Delta Q Value to Discriminate Detrusor Underactivity From Bladder Outlet Obstruction
Urinary ObstructionDetrusor UnderactivityTo determine the significance of delta Q value (Qmax - Qave) in discrimination between BOO and DU, to avoid invasive studies (pressure flow studies (PFSs)) and replace them with noninvasive study (uroflowmetry).

Prasterone (DHEA) for the Treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) - Second Study
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD)The primary objective is to confirm the efficacy of intravaginal prasterone (DHEA) on Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) in postmenopausal women.

WHO-HPH Recognition Project on Fast-Track Implementation of Clinical Health Promotion
SmokingExcessive Drinking3 moreThe project's background is the notion that patient centred clinical health promotion has been shown to significantly improve both outcomes and patient safety. Accordingly, the WHO describes health promotion as a key dimension of quality in hospitals, and the organization has developed standards on the topic in order to help hospital management and staff members to assess and improve the quality of health care and thereby achieve better health for patients, staff, and community. Even so, however, health promotion is still a very implicit part of nearly all quality standards on hospitals. Moreover, assessing hospitals departments' health promotion performance is still quite an unexplored area. On this basis, this project will test a new recognition process that uses the relevant WHO-HPH tools and standards to assess performance, by way of explicit documentation and evaluation of clinical health promotion activity. The project is deigned as a RCT, with a control group that undergoes the recognition process immediately and a control group that continue usual clinical routine. Then, after one year, the control group also begins the recognition process (= delayed start), while the Intervention group (=immediate-start) continues with the recognition process. Doing this allows for a great array of measurements, and hopefully the project will then show whether the recognition process really benefits implementation of health promotion in hospitals and health services, and also, if this really generates better health gains for patients and staff. The outcome measurements will be frequency of health promotion services delivered on smoking, excessive alcohol use, overweight, malnutrition, and physical activity to patients in need. Such services could for instance be motivational counselling and brief interventions, as well as intervention, rehabilitation and after treatment. Physical, mental, and social health status among patients and staff will be measured by short form (SF36).

Pilot Study for Automated Deep Brain Stimulation Programming
Parkinson's DiseaseTremor1 moreThe clinical utility of deep brain stimulation (DBS) for the treatment of movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease has been well established; however, there is a great disparity in outcomes among DBS recipients due to varied postoperative management, particularly concerning the choosing of an optimal set of programming parameters from the thousands of possible combinations. This study will evaluate the use of motion sensor based assessments to develop a functional map and algorithms to automatically determine a set of programming parameters that maximize symptomatic benefits while minimizing side effects and battery consumption.

Be Healthy, So Easy: FAMILY Education Project
HypokinesiaThe goal of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a family-focused, interactive, and theory-based intervention to reduce the sedentary behavior and increase physical activity, family communication and well-being of the participants. The intervention is to use Zero-time Exercise, the positive psychology theme "Appreciation and Gratitude" [23, 24], and role modelling approach to get sedentary people to start exercising, increase levels of physical activity, family communication and well-being of the participants and their family members. The intervention aims to encourage positive and sustainable health actions among participants and their family members.

A Comparison of Healthcare Provider and Caregiver Perception of Discomfort in Advanced Cancer Patients...
Hypoactive DeliriumTo learn about your feelings as a caregiver about the level of discomfort of patients who have hypoactive delirium (loss of contact and response to reality) and who are at the end of life

An Observational Study of Emergence and Hypoactive Delirium After Anesthesia
Emergence DeliriumHypoactive Delirium1 moreEarly postoperative negative behaviour (ePONB), such as pain, emergence delirium (ED) and hypoactive delirium, is a relevant clinical problem during recovery from anesthesia. Specifically, many children often present with different forms of negative behavior namely ED, hypoactive delirium or pain. Such negative behavior differs in terms of evolution, treatment, prognosis and clinical implications. Furthermore, there is overlap between tools used to measurement postoperative pain and ED. As a result, the assessment of the different forms of negative behavior are often compromised by the presence of postoperative pain. Therefore, the application of scales used to measure negative behaviour in postanesthetic, non-surgical patients aged 3 years and under scheduled for elective MRI may clarify the presence of ED, hypoactive delirium and pain. An improved understating of postanesthetic negative behavior is important in order to help implement appropriate measures so as to better treat these patients.

Testosterone Patch's Effects on the Cardiovascular System and Libido
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderThe purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the testosterone patch, in addition to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), on blood vessel walls, insulin levels and sexual desire.

A Mindfulness-based Intervention for Older Women With Low Sexual Desire
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderSexual Dysfunction1 moreThe overall aim of this research is to adapt and pilot test a multi-component, mindfulness-based behavioral intervention for women age 50 and older with low sexual desire.

Measuring the Effects of Continuous Dopaminergic Stimulation on Nocturnal Movements in Parkinson's...
Nocturnal HypokinesiaParkinsons's Disease1 moreParkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized with motor symptoms such as hypokinesia, rigidity, tremor and postural instability. These symptoms can also be present during the night. Half of the patients with PD have difficulty turning around in bed. This nocturnal hypokinesia is considered as a possible cause of sleep problems in this population. The diagnosis nocturnal hypokinesia is based on the clinical interview. There is a need for a diagnostic devices that measures nocturnal movements, preferably in the home setting. This device can be used in the diagnostic trajectory as well in the evaluation of treatment. Recently the Dynaport Minimod (McRoberts, The Hague) has been developed to register nocturnal movements. The tri-axial accelerometer has been developed to measure position changes in the night. A validation study with actigraphy and polysomnography concluded that the Dynaport MiniMod is a valid an feasible device for assessing intensity and physical activity and changes of body position during sleep. Nocturnal hypokinesia is treated with nocturnal dopamine. Sometimes a night-time dose of dopaminergics is adequate, but most of the time slow release dopaminergics are needed. However response fluctuations can negatively influence the treatment. In these cases continuous dopaminergic stimulation is needed, such as rotigotine. Rotigotine treats response fluctuations during the day and studies show that sleep quality measured with questionnaires improves. If the improvement of sleep quality is caused by improved bed mobility has not been studied yet. The study hypothesis is that rotigotine does not influence nocturnal hypokinesia in PD. Objective of the study: Primary: • To study the effect of rotigotine on nocturnal hypokinesia Secondary: To study the possibility of measuring nocturnal hypokinesia and its severity in a home setting To correlate improvements in sleep quality by rotigotine with changes in nocturnal hypokinesia Study design: We will study patients who will recieve rotigotine as a part of their usual care. During three nights, nocturnal movements are being registered with movement sensors, before treatment has started as well as after a stable medication dose of one month. We will also assess sleep quality with questionnaires. Study population: The study population are patients with Parkinson's disease with sleep problems caused by nocturnal hypokinesia, who will start treatment with rotigotine. Patients will be recruited in the neurology patient outdoor clinic of the Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen. We will ask the treating neurologist to inform us when a patient will start treatment with rotigotine. One of the researchers will contact the patient to give further information about the study. The study is a first hypothesis generating study and we will start with the inclusion of 10 patients. Intervention (if applicable): Primary study parameters/outcome of the study: Position changes over the night. Secundary study parameters/outcome of the study (if applicable): Objective Degree of mobility, measured as the speed of the movements Total amount of movements Score on the motor symptom scale according to the MDS-UPDRS part III Subjective Nocturnal sleep quality Excessive daytime sleepiness Presence of nocturnal akinesia