Magnetic Compression Anastomosis for Recanalization of Biliary Stricture
Biliary Anastomotic StrictureBiliary Tract Diseases3 moreBiliary stricture is a common complication after end-to-end biliary anastomosis, especially after liver transplantation. This study is designed to investigate the safety and efficacy of magnetic recanalization technique, a newly clinical method, for treating biliary anastomotic stricture.

Ultrasound-guided Percutaneous Biliary Drainage Versus Endoscopic Ultrasound-guided Biliary Drainage...
Bile Duct ObstructionExtrahepaticProspective multi-site study of ultrasound-guided percutaneous biliary drainage and endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage with implantation of a self-expanding metal stent in patients with malignant, distal bile duct obstruction (PUMa-study)

Hepatic Impairment With Cirrhosis Due to Cholestatic Liver Disease
Hepatic ImpairmentCirrhosis1 moreA Phase 1, Open-label Extension Groups Study in Subjects having Hepatic Impairment with Cirrhosis due to Cholestatic Liver Disease

Clinical Trial Comparing ERCP vs ERCP and Transmural Gall Bladder Drainage
Bile Duct; ObstructionWith Calculus1 moreCholelithiasis occurs in 10-20% of the general population. Up to 18% of these subjects will present symptoms. In patients with symptomatic choledocholithiasis who are not candidates for surgery with indication for ERCP, transmural drainage of the gallbladder reduces the risk of recurrence. The investigators propose a multicentric double-blind randomized trial. Our primary objective is to assess whether ERCP associated with transmural gallbladder drainage is able to reduce biliary disease income compared with ERCP in patients not candidates for surgery with symptomatic choledocholithiasis and cholelithiasis during one year of follow-up. Also the investigators will analyze the proportion of technical success and complications. The study population includes all patients older than 75 years with symptomatic choledocholithiasis. An estimated 75 subjects per group (ERCP alone and ERCP and transmural drainage) are needed.

Linerixibat Long-term Safety, and Tolerability Study
CholestasisThis is an open-label, non-comparator, global, multi-center, long-term safety study for evaluating safety and tolerability of linerixibat in participants with cholestatic pruritus in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) who participated in a prior clinical trial with linerixibat (BAT117123 [NCT01899703], 201000 GLIMMER [NCT02966834] (group 1) or 212620 GLISTEN [NCT00210418]) (group 2). All participants will receive open-label linerixibat for the duration of the study. The study duration is expected to last until the study's end or until linerixibat can be lawfully made available to participants. However, the total duration of study participation will vary by participant depending upon the time of entry relative to study end in their respective country.

Efficacy of 24 Month of Bezafibrate in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis With Persistent Cholestasis...
Primary Sclerosing CholangitisCholestasisThe objectives of this study are to evaluate the effect of bezafibrate treatment compared to placebo on efficacy and safety in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and persistent cholestasis despite ursodeoxycholic acid therapy

A Study Comparing Sems Placement With and and Without Biliary Sphincterectomy in Patients With Malignant...
Bile Duct ObstructionBackground and rationale Placement of biliary self expanding metal stent (SEMS) is indicated when malignant common bile duct obstruction is encountered. Currently, there is still controversy regarding the use of endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) before the placement of biliary stents. EST may facilitate insertion of self expandable metal stent (SEMS) and also help avert the development of pancreatitis from stent-related occlusion of the pancreatic duct. On the other hand, ES is also independently associated with pancreatitis, bleeding, and perforation. Latest European guidelines indicate that EST is not necessary for inserting single plastic or metal biliary stents, nevertheless a more recent meta analysis showed that ES may decrease the rate of PEP. Population and patient selection criteria All the patient referred for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) due to malignant bile duct obstruction. Study design and study duration Prospective randomized, multicenter study. 18 months. Description of study treatment/product/intervention All the patients will be randomly assigned to undergo ERCP with (Group A) or without (Group B) ES before biliary SEMS placement. All the endoscopic procedures will be performed by experienced endoscopist in the endoscopy suite. All the procedure will be conducted under deep sedation. SEMS placed will be fully covered. Objectives To assess the need for EST before SEMS placement in patients with malignant bile duct obstruction. To evaluate immediate (periprocedural) and delayed (30 days) post ERCP complications including pancreatitis, SEMS migration, bleeding and perforation. Statistical methods, data analysis A sample size analysis to detect superiority at 5% significance level and a power of 80% showed that 500 patients had to be enrolled in each group. Continuous variables such age will be reported in terms of their mean and range, and t-test will be done to test their main difference. X square test or Fisher exact test will be carried out for statistical analysis to compare rates of total complications between the two groups and rates of pancreatitis, bleeding, stent migration and perforation. Wilcoxon Mann-Withney test will be used for comparison of means between 2 continuous variables. A single-tailed P value of less than 0,05 is considered significant. Study time table Project starting date: 15-7-2015 Project completion of patients accrual: 15-10-2016 Project completion of data collection: 15-11-2016 Project data analysis: 15-2-2017 Project presentation of scientific report: 15-4-2017

Sems Placement With and Without Biliary Sphincterectomy in Patients With Malignant Biliary Obstruction...
Malignant Bile Duct ObstructionPlacement of biliary self expanding metal stent (SEMS) is indicated when malignant common bile duct obstruction is encountered [1]. Currently, there is still controversy regarding the use of endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) before the placement of biliary stents [2-5]. The aim of this prospective randomized, multicenter study is to investigate the role of EST before fully covered SEMS placement in patients with neoplastic biliary obstruction.

Flushing of Internalized Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage Catheters
Bile Duct ObstructionPercutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) is a drainage method for biliary obstruction. Patients with a PTBD catheter often need multiple re-interventions because of symptoms of catheter obstruction such as pain, jaundice, pruritus, leakage and/or fever. The onset of these symptoms results in hospital visits, opening of the external catheter of an internal external PTBD and re-interventions. The investigators hypothesize that daily flushing of an internal external biliary catheter will increase the time-to-symptom-onset.

Different Effects of Delayed Clamping on Neonatal Bilirubin Levels Between Pregnant Women With Intrahepatic...
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of PregnancyObjective:The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between delayed cord clamping and neonatal bilirubin levels in pregnant women with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. Method:This observational prospective cohort study included a total of 200 pregnant women at 37-40 gestational weeks. Among them, 100 pregnant women with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy were divided into 50 cases of immediate cord clamping group (ICC in pregnant women with ICP)and 50 cases of delayed cord clamping group(DCC in pregnant women with ICP), and 100 normal pregnant women were also divided into 50 cases of immediate cord clamping group (ICC in normal pregnant women)and 50 cases of delayed cord clamping group(DCC in normal pregnant women). The bilirubin levels of neonates in each group were compared.