"Efficacy of Once Weekly GLP 1 Analogue: Semaglutide. A Multicenter Experience From Pakistan."
Diabetes MellitusType 22 moreA prospective interventional trial for 9 months will be carried out on 300 type-2 diabetes mellitus volunteer patients who are above 18-year-old and participants will be selected through consecutive sampling and will be evaluated on the basis of glycemic index and history of patients. Selected parameters will be measured at baseline and after the 12 weeks of therapy. Statistical analysis will be carried out by SPSS, ANOVA, and t-test. From this experimental design, we are expecting improvement in the management of glycemic index, reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and reduction in weight GLP-1 naive patients.

Impact of Sourdough Bread Consumption on Long-term Energy Intake: A Pilot Study of Feasibility
Appetite RegulationEnergy Intake3 moreThe present study is a pilot study examining whether long-term sourdough bread consumption reduces energy intake and blood lipids levels over a period of 4 weeks in free-living normalweight and overweight participants.

Microalgae Extract Phaeosol Combined to Exercise in Healthy Overweight Women : Efficacy on Body...
Overweight and ObesityBody Weight Changes3 morePhaoeSOL (Microphyt, Baillargues, France) is a microalgae-based nutritional ingredient developed with a patented production process that has New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) status from the FDA (#1120). It is an extract of the microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum standardized to 2.0% Fucoxanthin (FX) content by adding a food grade medium-chain triglyceride (MCT)-oil and a tocopherol-rich (Vitamin E) extract (0.5 % w:w). PhaeoSOL is intended for use as a source of the naturally occurring carotenoid, fucoxanthin, in food supplement products for the general population at levels not to exceed 437 mg/person/day for a maximal duration of 30 days of PhaeoSOL (equivalent to 10 mg fucoxanthin/person/day). Prior studies suggest that marine algae and Fucoxanthinol may have anti-obesity, lipid lowering, and glucose management enhancing properties. The purpose of this proof of concept pilot study is to examine whether dietary supplementation of PhaoeSOL enhances the benefits of women participating in an exercise and weight management program.

Digital Health Weight Management Among Public Housing Residents
Weight ChangeBody1 moreThis research will test the efficacy of a weight management intervention through a three-group randomized trial: mHealth only, mHealth+Community Health Worker (CHW) support, versus control group, among residents of Boston's public housing developments. The mHealth group consists of a 1-year text messaging program to promote diet and physical activity behavior changes and the CHW support consists of monthly phone counseling delivered by a CHW to support the text messaging program. Our hypothesis is that the mHealth+CHW group will be more effective in bringing about weight loss compared to mHealth alone or the assessment only control group. The findings are expected to inform future health promotion efforts among residents in public housing developments.

Empowering Immigrant Women for Active and Healthy Lifestyle
Body Weight ChangesPhysical Activity3 moreThe study will include overweight and obese otherwise healthy women, recruited from two main borough in Oslo with the highest population of Somali origin. The study comprises two phases: A 12-months controlled trial where the participants in the intervention borough will be compared to participants in the control borough. This is followed by a 12-months maintaining phase for the intervention borough where the control group will be given the same intervention as the intervention group received during the first 12-months.

Diabetes Prevention and Education
DiabetesPre Diabetes2 moreType 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the fastest growing public health problems in developed and developing countries and imposes a large financial burden on health-care systems. Preventing, delaying, and managing diabetes should be a priority for health-care systems. Nationally, 38% of adults have prediabetes, with more than 80% of people with prediabetes being unaware of their condition. In Maryland, an estimated 10.5% of adults report prediabetes, and 33.7% of Baltimore City residents have obesity, an important risk factor for prediabetes. The BMDRP aims to increase the capacity of BMDRP hospitals and community partners to offer DPP and DSMT directly in communities and will also increase the number of referrals into these programs. Successful enrollment and completion of DPP has demonstrated reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes for individuals with pre-diabetes. However, limited data exist on changes in body composition and liver fat in individuals completing DPP. Individuals with pre-diabetes often have obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. We will evaluate for changes in body fat and liver fat in individuals completing the DPP program.

Weight Change With Controlled Ankle Movement (CAM) Boot Use
Ankle InjuriesFoot Injuries and Disorders1 moreThe purpose of the study is to determine if patients wearing a CAM boot have a change in weight compared to patients who wear a CAM boot and are provided nutritional guidelines and perform upper body exercises.

Digital Lifestyle Management for Weight Loss Control After Thyroidectomy in Thyroid Cancer Patients...
Weight ChangeBodyThyroid hormones play an important role in the regulation of the body's metabolism. But the relationship between thyroid hormone status and the basal metabolism rate is not absolute. Because thyroid hormone function is not the only factor of control the metabolism and it can be influenced by various factors such as physical activity and diet. Weight change after thyroidectomy is one of the concerns for thyroid cancer patients. The evidence on the bodyweight changes following thyroidectomy has not been established well. Being overweight and obese can increase the risk of developing many potential health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and malignant disease. Recently, digital health care technology has been developed and applied for medical purposes in many clinical practices. Digital Lifestyle Management is one of the strategies that can be helpful for the obese to control their body weight by lifestyle modification. It provides comprehensive, multifactorial, intensive interventions which are delivered via the digital health care mobile service Noom application. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of digital lifestyle management on body weight and quality of life after total thyroidectomy in thyroid cancer patients by using the digital health care Noom application.

CArdioMetabolic Prevention in Adolescents
Adolescent ObesityLife Style3 moreThe aim of the CArdioMetabolic Prevention (CAMP) pilot study is to investigate the effect of a group intervention on lifestyle in adolescents and on at least one adult family member. This will be followed by telemedicine tools for 12-week-time period. A face-to-face group intervention addressing nutrition, physical activity and well being together with an assessment of anthropometry parameters, body composition, questionnaires, blood and stool sampling will be done before and after 12 weeks of telemedicine. The study aims to investigate: the effect of 12-week intervention on body weight, anthropometry parameters and cardiometabolic markers in comparison to the conventionally led obesity clinic for adolescents the compliance with telemedicine tools that will focus on the support of balance nutrition, physical activity (evaluation of daily steps through smart bands) and family well being in regards to the effect on anthropometry and laboratory parameters the effect of the intervention on data from questionnaires (eating disorders, quality of life, psychological health) before and after the intervention data analysis of family members with respect to theirs offspring

Efficacy Of Trimrox On Body Recomposition And Weight Management (TRCAP21)
Body Weight ChangesProtocol Number: VNI/121/TrimRox: A unique stimulant- and sugar-free TRCAP21 Prodosomed® nutraceutical formulation, TrimROXTM, has been developed in a cGMP and NSF-certified manufacturing facility that is CFR-111 A compliant as well as having a BRC A rating, ensuring compliance with the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). The investigators developed a stimulant- and sugar-free TRCAP21 Prodosomed® nutraceutical technology that effectively addresses directly and indirectly all the contributing factors. The investigators will conduct a 90-day study investigation in 100 study participants to assess the efficacy of TRCAP21 on diverse anthropometric aspects including chest, upper arms, waist/belly, hips and thighs, body weight, height, body mass index (BMI), and overall health and well-being.