Gut Microbiota and Behcet's Syndrome: a Dietary Intervention Trial (MAMBA Study)
Behcet SyndromeBehçet's syndrome (BS) is an idiopathic, chronic, multi-systemic inflammatory disorder characterized by ocular disease, skin lesions, vascular, neurological and gastrointestinal involvement. A recent study showed a peculiar dysbiosis of gut microbiota (GM) in BS patients, with specific changes in the profiles of short-chain fatty acids, especially butyrate. Over the last few years, a growing interest on the role of GM in metabolic disturbances has been manifested. Diet is one of the major factors driving the GM composition and functionality. In this context, the influence of diets generally recognized healthy on GM has been explored, but consistent data on autoimmune and inflammatory diseases are not available. The aim of this intervention study is to investigate whether a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet enriched in substrates with potential for butyrate production or a Mediterranean diet supplemented with oral butyrate could be beneficial for GM and metabolic risk profile in BS.

A Study of Apremilast in Children With Oral Ulcers Associated With Behçet's Disease or Juvenile...
Behçet's DiseaseJuvenile Psoriatic ArthritisThe primary objective of this study is to evaluate the long-term safety of apremilast in participants 2 years of age or older with oral ulcers associated with Behçets disease or 5 years of age or older with active juvenile psoriatic arthritis that have completed Study 20190530 or Study 20190529.

Apremilast Pediatric Study in Children With Active Oral Ulcers Associated With Behçet's Disease...
Behçet DiseaseThe aim of this study is to estimate the efficacy of apremilast compared to placebo in the treatment of oral ulcers in pediatric participants from 2 to < 18 years of age with oral ulcers associated with Behçet's disease (BD) through week 12.

Lenalidomide in the Treatment of Mucosal Behçet's Syndrome
Oral UlcerThe study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of lenalidomide in the treatment of oral ulcers in adult patients with refractory mucosal Behcet's syndrome.

Recombinant Herpes Zoster Vaccine in Patients With Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases
Rheumatoid ArthritisSpondylitis12 moreIntroduction: Patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARDs), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), psoriatic arthritis (PAs), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) , systemic sclerosis (SSc), idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) and primary vasculitides, have a high risk of herpes zoster (HZ) infection. This increased susceptibility is caused by a deficient cell-mediated immune response due to the underlying disease and glucocorticoid and immunosuppressive treatments that impair the T-cell response, including conventional and unconventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and biological agents. In this context, the recent availability of a recombinant vaccine against HZ (RZV or Shingrix®), composed of recombinant VZV glycoprotein E (gE) and the AS01B adjuvant system (HZ/su), is a major progress regarding safety for immunosuppressed patients. Its effectiveness, however, has been clearly demonstrated for non-immunosuppressed patients and in selected populations of immunocompromised individuals. There are no prospective controlled studies evaluating the immunogenicity of RZV and its impact on the activity of the underlying disease, as well as its safety in patients with ARDs at high-risk for HZ. Hypothesis: RZV has a good safety profile, including with respect to underlying rheumatic disease activity, in patients with ARDs at high risk of HZ. Objectives: Primary: To assess the short-term safety profile in relation to underlying disease activity in patients with ARDs at high risk of HZ immunized with RZV compared to unvaccinated patients. Secondary: To evaluate the general safety of the vaccine in patients with ARDs at high risk of HZ immunized with RZV and non-immunosuppressed control subjects (CG); the humoral and cellular immunogenicity of RZV in patients with ARDs at high risk of HZ compared to CG; the influence of disease treatment on vaccine response; the 12-month persistence of humoral immunogenicity and incident cases of HZ. Specific studies will also be carried out to evaluate the effect of drug withdrawal (methotrexate-MTX and mycophenolate mofetil-MMF) after vaccination in increasing the immune response in patients with ARDs with controlled underlying disease.

