Evaluation of Strategies for Improved Uptake of Preventive Treatment for Intestinal Schistosomiasis...
SchistosomiasisPrevious research undertaken among adults in high endemic districts of Busia, Adjumani, Moyo and Nebbi reported unwillingness to take preventive treatment. A particular study conducted in primary schools of Jinja district showed that only 30% of school children took praziquantel during the 2011 Mass Drug Administration (MDA). Fear of side effects of praziquantel, lack of knowledge about schistosomiasis transmission and prevention and lack of teacher support were some of the major factors associated with the low uptake. Similar reasons for non-uptake have been reported elsewhere. Thus, measures are needed to increase uptake of Mass Drug Administration (MDA) in Uganda. There is no doubt that health education facilitates a better understanding of the obvious risks to health, including the knowledge of preventing parasitic infections among primary school children. Better compliance to treatment for schistosomiasis among school children can be achieved through implementing carefully designed programs involving face to face education methods. Increasing knowledge about schistosomiasis transmission and prevention and implementing measures to mitigate the side effects attributable to praziquantel, such as providing a snack prior to drug administration may improve uptake of the drug among school children. Hypothesis- Provision of a pre-treatment snack is effective in improving uptake of preventive treatment for intestinal schistosomiasis among primary school children.
Health Benefits of Repeated Treatment in Pediatric Schistosomiasis
SchistosomiasisObjective and Hypotheses: This project has the overall objective of implementing and evaluating new approaches to reducing the current and future burden of urinary schistosomiasis in young children using the antihelminthic drug praziquantel. The investigators hypotheses are that (1) praziquantel treatment will be as effective in children 1 to 5 years of age (who are routinely excluded from schistosomiasis control programmes) as it is in older 6-10 year old children and (2) two treatments will be more effective than a single treatment, especially in children 1 to 5 years of age.
Urinary Schistosomiasis Infection
Diseases of the Urinary SystemSchistosomiasis HaematobiaThe purpose of this study is to determine what causes some people to become sick, and others not, when they are infected with the parasite Schistosoma haematobium, also known as Bilharzia. This is an infection of the urinary tract blood vessels and can cause serious disease. Approximately 4400 adults and children of any age will participate in this study. They must be residents of the Msambweni Area, Kwale District, Coast Province, Kenya, where infection with S. haematobium parasites are common. To find out if people are infected, they will first provide 1 or more urine samples for a microscope examination to detect if the S. haematobium parasites are present in the body. Volunteers then will be examined by ultrasound to see if they have kidney or bladder disease. (Ultrasound examination is the use of a non-painful machine that uses sound waves to examine the condition of the internal organs.) Treatment with the drug praziquantel will be offered if S. haematobium infection is found.
Childhood Schistosomiasis: a Novel Strategy Extending the Benefits/Reach of Antihelminthic Treatment...
SchistosomiasisObjective and Hypotheses: This project has the overall objective of implementing and evaluating new approaches to reducing the current and future burden of urinary schistosomiasis in young children using the antihelminthic drug Praziquantel. The project aims to (1) determine the operational health benefits of treating schistosome infections early on re-infection and morbidity reduction, (2) determine if gut or urine microbiome structure (species diversity or abundance) is a risk factor for S. haematobium infection or morbidity, and (3) elucidate the factors and underlying mechanisms mediating the reduction/reversal of schistosome-related morbidity and resistance against infection/re-infection in young children.
Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy-Intermittent Preventive Treatment (ACT-IPT) Trial Among Schoolchildren...
MalariaSchistosomiasis3 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine if Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy, ACT,(artemether-lumefantrine) used as intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) alone or in combination with praziquantel, will have any effects on anemia, malaria, schistosomiasis and school sustained attention and concentration.
Urogenital Schistosomiasis and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Madagascar
Sexually Transmitted InfectionsSchistosoma HaematobiumA cross-sectional study of urogenital schistosomiasis and sexually transmitted infections (STI) prevalence and associated morbidity in a rural community in Madagascar. Clearance of infections and resolution of morbidity were subsequently studied in two phases following systematic anti-STI and anti-schistosoma treatment, respectively.
Validation of POC-CCA Rapid Urine Test for Qualitative Detection of Schistosoma Japonicum
Aged ≥2 Years in Schistosomiasis Affected AreasThis is a longitudinal cohort study that will be coordinated with the 2019 schistosomiasis stool survey in Napu. The study will use the stool survey results as entry criteria to identify subjects to become the index cases. Contact investigation will be conducted to the index cases during home visit (Visit 1). The index cases and their contacts meeting the study's eligibility criteria will be recruited. For Visit 1, they will be tested for schistosomiasis by on the spot POC-CCA, stool samples will be tested for KK at Donggala R&D Center Laboratory and urinary tract infection (UTI) by urine dipsticks, stool samples will be tested for schistosomiasis and soil transmitted helminths (STH) by KK at Donggala R&D Center Laboratory and by molecular assay (Taqman qPCR) at the INA-RESPOND Reference Laboratory, while dried blood spots samples will be tested for schistosome antibodies by ELISA at the INA-RESPOND Reference Laboratory. The study KK and/or POC-CCA will be used to determine their schistosomiasis status. Those with positive schistosomiasis status by KK and/or POC-CCA will continue follow up to Visit 2 and 3.
Using Community-Based Volunteers to Reach Non-Enrolled School Aged Children Through Community-Directed...
SchistosomiasisSoil-Transmitted HelminthiasisSchistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminhtiasis occur throughout the developing world and are most prevalent in the poorest communitites. These worms have been linked to several nutritional and intellectual deficiencies in many endemic populations worldwide. Helminth control, though crucial has been neglected for varied reasons. Currently, interests towards the control of neglected diseases including schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths has been revived through many interventions including repeated chemotherapy to help improve public health outcomes and prevent long term morbidity. This will contribute to achieving several of the Millennium Development Goals at a favourable cost. A community-directed treatment of human schistosomiasis and STH in school-aged children in rural notrhern Ghana using praziquantel and albendazole is proposed. It is planned to test the hypothesis that community-based volunteers are non-inferior and more cost effective than rural school teachers at reaching school-aged children.
Assessment of Anaemia Attributable to Schistosomiasis in School Children in Kenya: Mechanisms and...
AnaemiaSchistosomiasis Infection2 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine the extend and the nature of anemia in school children and the correlation between anemia and schistosomiasis infections, malaria infections and/or malnutrition (iron deficiency).
Schistosomiasis Effect on Response to Vaccines, Anaemia and Nutritional Status of Children of Northern...
SchistosomiasisAnemia3 moreSchistoVAN aims to study the role of schistosomiasis infection in the modulation of the immune response of children to childhood vaccine antigens, as well as the impact of this infection on their nutritional status and their haemoglobinaemia.