Bone Graft Cultivation by Periosteal Elevation
Periosteal ElevationBone Graft Cultivation is a two-stage procedure aiming at generating new bone tissue for grafting by periosteal elevation . The first stage is the insertion of space-occupying implant which is responsible for keeping periosteal elevation for a defined time to stimulate new bone formation. The second stage is the extraction of woven bone that has been formed together with the implant. A sufficient amount of biologically highly valuable woven bone may be produced and harvested for bone grafting using periosteal elevation method. The concept of using periosteal elevation to cultivate bone has never mentioned in orthopedic literature. Thus, this study aims to present an original experimental Interventional (Clinical Trial) on 18 skeletally immature patients. The purpose of this non-comparative study is to test, for the first time, possibility of generating bone tissue from iliac bone and to test the bioactivity of this new "Bone Graft Material" in fillings of losses of osseous substance from various origins, such as traumatic, infection, and benign tumoral causes. Study protocol: Participants will be randomly assigned preoperatively into three surgical groups depending on cultivation time: early-stage group, medium-stage group and late-stage group . The newly bone formed bone will undergo tissue processing, and then, bone volume/tissue volume ratio, osteoid volume/tissue volume ratio, and osteocyte count per high-power field will be analyzed. In addition to histological examination, micro-CT scanning and osteoinductive factors ( bone morphogenic protein (BMP2), Fibroblast growth factor-2(FGF2), Transforming Growth Factor(TGFB1), and Insulin-like growth factor(IGF1)) assessment will be done as well

Treatment of Adynamic Bone Disorder With Parathyroid Hormone in Chronic Kidney Disease
Adynamic Bone DiseaseChronic Kidney Diseases2 moreThis study is a 1:1 randomized controlled trial with an intervention for 18 months and a follow up period of 12 months. The purpose of the study is to assess the safety and efficacy of recombinant human parathyroid hormone for treatment of adynamic bone disorder in patients with chronic kidney disease.

Fully Constrained Acetabular Liner vs. Dual Mobility Hip Joint in the Surgical Treatment of Metastatic...
Metastatic Cancer to the HipThe purpose of the current study is to investigate whether dual mobility liners are non-inferior til constrained liners regarding the post-operative hip joint dislocation risk following total hip replacement in patients with metastatic bone disease of the hip.

Palliative UNConventional Hypofractionation Trial for Metastatic Bone Disease
Metastatic Bone TumorThis is a randomized Phase III study evaluating the efficacy of hypofractionated and dose-escalated palliative radiation therapy in metastatic bone disease (MBD). Patients will be randomized 1:1 to the conventional (8 Gy in a single fraction) and experimental (16 Gy in 2 fractions) groups with baseline and subsequent assessment of both pain and quality of life metrics.

PRevEnting FracturEs in REnal Disease 1
Kidney DiseasesDialysis; Complications2 morePREFERRED-1 is a pilot study for a large randomized, pragmatic, open-label, comparative-effectiveness trial. The pilot will enroll at least 60 patients from at least 6 different hemodialysis centres in Ontario, Canada. Patients on outpatient maintenance hemodialysis at high risk of fragility fracture, will be randomized 1:1 to a denosumab care pathway vs. usual care

Osteopathic Intervention in Professional Handball Players
OsteopathiaThe aim is to study the effectiveness of a common osteopathic intervention in professional handball players on diaphragmatic contractility and its correlations with posture. This study has never been done in healthy subjects. It is a scientific process of objectification of an osteopathic technique commonly performed in this population. The main objective is to assess diaphragmatic contractibility using ultrasound after abdominal osteopathic intervention (OMT).

A Study to Assess Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity Using an Acoustic Method
Metabolic Bone DiseaseOsteopenia1 moreThe goal of this project is to develop a new noninvasive ultrasound based technique, called vibro-acoustic analysis (VAA), for evaluation of infant bone health with particular application in assessment of bone health in premature infants who are at risk for bone disease.

Denosumab Treatment for Fibrous Dysplasia
Bone DiseasesPainObjectives: The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of denosumab on bone turnover in individuals with fibrous dysplasia (FD). Secondary objectives are to determine the effect of denosumab on bone pain, FD lesion intensity as revealed in 18F-sodium fluoride PET/CT bone scan, and to determine the effect of denosumab discontinuation on bone turnover re-bound after discontinuation. Study Population: Up to 14 adult subjects with FD may be enrolled to ensure complete study data on 9 subjects. Design: This study is a single center, open label pilot study of once-monthly dosing of denosumab. Subjects will be treated for 6 months, after which they will be followed by an 8-month observation period. A final visit will occur 21 months after denosumab discontinuation. Dosing will be adopted from studies in adults on treatment for giant cell tumors, with denosumab administered at 120 mg per dose every 4 weeks, with loading doses on days 7 and 14 of month 1. Outcome Measures: Primary: Assessment of the effects of denosumab on: 1. Markers of bone turnover: Beta-crosslaps C-telopeptides (bone resorption marker) Procollagen-1-propeptide (bone formation marker) Secondary: Assessment of the effects of denosumab on: Bone histomorphometric indices: Mineralized perimeter Bone formation rate Cortical width Cortical area Osteoid width Osteoid perimeter Mineral apposition rate Surrogate markers of a direct therapeutic effect of denosumab on FD lesions: Semi-quantitative changes in RANKL, Ki67 (marker of cell proliferation), p16 (marker of cell senescence), and/or apoptosis index before and after treatment, as assessed by immunohistochemistry Changes in sentinel lesion intensity, measured quantitatively by uptake on 18Fsodium fluoride PET/CT bone scan. FD-related bone pain assessed by the Brief Pain Inventory (Short Form) , a validated self-reporting tool for assessment of pain. Exploratory Endpoints: Effect of denosumab initiation and discontinuation on Serum calcium, phosphorus and parathyroid hormone Serum RANKL and osteoprotegerin (OPG), and RANKL/OPG levels Effect of denosumab discontinuation, as measured by the following outcomes: Biochemical markers of bone metabolism: beta-crosslaps C-telopeptides, procollagen-1 propeptide, bone specific alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, NTX-telopeptides Effect measured by change in other outcome measures, such as: Bone density assessed by DXA Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation evaluation

Evaluating Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Oligometastatic Disease of the Bone
Bone CancerThis research study is studying a form of radiation therapy called stereotactic body radiation therapy or SBRT as a possible treatment for Cancer that has spread to the spine or other bone

Massive Implants the Next Generation
Bone CancerBone DiseasesThe study will review the use of massive segmental replacements in the femur, which have a porous collar with and without HA, and autologous stem cell augment. This is a randomised controlled trial.