Tranexamic Acid Use to Reduce Blood Transfusion in Pediatric Cancer Patients Undergoing Limb Salvage...
Cancer of the BoneLimb SalvageThis is a randomized double-blind control trial evaluating the use Tranexamic acid (TXA) to decrease blood loss and transfusion requirements in pediatric and young adult cancer patients undergoing a limb salvage procedure that frequently requires perioperative or post-operative transfusions of blood products. Primary Objective To evaluate the difference in intra-or post-operatively transfused blood volume (mL/kg) for patients undergoing limb salvage procedures of the distal femur or proximal tibia who are randomized to receive perioperative tranexamic acid (TXA) versus placebo. Secondary Objectives To evaluate changes in platelets and in hemoglobin from pre-op to post-op level for patients randomized to receive perioperative TXA versus placebo. To evaluate differences in post-operative daily surgical drain output for patients randomized to receive perioperative TXA versus placebo. To evaluate changes in estimated blood loss (EBL) for patients randomized to receive perioperative TXA versus placebo. To evaluate the association between the intra-or post-operatively transfused blood volume and estimated blood loss (EBL) for patients randomized to receive perioperative TXA and placebo, respectively. Exploratory Objectives To evaluate differences in functional outcomes post-operatively for patients randomized to receive perioperative TXA versus placebo. To explore if significant correlations are observed between parameters reported with rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM®) and EBL and transfusion requirements in pediatric and young adult patients undergoing limb salvage procedure who are randomized to perioperative TXA versus placebo. To evaluate differences in the prevalence and management of wound complications such as superficial or periprosthetic infections, wound dehiscence, contact dermatitis, post- operative hematomas, or any other clinically significant wound complication between patients randomized to receive perioperative TXA versus placebo.

Efficacy of Sr-89 for Differentiated Thyroid Cancer With Bone Metastases
Thyroid Neoplasm FollicularBone MetastasesUsing sensitive markers (such as thyroglobulin, etc) to evaluate the efficacy of strontium-89 chloride (Sr-89) in differentiated thyroid cancer with bone metastases with an aim to breaking out of its palliation effect for bone pain.

Improving Adolescent and Young Adult Self-Reported Data in ECOG-ACRIN Trials
Breast CancerNOS21 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate feasibility and acceptability of completing PROs among AYAs randomized to Choice PRO vs Fixed PRO.

Image Assisted Optimization of Proton Radiation Therapy in Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas
Bone Neoplasm of Vertebral ColumnChordoma4 moreRationale: Chordomas and chondrosarcomas located in the axial skeleton are malignant neoplasms of bone. These tumors share the same clinical challenges, as the effect of the disease is more a function of their local aggressiveness than their tendency to metastasize (20% metastasize). The local aggressive behavior can cause debilitating morbidity and mortality by destruction of nearby located critical neurovascular structures. Imaging has, in addition to histopathology, a role in diagnosis and in guiding (neo)adjuvant and definitive treatment. Despite the low sensitivity to radiotherapy, proton radiotherapy has been successfully used as an adjunct to resection or as definitive treatment for aggressive chordomas and chondrosarcomas, making it a standard indication for proton therapy in the Netherlands. Chordomas and chondrosarcomas consist, especially after previous therapy, of non-viable and viable tumor components. Identification of these viable components by functional imaging is important to determine the effect of previous therapy, as change in total tumor volume occurs more than 200 days after change of functional imaging parameters. Objective: The main objective of this study is to determine if functional MRI parameters change within 6 months, and earlier than volumetric changes after start of proton beam therapy. This would allow timely differentiation between affected and unaffected (viable) tumor components, which can be used for therapy adjustment. Secondary objectives: Determine which set of parameters (PET-CT and secondary MRI) can predict clinical outcome (tumor specific mortality, development of metastases, morbidity secondary to tumor activity and morbidity secondary to treatment); determine what type of imaging can accurately identify viable tumor nodules relative to critical anatomical structures; improving understanding of relevance of changing imaging parameters by correlating these with resected tumor. Study design: Prospective cohort study Study population: LUMC patients diagnosed with primary or recurrent chordoma or chondrosarcoma in the axial skeleton. A number of 20 new patients per year is expected. Main study parameters: Volumetric and functional MR imaging parameters including permeability parameters. Secondary parameters are generated by PET-CT (SUV, MTV and TLG), MR (perfusion, permeability and diffusion), therapy (proton beam dose mapping, surgery) and clinical outcome. End points are disease specific survival, progression free survival (including development of metastases), side effects of treatment, and functional outcome (see CRF). In patients who are treated with surgical resection following neo-adjuvant therapy, the surgical specimen will be correlated with imaging findings. Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit and group relatedness: Treatment and clinical management will not be affected in this study, thus the additional burden, risks, and benefits associated with participation in this study are minimal. Two extra MRI and one PET-CT examination will be planned during proton therapy.

