Safety and Performance of UCon for the Treatment of the Symptoms of Overactive Bladder (OAB) / Bowel...
Urinary IncontinenceFecal Incontinence8 moreThis clinical investigation is a single-arm, prospective, multicentre, early feasibility study, which is used to evaluate the device design of UCon with respect to initial clinical safety and device performance in a small number of subjects. UCon is a medical device for treatment of the symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) and bowel disorders (BD). It electrically stimulates the dorsal genital nerve (DGN) through the skin to obtain modulated behaviour of the bladder/bowel musculature e.g., suppress undesired bladder/bowel activity to relieve the symptoms of the patient.

TENS Treatment for Bedwetting
Nocturnal EnuresisBed WettingChildren referred to pediatric urology clinic for primary nocturnal enuresis will be screened for enrollment. Patients who fail will next be offered therapy with a bedwetting alarm device or a TENS unit as an alternative, and those who chose TENS therapy will be included in the study.The patients will be randomized into three groups of 30 patients each. Group 1 will be the long frequency set at 2 Hz (hertz). Group 2 will be the moderate frequency set at 10 Hz. Group 3 will be the short frequency set 150 Hz. The patients will be provided with a TENS unit and electrode pads and caretakers instructed on how to use the apparatus. The child's TENS unit will be set at a frequency determined by randomization, pulse width of 260 seconds, and an intensity to be determined in the office based upon when the child feels sensitive to the TENS unit. The child will be randomized and will place the electrodes along the posterior tibial nerve on the medial ankle each night before bed time for 15 minutes for a total of 30 days. Diaries including nighttime incontinence episodes and a "wet sheet" scale (dry, damp, wet, soaked) will be recorded, along with any adverse reactions to the TENS unit. Patients will be followed up after one month of TENS with evaluation including the Pediatric Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire, a validated tool for measuring quality of life in children with bladder dysfunction; this questionnaire will be filled out prior to starting TENS treatment in order to compare the effect of treatment on QOL. The data will be collected at different time points (baseline and after 1 month of treatment) for each group by itself and the groups compared against each other using statistical analysis.

Effect of Use of DryNites Absorbent Pants on the Rate of Spontaneous Resolution of Paediatric Nocturnal...
Nocturnal EnuresisChildren vary in the age at which they achieve night-time dryness; in almost all cases children will stop bed-wetting without any need for treatment. Use of absorbent pants for the management of nocturnal enuresis is controversial regarding the impact on the speed at which children become dry throughout the night. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of using DryNites absorbent pants in children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis on the speed they become dry throughout the night compared with removing absorbent pants.

Mirabegron 25 mg for Treatment of Primary Nocturnal Enuresis
Nocturnal EnuresisInvestigators will study the efficacy and safety of mirabegron25 in treatment of primary nocturnal enuresis in comparison to oral desmopressin 120 mcg and behavioral therapy

Effect of Laser Acupuncture for Treating Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis in Adolescent Females...
Non-Specific UrethritisThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of laser acupuncture on monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis in adolescent females.

UCon Treatment of Overactive Bladder (OAB) in Males
Urinary IncontinenceUrge Incontinence6 moreUCon is a medical device for treatment of the symptoms of OAB and fecal incontinence (FI). It electrically stimulates the DGN through the skin to obtain modulated behaviour of the bladder musculature e.g., suppress undesired bladder activity to relieve the symptoms of the patient. This clinical investigation is a randomized, cross-over, single-site, prospective, early feasibility study, which is used to evaluate Ucon with respect to its initial clinical safety and device performance in a small number of males with OAB.

Randomized Study Of Novel Enuresis Alarm vs Standard Bedwetting Alarm
BedwettingNocturnal Enuresis1 moreIdentify the dry night rate in patients using the GoGoband® nocturnal enuresis device vs a standard Pflaundler bedwetting alarm.

Comparative Study of the Efficacy of TENS Versus Placebo in Isolated Primary Enuresis
EnuresisNocturnalNocturnal enuresis is a functional urinary disorder in children. It is intermittent urinary incontinence during sleep in children aged 5 years and older. It is said to be "primary" if the child has never been clean at night for at least 6 months and "isolated" if there are no other associated urinary symptoms, including daytime symptoms. It is a common condition with significant repercussions, including disruption of family and social life and a frequent decline in self-esteem. Without treatment, it can persist into adulthood. All these reasons justify taking care of these children. This is usually based on: The establishment of hygienic-dietetic rules: Regular urination and before sleeping, limitation of fluid intake in the evening. They are systematically implemented, whatever the subsequent management Drug treatments (Desmopressin, oxybutynin). These treatments have an efficiency of 60 to 70% at 6 months post treatment and sometimes have side effects. Non-drug treatments: Night-time "pee stop" alarms. They have an efficiency of around 70%. They are little used because they often wake up the whole family and are not reimbursed by social security. TENS (Transcutaneous Electro Neuro Stimulation) is a neuro-modulation technique which consists of stimulating the nerves by means of skin electrodes in order to obtain a somatic response. In urology, it is mainly used by stimulating either the sacral region, origin of the vesical innervation, or the tibial nerve. Its main indication is overactive bladder, a source of discomfort and incontinence. It is used at home, the side effects are exceptional and it does not disturb the activities of the patients. Few studies have evaluated its effectiveness in isolated primary enuresis.

Alarm Treatment for Combined Enuresis and Daytime Urinary Incontinence in Children
IncontinenceUrinary3 moreThe aim is to examine whether alarm therapy in addition to urotherapy can have a beneficial effect in treating urinary incontinence children with combined daytime incontinence and enuresis. The study will include children who suffers for combined daytime incontinence and enuresis and referred to one of the pediatric departments were offed to participate. Participants are randomized to 8 weeks treatment with either enuresis alarm and timer watch assist urotherapy or solely timer watch assisted urotherapy.

Think Dry: Optimalisation of Diagnostic Process of Urinary Incontinence in Older People
IncontinenceUrge5 moreUrinary incontinence is an increasing medical and socio-economical problem. 44% of the elderly (>65 years) women and 28% of the elderly men suffer from unwilling urine loss. Moreover, this percentages increase with age. Incontinence is a problem with multiple physical, psychological, and financial effects. In addition incontinence has a important impact on the family and healthcare professionals surrounding the elderly. The problem of urinary incontinence is complex and multifactorial. Moreover, diagnostic guidelines are inconsistent leading to a high amount of technical interventions to diagnose and to specify the type of incontinence. Aim of this study is to create a short form of necessary technical investigations to diagnose and evaluate urinary incontinence.