Study of Dextromethorphan in OCD and Related Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderIllness Anxiety Disorder2 moreThe purpose of the study is to assess the tolerability and efficacy of dextromethorphan in combination with fluoxetine for symptom relief in OCD and related disorders.

Efficiency of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy in the Management of Body Dysmorphic Disorders in...
Anorexia NervosaAnorexia nervosa is defined in DSM V as a quantitative and qualitative dietary restriction resulting in significant weight loss, intense fear of weight gain, altered weight and body shape perception (body dysmorphic disorder) and low self-esteem influenced by weight or body shape. Body dysmorphic disorder is the most difficult symptom to manage in anorexia nervosa and its persistence is a factor associated with relapse. Virtual reality exposure therapy has proven its effectiveness in the management of post-traumatic stress disorder in the military and is a widely used therapy. The effectiveness of this treatment using new technologies has not yet been studied for the treatment of body dysmorphic disorder in anorexia nervosa and is not used routinely. It could represent an interesting alternative to the physical approach in psychomotor therapy, traditionally offered to patients suffering from anorexia nervosa. It is important to evaluate the effectiveness of virtual reality exposure therapy in the management of body dysmorphic disorder in patients with anorexia nervosa by comparing these two care techniques.

Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Intervention for Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Body Dysmorphic DisorderBody Image DisturbanceBody Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) affects 2.3% of the population and is characterized by excessive concerns with imagined or minor defects in physical appearance. Retrospective outcome studies suggest patients affected by BDD don't typically benefit from surgical treatments while cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) appears to provide symptom - reducing and distress - reducing benefits. Two different 8-week online CBT approaches to assisting individuals with this disorder are compared: one approach will integrate mindfulness meditation methods (in combination with CBT) and one approach will employ CBT methods without reference to mindfulness meditation.

Evaluating Body Acceptance Programs for Young Men
Body Image DisturbanceEating Disorder Symptom8 moreWhile eating disorders in males are often overlooked, up to 7 million men in the United States will experience an eating disorder in their lifetime. Critically, men are less likely to seek treatment for an eating disorder compared to women. Therefore, prevention programs that target male-specific eating disorder risk factors prior to the development of an eating or appearance-related disorder are crucial in reducing eating disorders in this population. Preliminary work by our group established the initial efficacy of a novel program, the Body Project: More than Muscles (MTM) compared to assessment-only control. This study will replicate and extend this research by comparing MTM to a time and attention matched control used in previous eating disorder prevention work, media advocacy (MA).

Perceptual Abnormalities and Their Malleability in BDD
Body Dysmorphic DisorderA core symptom of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is perceptual distortions for appearance, which contributes to poor insight and delusionality, limits engagement in treatment, and puts individuals at risk for relapse. Results from this study will provide a comprehensive mechanistic model of brain, behavioral, and emotional contributors to abnormal perceptual processing, as well as how malleable it is with visual modulation techniques. This will lay the groundwork for next-step translational perceptual retraining approaches.

TMS Visual Modulation in Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Body Dysmorphic DisordersThe goal of this observational study is to test the effects of a type of noninvasive brain stimulation called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on visual processing in adults with body dysmorphic disorder symptoms when combined with modifying visual attention. The main goals are to understand, in people with body dysmorphic disorder and people with subclinical body dysmorphic disorder: The effects of intermittent and continuous TMS stimulation of parietal brain regions when done right before visual attention modulation on brain functional connections. The effects of intermittent and continuous TMS stimulation of parietal brain regions when done right before visual attention modulation on global/holistic visual perception. Participants will receive one type of TMS (intermittent or continuous) followed immediately by an fMRI brain scan during which they will view images of their faces. On the second day, they will do the same, but receive either the intermittent or continuous TMS stimulation that they did not receive on the first day.

Outcomes of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Interventions Provided by Unlicensed Professionals...
Obsessive Compulsive DisorderBody Dysmorphic Disorder11 moreTo examine the effectiveness and clinical care outcomes of cognitive-behavioral therapy interventions at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).

Waitlist-Control Trial of Smartphone CBT for Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Body Dysmorphic DisordersThe investigators are testing the efficacy of Smartphone-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). The investigators hypothesize that participants receiving app-CBT will have greater improvement in BDD-YBOCS scores than those in the waitlist condition at treatment endpoint (week 12).

Caloric Vestibular Stimulation for Modulation of Insight in Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders...
Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderBody Dysmorphic Disorders1 moreThis study investigates whether caloric vestibular stimulation can modulate a measure of insight in obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders.

Text Message Safety Behavior Fading for Appearance Concerns
Body Dysmorphic DisordersSocial Anxiety Disorder1 moreThe current study aims to explore the efficacy of a text message based safety behavior fadinig intervention compared to an unhealthy behavior fading intervention for appearance concerns.