Skeletal Metastasis Registry
Metastatic Bone TumorThis is a prospective, observational study designed to contribute data from patients with symptomatic metastatic bone disease treated at Sibley Memorial Hospital and Johns Hopkins Medicine to an international registry hosted by the Swedish Regional Cancer Centrum in Stockholm, Sweden. This protocol supports a worldwide effort to collect and store information from patients treated for symptomatic bone metastases within the International Skeletal Metastasis Registry (ISMR)

Endoprosthesis Metal Toxicity Study
Bone TumorCancer of Bone5 moreThe purpose of this research is to investigate whether patients who previously had endoprosthesis surgery experience memory, thinking, or heart problems. It will also help determine how often these problems occur.

Impact of Surgical Injury on Haemostatic Tests in Patients Undergoing Total Hip Replacement With...
Total Hip ReplacementThromboelastometry1 moreTotal hip replacement (THR) is associated with extensive tissue injury and considerable blood loss that can be complicated by hyperfibrinolysis with an increased need for blood transfusion. THR in patients with cancer involving the hip joint, can reduce pain and improve or maintain the function and quality of life. However, these patients have an increased likelihood of haemostatic abnormalities, such as thrombosis or extensive blood loss. Rotational thromboelastometry is a point-of-care viscoelastic assay that can provide a measure of coagulation disorders in the above settings, and this is still under review. The objective of this prospective cohort study is to quantitate the changes in clot formation dynamics following THR with a subgroup analysis of patients with cancer.

Adherence to a Personalized Home Exercise Program in Patients With Bone Tumor Undergoing Lower Extremity...
OsteosarcomaEwing Sarcoma2 moreThe objective of this study is to describe adherence to a personalised home exercise program in patients undergoing resection and reconstruction of lower limb for bone tumor and neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment in the first six months after surgery intervention and investigate possible prognostic factors.

Local Treatment for Bone Metastases
Bone MetastasesThis study will carry out a prospective randomized controlled study to study the effect of different local treatment on disease control, quality of life, economic cost and even survival period of patients by randomly giving local radiotherapy or observation to patients with newly diagnosed bone metastases or patients with bone metastases after vertebroplasty.

Prospective Evaluation of Interventional Studies on Bone Metastases - the PRESENT Cohort
Bone MetastasesBone metastases are frequent distant manifestations of cancer, with pain as a common and devastating consequence. The primary treatment for painful bone metastases, external beam radiation therapy, is moderately effective: about 60% of patients who undergo conventional radiotherapy experience (partial) pain relief. Several factors associated with treatment failure have been identified, but no attempts have been made to collapse these factors into a clinically useful prediction tool to predict treatment response. In addition, to aid in therapy selection based on expected survival time, development of survival models is essential. Finally, we need innovative treatments as alternatives or additive to standard treatment options to improve quality of life (QoL). For these reasons, we set up the PRESENT cohort study, recruiting patients at the departments of radiation oncology and orthopedic surgery. We aim to provide detailed information about clinical data, create an infrastructure for efficient, fast and pragmatic evaluation and implementation of innovative interventions, as well as development of accurate new prediction tools.