The Relationship Between Child Language Proficiency and Language of Treatment on the Outcomes of...
Developmental Language DisorderLanguage ImpairmentOf the 12 million children in the USA growing up bilingual, about 1 million experience Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), a disorder in language learning and use. Currently there is no guidance for speech language pathologists (SLPs) as to the language of intervention for bilingual children with DLD with differing degrees of proficiency with English or Spanish. This project will examine the relationship between relative language proficiency and the language of intervention, considering monolingual intervention in English and Spanish and bilingual intervention presented by alternating English and Spanish treatment sessions with the goal of improving language outcomes and thereby strengthening long-term academic achievement.

Evaluation of an Explicit Approach
Developmental Language DisorderExplicit Intervention1 moreThis study is a randomized clinical trial that uses a Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) study design. The study will directly compare the efficacy of an innovative intervention that combines explicit and implicit approaches to a traditional implicit treatment approach to teach true grammatical forms to children with developmental language disorder (DLD). The study will also compare interventions that include sequences of Explicit-added and Implicit-only treatments. Participants will include 5- through 9-year-old children with DLD who present with significant grammatical weaknesses. In Phase 1, 155 participants will be randomized 1:1 to an Explicit-added treatment group or an Implicit-only treatment group. Each participant will complete 32 sessions targeting four unique grammatical forms (8 sessions/form). In Phase 2, "Masters" will be re-randomized to receive no treatment 32 sessions of the same treatment, or 32 sessions of the alternative treatment. "Non-Masters" will be re-randomized to receive 32 additional sessions of the same treatment or 32 sessions of the alternative treatment. Performance will be measured on acquisition, maintenance, and generalization probes obtained immediately,1-, 6-, and 12- months post-intervention. The SMART study design will be used to determine if child factors, including expressive and receptive language abilities, nonverbal IQ, and executive function skills can reliably predict the treatment sequence that optimizes language learning. Study results will help to determine the best sequence approach to ameliorate grammatical weaknesses, one of the core deficits of young children with language impairment.

Parent-Level Predictors of Early Language Interaction Quality and Intervention Outcomes
Language Development DisordersAutism Spectrum DisorderChildren with poor early language skills are at risk for academic, social, vocational, and health difficulties across the lifespan. Parent training-as part of early language intervention-is a cost-effective option to address this public health issue, but these interventions demonstrate large individual differences in outcomes and barriers to scalability. The purpose of this research is to examine parent-level predictors of early language interaction quality and modifiability during training, which will help increase intervention effectiveness.

The Effect of Prior Learning on Word Learning
Language Development DisordersThe goal of this clinical trial is to compare two treatment conditions for late talking toddlers. In 8 weeks of word learning treatment, toddlers will be taught words that sound more like the words they already know or sound less like the words they already know. The investigators see which group learns more, to understand if choosing words that let children use the knowledge they already have helps with learning.

Recasting or Book Reading by Parents or Clinicians
Developmental Language Disorder and Language ImpairmentDevelopmental Language Disorder (DLD) affects approximately seven percent of the population and is characterized by grammatical deficits that cascade into lifelong academic challenges and under-employment. Current treatments for DLD produce good outcomes under ideal, high intensity conditions or when parents have been trained to deliver therapy using intense coaching methods; however, current publicly funded service delivery systems and private-pay reimbursement models do not support treatment being delivered in this ideal fashion for children older than three. This project will examine alternative methods of delivering treatment that may be more feasible under typical conditions and will identify implementation barriers, with the goal of improving long-term outcomes for children with DLD. We hypothesize that feasibility and palatability will influence dose, which will in turn affect the overall language outcomes.

Kindergarten Children Acquiring Words Through Storybook Reading
Language Development DisordersChildren with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) are slower to learn new words than their peers, placing them at risk for academic failure. In this study, we are improving a storybook reading treatment to help Kindergarten children with SLI learn new words. In this study, we compare three versions of book reading that vary in how often children are tested on, meaning asked to talk about, the words they are learning in the book: low vs. mid vs. high testing. We then examine which version of the treatment leads to better learning of the words during treatment and remembering of the words after treatment. We also seek to understand individual differences in treatment outcomes by examining pre-treatment predictors as well as progress during and after treatment.