Deployment o the Multidisciplinary Prospective Cohort Imminent
Chronic Inflammatory DiseaseAngioedema7 moreImmune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) most often affect young patients and have high impact on morbidity and mortality with a significant alteration in the quality of life of patients with professional, social and emotional repercussions. Beyond this burden, IMIDs share many common pathophysiological mechanisms and treatments, known as "targeted therapies". Despite progress in this field, much remains to be done in clinical, therapeutic and fundamental research to address the efficacy, resistance and side-effects of treatment. These similarities between IMIDs have led the FHU IMMINeNT to propose the creation of a prospective, multidisciplinary clinical-biological database (IMMINeNT cohort), associated to a biobank, of patients with IMIDs. The main objectives of this database will be to identify new prognostic and therapeutic biomarkers in order to develop new therapeutic targets and biomarkers, to identify prognostic factors and determinants related to the activity, severity and quality of life of patients with IMIDs as well as to the response and tolerance to treatment.

"Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Adalimumab to That of Tocilizumab in Severe Uveitis of...
Behcet's UveitisUVB, is the first randomized prospective, head to head study, comparing Adalimumab to Tocilizumab in sight threatening uveitis of Behçet's Disease (BD). Anti-TNFα has been used for BD uveitis for 15 years. The incidence of blindness in BD has been dramatically reduced in the recent years with the use of biologics. There is no firm evidence or randomized controlled trials directly addressing the best induction therapy in severe BD uveitis. BD uveitis is considered as the most devastating inflammatory ocular disease. Risk of visual loss reaches 25% at 5 years and 80% of patients have a bilateral involvement. Contrasting with immunosuppressors or interferon-alpha, biotherapies act rapidly and are highly effective in steroid's sparing thus preventing occurrence of cataract and/or glaucoma. However, anti-TNFα failed to demonstrate sustainable complete remission over 50 % of severe sight threatening uveitis. There is little published information on use of biologics other than anti-TNFα for severe BD uveitis. Tocilizumab has been used with success in severe and/or resistant cases and is one of the most promising biologics in BD. IL-6 expression correlates with BD activity and other immunological data provide a strong rationale for targeting BD with tocilizumab. Despite a strong rationale, these compounds are not yet approved in BD, which guarantees the innovative nature of this study that aims selecting or dropping any arm when evidence of efficacy already exists. The objective of the study is to assess the benefit of tocilizumab comparatively to that of adalimumab in sight-threatening Behçet's disease uveitis at week 16

Tocilizumab and Tofacitinib in the Treatment of Vascular Behçet's Syndrome
AneurysmBehcet Syndrome1 moreThis project aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the combination of glucocorticoids with tocilizumab or tofacitinib, compared to the traditional combination of glucocorticoids with cyclophosphamide in the treatment of vascular Behçet's syndrome.

Evaluation of Topical Rebamipide Versus Topical Betamethasone for Management of Oral Ulcers in Behcet's...
Oral Ulceration Due to Behçet's DiseaseThe goal of this randomized clinical trial is to to compare the effect of topical rebamipide to topical betamethasone on oral ulcer severity in patients with Behcet's disease.. The main question it aims to answer is : What is the effect of topical Rebamipide mouthwash compared to topical betamethasone mouthwash in management of oral ulcers in Behcet's disease? Participants will will be divided randomly into the two groups and the following outcomes will be measured: The oral ulcers severity Pain associated with oral ulcers Number of oral ulcers Healing time of oral ulcers

Safety and Efficacy of Adalimumab Therapy for Treatment of Behcet's Disease-related Uveitis in Sohag...
Uveitisthe goal of this prospective cohort study is to asses the Safety and efficacy of Adalimumab therapy for treatment of Behcet's disease-related uveitis in adult patients at sohag university hospital. Patients will receive adalimumab (40 IU), subcutaneous injection every two weeks for 6 months either as a primary treatment or if refractory to corticosteroids and at least one conventional synthetic immunosuppressive drug.