Improving Patient Experience: BMBA
Bone Marrow CancerLeukemia3 moreThis study seeks to determine if patients undergoing a bone marrow biopsy/aspiration (BMBA) procedure who receive distraction techniques have lower levels of distress and pain, and higher post-procedure satisfaction, compared to those receiving standard-of-care. Intervention 1 is guided meditation in a virtual reality (VR) headset. Intervention 2 is comprised of environmental changes to the room (via nature-themed decals) and music.

Study of Stem Cell Transplant vs. Non-Transplant Therapies in High-Risk Myelofibrosis
MyelofibrosisHigh-Risk Cancer1 moreThe purpose of this research study is to see how effective hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) is compared to best available non-transplant therapies (BAT) in patients with high risk myelofibrosis. This will be done by asking participants to choose the treatment that they prefer to receive (HCT or BAT) and then comparing the outcomes of the participants in both treatment groups.

The Promoting Resilience in Stress Management (PRISM) Intervention: a Multi-site Randomized Controlled...
CancerBone Marrow Neoplasms7 moreMultisite Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) testing the efficacy of the Promoting Resilience in Stress Management (PRISM) intervention among Adolescents and Young Adults receiving hematopoietic cell transplantation for hematology malignancy.

Effect of Neoadjuvant or Adjuvant Systemic Therapy on Breast Cancers, Bone Marrow Cancer Cells,...
Breast NeoplasmsThe main purpose of this study is to compare genetic markers present on tumor cells before and after chemotherapy.

The Effect of Relaxing Breathing Exercise Applied to Patients Before Bone Marrow Biopsy on Vital...
Bone Marrow CancerThere is no study in the literature that determined the effect of relaxing breathing exercise applied to patients before the BMB procedure on vital signs, pain and anxiety levels. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of relaxing breathing exercise applied to patients before bone marrow biopsy on vital signs, pain and anxiety levels. hypotheses H1. Relaxing breathing exercise applied to the patients before the bone marrow biopsy procedure reduces the anxiety level of the patients compared to the control group. H2. Relaxing breathing exercise applied to the patients before the bone marrow biopsy procedure reduces the pain level of the patients compared to the control group. H3. Relaxing breathing exercise applied to the patients before the bone marrow biopsy procedure is effective on the respiratory rate of the patients compared to the control group. H4. Relaxing breathing exercise applied to the patients before the bone marrow biopsy procedure is effective on the pulse rate of the patients compared to the control group. H5. Relaxing breathing exercise applied to the patients before the bone marrow biopsy procedure is effective on the blood pressure of the patients compared to the control group.

The Efficacy of Velcade on Bone Tissue During Myelomatosis (Bone Marrow Cancer)
Multiple MyelomaThe primary objective of the the study is to investigate the changes in bone remodeling during Velcade treatment.

SCIO-469: Open-Label Study for Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndromes.
Bone Marrow DiseasesMyelodysplastic Syndromes2 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine the safety and effectiveness of oral SCIO-469 in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. SCIO-469 belongs to a new class of treatments that inhibit expression and activity of cytokines that play a role in the progression of MDS.

Phase II Study of ZIO-101 in Advanced Blood and Bone Marrow Cancers
Hematologic NeoplasmsBone Marrow Neoplasms1 moreThe study of safety of a new organic arsenic compound in the treatment of hematological malignancies.

The Effect of Art-Based Mandala on Mental Health in Bone Marrow Transplant Patients
Mental HealthBone Marrow Cancer1 moreAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is not only a state of complete well-being in terms of illness and disability, but also physical mental and social well-being. Mental health, on the other hand, is a state of goodness in which the individual is aware of his own abilities, copes with the normal tensions of life, can work productively and efficiently and contributes to the society in which he lives. It has been shown in many studies that mental health problems negatively affect the existing disease process. For example, research shows an association between depression and anxiety and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases . In the New York Health Survey, 10,000 individuals representing 33 communities were surveyed by phone; it was found that the general health status of people who reported significant emotional distress was three times worse than those who did not report it . Realizing that mental health is more than just a disease will guide individuals and caregivers. Developing a more comprehensive clinical approach by focusing on a person's healthy, strengths, abilities and personal efforts is important in strengthening mental health. Applications for strengthening mental health include improving nutrition and housing conditions, increasing access to education, strengthening social networks, creating support environments. In the acceptance and stability therapy study of Bash and Dirik with cancer, it was determined that the negative psychological symptoms of the patients decreased and their expectations of life and quality of life increased. In another study , it was determined that the spiritual support practices provided to 150 individuals with breast cancer positively affected the state of spiritual, psychological and physical well-being. Cancer is a life-threatening disease that is common all over the world and affects the individual both physically and psychologically. Hematologic cancers are caused by bone marrow, the place of production of blood, and include diseases such as acute-chronic leukemias and multiple myelomas. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgical methods in the treatment of hematologic cancers; hormonal and biological treatment and bone marrow transplantation (CIS) may be preferred. Among the applications aimed at strengthening mental health are art-based applications (music therapy, applications for visual arts-painting, painting, mandala, clay works, etc.), collage, carving, sculpture, poetry therapy, etc.) as subheadings for the creation of supportive environments. we come across it. When the literature is examined, it is stated that the participation of individuals with art-based applications increases the adaptation process, helps them to find the meaning of life, increases their awareness of cancer and their life, is better adapted to disease and treatment, their emotional expression is more effective, and the state of spiritual and psychological well-being improves positively . Art-based applications provide a significant reduction in anxiety levels in adult cancer patients ; health-related quality of life . In other studies with cancer patients, it was found that art therapy practices reduce the feeling of anxiety and depression and cause a significant increase in health-related quality of life, patients feel more valued and strong, self-esteem increases, interpersonal relationships develop and they are more social .

Laser Therapy Prevents Mucositis Oral in Chemotherapy for Bone Marrow Transplantation?
Oral MucositisEffects of Chemotherapy1 moreSetting: Oral mucositis is a very common complication of cancer treatment, accounting, often at increased risk for infections and even the interruption of treatment, interfering with the prognosis of the disease. The low intensity laser therapy has been proposed as an alternative for the treatment and prevention of this side effect, with good results in terms of clinical and functional, speeding up the process of wound healing and reducing pain. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of using low power laser in the prevention of oral mucositis in patients with hematological cancer, undergoing chemotherapy for bone marrow transplantation. Methods: There will be a Clinical Trial Randomized, double-blind study to evaluate the effectiveness of using low power laser in the prevention of oral mucositis in patients with hematological cancer, undergoing chemotherapy for bone marrow transplantation. Participate in the study, patients who are in the condition mentioned above accepting participate and have aged over 18. Will be excluded from the study patients who have autoimmune disease, which present sensitivity to laser or who have already started treatment for oral mucositis prior to this study.The study variables are:-independent variable: whether or not the red laser of low power-dependent variables: oral mucositis, degree of mucositis, chemotherapy regimen, type of blood cancer. For determining the association between the independent variable and the dependent will be used chi-square tests of association (Pearson) and Fisher's exact test, if necessary. Will calculate the risk ratio (RR) as a measure of relative risk, with the confidence interval at 95% (IC95%).Also be calculated NNT (number needed to treat to obtain benefit) and NNH (number needed to harm getting). Will be adopted a significance level of 5%. The project was approved by the Ethics and Research iMIP. All patients will be appropriately informed about the objectives of the project and will only be included if they voluntarily agree to participate by signing the consent form. Keywords: laser, prevention and control; oral mucositis, bone marrow transplant.