Rehabilitation of Narrative Language in Children With Hearing Impairment and Developmental Language...
Hearing Impaired ChildrenDevelopmental Language DisorderThe importance of narrative skills is evident in their role in language development and their relation to important academic skills namely reading, comprehension, and writing. Narratives are also essential for competent social skills, and children with delayed language development are usually found to have less proficient social communication skills. Research demonstrates the effects of narrative language intervention on improved narrative structure and complexity in addition to improved receptive and expressive use of syntax, morphology and general language use in children with narrative language impairment in various types of communication disorders. Given the importance of narrative language abilities in language development and due to lack of research targeting the assessment and intervention of narrative language skills of Arabic speaking children with language impairments, this study is dedicated towards the assessment of narrative language in Arabic speaking children and the development of a comprehensive intervention program targeting narrative language skills and its application on children with hearing impairment and developmental language disorder.

Neuroimaging Reveals Treatment-related Changes in DLD
Developmental Language DisorderChildren with developmental language disorders (DLD, aka specific language impairment), a prevalent pediatric disorder, experience hallmark grammar deficits with life-long impacts on educational and occupational outcomes. While effective and early interventions can mitigate the impact of DLD, not enough is known about the neural basis of DLD in young children, yet is needed to inform the design of more individualized interventions. This project uses neuroimaging, along with behavioral methods, with the goal of better understanding the memory-language mechanisms that underlie grammar learning and impairment, while also considering their association to treatment-related changes in preschoolers with DLD.

Virtual Group Social ABCs - Multi-site Randomized Controlled Trial
Autism Spectrum DisorderSocial Communication Disorder3 moreThe goal of this randomized control trial is to test the efficacy of the Social ABCs 6 week, group-based model using a virtual delivery platform. The Social ABCs is a caregiver-mediated early intervention program, aiming to increase child skills in directed, intentional vocalizations, and shared smiling with a primary caregiver for toddlers identified as early signs or a confirmed diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or having related social communication challenges. A positive RCT was previously completed using the program's in-person individual, 12-week model, and a pilot study showing preliminary promise of the virtual group-based model has also been published. This adaptation to a virtual, group-based model maintains the core components of the intervention, but allows caregivers to meet and discuss the content as a group from their home environments and complete the program in a shorter timeframe. The main questions it aims to answer are: Is the Social ABCs virtual group-based model an effective early intervention program for toddlers aged 12-42 months with probable or confirmed ASD, or experiencing social communication challenges, when compared to an active control condition? Can primary caregivers of these toddlers achieve implementation fidelity in the Social ABCs intervention strategies using the 6-week virtual delivery model? Participants will be randomized into the treatment condition (A) where they will receive the Social ABCs virtual group-based intervention or, into a Control condition (B), where they meet virtually with other caregivers in the control groups over the course of 6 weeks, viewing and discussing 3 didactic presentations around general child development content (not autism- or Social ABCs-specific). Video and questionnaire data will be collected before (Time 0) and after (Time 1) the 6 week period. After an additional 6-8 weeks, the same data will be collected from both groups as a follow-up time point (Time 2). Researchers will compare the Treatment group and the Control group to measure change in the target behaviours for the child, the caregiver's use of strategies, as well as caregiver stress and self-efficacy, across time-points.

Reading Intervention to Children With Developmental Language Disorder
Developmental Language DisorderThe main purpose of this study is to investigate if the internet-based computer-game Grapholearn (GL) is an effective tool for early and intensive intervention of the reading decoding skills in Swedish children with DLD, as compared to two control groups of children with DLD (I) playing a math computer game, and (II) attending usual schooling. Hypothesis: Five weeks of 20 sessions of GL will improve the accuracy of word and nonword decoding skills in children with DLD from baseline to T2 and T3. The GL intervention group will perform higher number of accuratly decoded words and nonwords than the two control groups at T2, and at T3. The second aim is to elucidate how the parents' language and reading skills, prevalence of language-related diagnoses, and socio-economic-status, and the children's self-reported self-esteem is related to their reading skills. Hypothesis 1: Children with DLD who's parents show poor language and/or reading skills will perform lower on the word/nonword decoding tests. Hypothesis 2: Children who show no significant improvement of word/nonword decoding skills will to a higher degree have parents with reading difficulties. Hypothesis 3: Parents highest level of education will not be associated with the participating childrens language and reading skills. Hypothesis 4: Results from the self-reported self-esteem will be lower than normdata from the test manual, and will not be associated with the children's language and reading skills.