DarDar Nutrition Study in HIV Breastfeeding Women
Low Birth WeightThis study being conducted in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to determine if a protein-calorie supplementation (PCS) and micronutrient supplement (MNS) will have an impact on health outcomes for HIV-infected pregnant women and their infants.

Laparotomy vs. Drainage for Infants With Necrotizing Enterocolitis
InfantNewborn9 moreThis study will compare the effectiveness of two surgical procedures -laparotomy versus drainage - commonly used to treat necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) or isolated intestinal perforations (IP) in extremely low birth weight infants (≤1,000 g). Infants diagnosed with NEC or IP requiring surgical intervention, will be recruited. Subjects will be randomized to receive either a laparotomy or peritoneal drainage. Primary outcome is impairment-free survival at 18-22 months corrected age.

Use of Sterile Water Feeds for Treatment of Hypernatremia in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants...
Extremely Low Birth Weight InfantsHypernatremiaThe improved survival rate of extremely low birth weight(ELBW)infants has resulted in new fluid and electrolyte problems that have not been encountered previously,in particular electrolyte imbalance. ELBW infants are especially vulnerable to hypernatremia(serum sodium value >150 mEq/L). Hypernatremia may be due to rapid dehydration or excessive administration of intravenous fluids(IV)that contain sodium. The current treatment modality for hypernatremia is to increase IV fluids above daily requirements.Enteral sterile water feeds(ESWF)are theorized as an endogenous source of fluids that may decrease elevated electrolytes such as sodium and potassium in premature infants. By giving ESWF to decrease elevated electrolytes, there would be less need for large volumes of IVF that contribute to the co-morbidities of prematurity: bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD),intraventricular hemorrhage(IVH)and patent ductus arteriosus(PDA). The purpose of this proposed study is to determine whether enteral sterile water feedings is effective in decreasing the incidence, duration and severity of hypernatremia in ELBW infants.

Efficacy of Continuous Skin to Skin Care (Technique Kangaroo: TK) After Birth for Low Birth Weight...
Low Birth WeightThe purpose of this study is to examine the efficacy of Technique Kangourou (TK) between low birth weight (LBW) infants and their mothers started as soon as possible within 24 hours after birth in developing country. For the purpose of this study, TK is defined as skin-to-skin direct and continuous (24 hours) contact between LBW infants and their mothers or any other people who substitute mothers.

Oral Versus Intravenous Rehydration for Prevention of Dehydration in Premature Babies, During the...
Low Birth Weight InfantEnteral NutritionThis prospective randomised study comparing administration of a hypo-osmolar oral hydration solution with the classical hydration via IV (intravenous) infusion in premature infants of more than 32 weeks GA (gestational age) aims to determine whether administration of a hypo-osmolar oral hydration solution is as efficient as intravenous infusion.

Post Discharge Human Milk Fortifier in Preterm Infants
InfantLow Birth WeightThe purpose of this study is to determine whether low birth weight (LBW) infants fed human milk (HM)supplemented with a specially designed powdered human milk fortifier until 12 weeks after hospital discharge will have better growth and neurodevelopment than infants fed HM alone.

A Randomized Clinical Trial on Supplementation of DHA and AA to Preterm Infants
InfantLow Birth WeightA randomized, double-blind trial of docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acid supplementation in breast-fed preterm infants Background: Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA) are essential for preterm infants. Human milk and preterm formulas contain DHA and AA, but at lower concentrations than required to approximate utero accretion rate. Objective: To evaluate the effect of a high dose DHA and AA supplement to breast-fed preterm infants in the early neonatal period. Primary endpoints are neurodevelopment at 6 and 20 months of age. Design: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study is carried out in four Norwegian neonatal centers. Subjects and methods: Infants with birth weight < 1.5 kg are randomized to either an intervention or a control group. All infants receive fortified human milk, and a daily dose of 0.5 ml study oil per 100 ml milk. Infants in the intervention group receive oil with DHA and AA (Formulaid, Martek, USA), while the control oil contains vegetable oil without DHA or AA. Blood samples are collected at birth (cord), and at start and stop of the intervention. Plasma is analyzed for fatty acid pattern using high performance liquid chromatography.

Somatropin Therapy In Children Born Preterm But Appropriate For Gestational Age
Growth Hormone TherapyInfant1 moreSafety and efficacy of Somatropin will be evaluated in short children born with a list weight below 1500 g and that did not catch up to normal height at the age of 4.

Trial of Aggressive Versus Conservative Phototherapy in Infants <1,000 Grams Birth Weight
HyperbilirubinemiaNeonatal10 moreThis multi-center, randomized clinical trial compared different bilirubin levels as thresholds for timing of phototherapy in extremely low birth weight infants. The primary hypothesis was that there would be no difference in death or neurodevelopmental impairment at 18-22 months corrected age in infants treated by either aggressive or conservative threshold limits. 1,978 infants were enrolled.

Protein Supplementation of Snakehead Fish Cookies on Pregnant Women
Pregnancy RelatedThis study was randomized controlled trial study whose subjects were pregnant women in Sleman District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The aims of this study were to make snakehead fish cookies formula which can be well accepted by pregnant women and to observed its effect on fetal growth and birth weight and length. It was hypothesized that snakehead fish cookies could prevent intrauterine fetal growth (IUGR) and low birth weight (LBW). Subjects on this study were randomly allocated into two groups which were treatment and control group. Subjects in treatment group were given snakehead fish cookies, while subject in control group received standard cookies. The intervention period lasted until subjects delivered their babies.