive abilities develop at a slower rate in children with ADHD than the other children. Considering the deleterious consequences generated by the symptoms of this disorder, the research project aims to better understand the role of expectations in children with ADHD in a medical (pain) and school (attention abilities) context. It also aims to contribute to better understand the role of the brain on the expectations effect and ADHD. In this study, children expectations will be modulated while pain experiments and cognitive task will be realized by children with and without ADHD. Brain measures will also be assessed with advanced techniques. Thus, we hope that the results will help improve intervention strategies in these contexts to ensure better support for children with ADHD, with a distant goal of contributing to the development of stronger tools for differential diagnostics.

A Study of TAK-503 in Children and Teenagers With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)...
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderThe main aim of this study is learn more about long-term treatment of children and teenagers with ADHD for whom earlier stimulant therapy did not work. The study has two parts (A and B). In Part A, participants will take tablets of TAK-503, atomoxetine or placebo. Participants who take placebo tablets in Part A, will take TAK-503 tablets in Part B. Participants who take TAK-503 or atomoxetine tablets in Part A, will be treated with TAK-503 in Part B.

Melatonin in ADHD and Sleep Problems
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderSleep DisorderTreatment with melatonin is often initiated on an insufficient basis as it has not been established prior to starting the treatment whether or not the child had delayed release of endogenous melatonin. At the clinic, it has furthermore been observed that the length of time a child experiences an effect of melatonin treatment varies substantially. In a clinical context, treatment with melatonin is used increasingly (www.Medstat.dk). However, there is no tradition in Denmark for measuring the endogenous melatonin level before initiating such treatment. Hence there is no way of knowing to what extent the sleep problems were indeed caused by delayed melatonin release. There seem to be no studies on the difference in the effect of melatonin treatment of children and adolescents depending on whether or not they have delayed DLMO. Likewise, there are no studies including adolescents. As can be seen, it is important to gain more knowledge about the normal release of melatonin, and the release of melatonin in a group of children and adolescents with a variety of psychiatric diagnoses. It is also essential to investigate whether there are any differences in the release of melatonin in children and adolescents with chronic sleep onset problem and children and adolescents who do not have sleep problems.