Long Term Efficacy of Sacral Nerve Modulation (SNM) in Patients With Constipation or Stool Incontinence...
ConstipationFecal IncontinenceThe aim of this study is to determine the success rate, the success duration, the complication rate, maintenance effort and quality of life several years after sacral nerve modulation (SNM) treatment for constipation or stool incontinence.

Urinary and Anal Incontinence in Tunisian Women
WomanThe publications on prevalence and risk factors of urinary and anal incontinence in women were performed mainly in Europe and America. Consequently, result extrapolation to Tunisian population may not be a good practice which justifies this study and demonstrates its importance.

Clinical Use of a Magnetic Anal Sphincter Augmentation Device, Trade Name FENIX
Fecal IncontinenceThis registration is for clinical use of the FENIX, a Humanitarian Use Device (HUD) for fecal incontinence. This device is indicated for the treatment of fecal incontinence in patients who are not candidates for or have previously failed conservative treatment and less invasive therapy options (e.g. bulking agents, radiofrequency ablation, sacral nerve stimulation).

Development of an Instrument to Measure Quality of Life in Children With Chronic Constipation and...
ConstipationFecal IncontinenceWe propose to develop parent and child disease-specific instruments to assess health related quality of life (HRQoL) in children with constipation and fecal incontinence.

Gatekeeper for Soiling and Gas Incontinence
Gas IncontinenceSoilings1 moreFaecal incontinence has a broad spectrum of symptoms. Some patients only suffer commonly considered mild symptoms: gas incontinence and soiling, but patients' quality of life is significantly impaired. Although several treatments for faecal incontinence are available, this subgroup of patients are difficult to treat, and no therapeutic alternative has been clearly defined. The aim of this study is to evaluate Gatekeeper™ treatment for this subgroup of patients with faecal incontinence, not studied before. Consecutive case series single-centre study. Patients with mainly soiling and/or gas incontinence were treated with polyacrylonitrile prostheses

LIBERATE - PRO: Eclipse™ System Registry
Fecal IncontinenceBowel Dysfunction2 moreA prospective, open label post market registry to collect Patient Reported Outcomes in an online data capture registry, maintained by Pelvalon, of women with fecal incontinence exiting the LIBERATE study (NCT02428595) continuing to use the Eclipse System for bowel control.

Delivery Method and Risk for Urogenital Prolapse 15-20 Years Later
Uterine ProlapseUrinary Incontinence1 moreThe lifetime risk for a woman to undergo surgery for either vaginal prolapse or urinary incontinence is high. Previous studies have shown that pregnancy and childbirth are risk factors for developing prolapse. There is a lack of studies that follow women several years after delivery aiming to find whether symptoms of prolapse are linked to delivery method, ie vacuum, forceps, normal vaginal delivery and cesarean section. The investigators plan this study is to get more knowledge about pathology of prolapse and incontinence, to enable development of preventive strategies for these conditions. Aim of the study is to determine whether the prevalence of symptoms and performed surgery for urogenital prolapse differs among women delivered by vacuum, forceps, normal vaginal delivery and cesarean section 15-20 years after their first delivery. The investigators identify women that delivered their first child at St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norway between 1990-1997. Questionnaires will be sent to 2500 women (PFIQ-7, PFDI-20, PISQ-12), 600 of whom will get a clinical examination, where pelvic floor musculature is examined by palpation and 4D ultrasound, and a POP-Q quantification of prolapse performed.

Comparison of Anorectal Manometry and 3D Manometry in Diagnosis of Functional Disorders in Children...
ConstipationChildren1 morePressures measured by manometric solid-state catheters may differ according to the type of the catheter and specific anatomy and physiology of anorectum. The aim of the study is to establish the difference in recordings between 2 types of anorectal catheters used in pediatric patients and to validate the most appropriate way to diagnose of functional disorders.

Psychometric Validation of a French Version of the PISQ-R and a New Questionnaire About Sexuality...
SexualityPelvic Organ Prolapse2 moreThe primary objective of this study is the psychometric validation of two questionnaires (PISQ-R and a new questionnaire on sexuality) as compared to a non specific questionnaire on female sexual function (FSFI).

Diagnosis of Functional Defecation Disorders in Childhood
ConstipationFecal IncontinencePurpose To compare different kinds of diagnostic investigations in order to identify the most sensitive and least invasive when diagnosing constipation.