Advanced Spatiomotor Rehabilitation for Navigation in Blindness & Visual Impairment
BlindnessBlindness4 moreOne of the most challenging tasks for blind and visually impaired individuals is navigation through a complex environment. The goal of the present multidisciplinary study is to increase spatial-cognition abilities in people who are blind or visually impaired through training with the previously-developed Cognitive-Kinesthetic Rehabilitation Training to improve navigation, and to investigate the resultant neuroplastic brain reorganization through multimodal brain imaging. In accordance with National Eye Institute (NEI) strategic goals, this multidisciplinary project will promote the development of well-informed new approaches to navigational rehabilitation, memory enhancement and cross-modal brain plasticity to benefit 'cutting edge' fields of mobile assistive technologies, vision restoration and memory facilitation for the aging brain.

Leber Congenital Amaurosis Inherited Blindness of Gene Therapy Trial(LIGHT)
Leber Congenital AmaurosisThe purpose of the study is to determine whether HG004 as gene therapy is safe and effective for the treatment of Leber Congenital Amaurosis caused by mutationsin RPE65 gene.

Improving Visual Field Deficits With Noninvasive Brain Stimulation
Visual Field DefectPeripheral8 moreThis is a randomized, pilot interventional study in participants with visual field deficit (VFD) caused by cortical lesion. Damage to the primary visual cortex (V1) causes a contra-lesional, homonymous loss of conscious vision termed hemianopsia, the loss of one half of the visual field. The goal of this project is to elaborate and refine a rehabilitation protocol for VFD participants. It is hypothesized that visual restoration training using moving stimuli coupled with noninvasive current stimulation on the visual cortex will promote and speed up recovery of visual abilities within the blind field in VFD participants. Moreover, it is expected that visual recovery positively correlates with reduction of the blind field, as measured with traditional visual perimetry: the Humphrey visual field test. Finally, although results will vary among participants depending on the extension and severity of the cortical lesion, it is expected that a bigger increase in neural response to moving stimuli in the blind visual field in cortical motion area, for those participants who will show the largest behavioral improvement after training. The overarching goals for the study are as follows: Group 1 will test the basic effects of transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS) coupled with visual training in stroke cohorts, including (i) both chronic and subacute VFD stroke participant, and (ii) longitudinal testing up to 6 months post-treatment. Group 2 will examine the effects of tRNS alone, without visual training, also including chronic and subacute VFD stroke participants and longitudinal testing.

An Open-label, Dose Escalation and Double-masked, Randomized, Controlled Trial Evaluating Safety...
Leber Congenital Amaurosis 10Blindness9 morePQ-110-005 (BRIGHTEN) is an open-label, dose escalation and double-masked, randomized, controlled study evaluating safety and tolerability of sepofarsen administered via intravitreal (IVT) injection in pediatric subjects (<8 years of age) with LCA10 due to the c.2991+1655A>G mutation over 24 months of treatment.

Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of OCU400 for Retinitis Pigmentosa and Leber Congenital...
Retinitis PigmentosaLeber Congenital AmaurosisThis is a Phase 1/2 Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of OCU400 in patients with retinitis pigmentosa associated with NR2E3 and RHO mutations and in patients with LCA due to mutation(s) in CEP290 gene (OCU400-101). To document prospective eye pathology in the above subjects Investigators will also conduct a Natural History Study (OCU400-104)i This is a multicenter study, which will be conducted in two phases and will enroll up to a total of 24 subjects in the OCU400-101 and 100 subjects in the OCU400-104 study.

Stem Cell Ophthalmology Treatment Study II
Retinal DiseaseAge-Related Macular Degeneration17 moreThis study will evaluate the use of autologous bone marrow derived stem cells (BMSC) for the treatment of retinal and optic nerve damage or disease.

A Phase I Feasibility Study of an Intracortical Visual Prosthesis (ICVP) for People With Blindness...
Ocular InjuryOptic Nerve Diseases2 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of producing artificial vision in persons with blindness. Study participants will have wireless electrical stimulators implanted into the cortical vision processing areas of their brains. The ability of the participants to perceive artificial vision in response to electrical stimulation will be assessed.

Development of a Cortical Visual Neuroprosthesis for the Blind
BlindnessThe objective of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of a cortical visual prosthesis based on intracortical microelectrodes to provide a limited but useful sense of vision to profoundly blind. This pilot study will provide important information on safety and efficacy for the development of an useful cortical visual neuroprosthesis for the blind.

Audio-guided Home Physical Activity to Support People With Low Vision: Physical Performance and...
Low Vision BlindnessThe aim of the project is to investigate the effectiveness of a home training managed through audio-guides in comparison to a classic supervised training on the physical and psychological parameters of patients with severe low vision. In this study the feasibility and effectiveness of a self-managed physical activity protocol with audio guides on physical performance (strength, mobility and aerobic capacity) will be assessed and compared to the same protocol supervised in a fitness environment. Secondary aims are the effects of the two types of administration of the protocol on quality of life, autonomy and psychological impact on the caregiver.

Study of Subretinally Injected SAR439483 Administered in Patients With Leber Congenital Amaurosis...
Leber Congenital AmaurosisLCA1 morePrimary Objective: To evaluate the safety and tolerability of ascending doses of SAR439483 administered as a unilateral subretinal injection in patients with Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) caused by autosomal recessive guanylate cyclase 2D (GUCY2D) mutations (GUCY2D-LCA). Secondary Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of ascending doses of SAR439483 administered as a unilateral subretinal injection in patients with GUCY2D-LCA.