BRE-08 Phase II Study of CMC Regimen for Early Stage Breast Cancer
Breast CancerThis is a non-randomized, single arm phase 2 trial of oral CMC based on conversion of doses that would be delivered with conventional metronomic CMF chemotherapy.

Investigation of the Efficiency of Pain Neuroscience Education in Patients With Chronic Pain After...
Breast CancerBreast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women worldwide. Various side effects are seen after the treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.). Fatigue and pain are the most common and persistent side effects of breast cancer treatments. Pain management in patients currently undergoing breast cancer surgery: It consists of medical treatment, physiotherapy program and psychosocial practices. Psychosocial practices include educational interventions. The most widely used is Biomedical Education. Biomedical Education explains pain to the patient from a biological point of view and may be insufficient in curing and preventing chronic pain. The increase in the knowledge of pain physiology has revealed the modern neuroscience-based Pain Neuroscience Education. Pain Neuroscience Education explains the neurophysiology of pain and the ability of the nervous system to modulate the experience of pain. When we look at the literature, it has been seen that the lack of studies in which my Pain Neuroscience Education was applied in chronic pain after breast cancer surgery and the results of existing studies were contradictory. The aim of this study to compare the effects of Pain Neuroscience Education applied together with a standard physiotherapy program on pain, somatode function, psychological function and quality of life in patients with chronic pain after breast cancer surgery in a randomized desing. The hypotheses of this study are as follows; H1(1): The effect of Pain Neuroscience Education and Biomedical Education applied in addition to standard physiotherapy on pain-related outcomes (pain severity and disability) is different in patients with chronic pain after breast cancer surgery. H1(2): The effect of Pain Neuroscience Education and Biomedical Education applied in addition to standard physiotherapy on somatosensory function (pressure pain threshold and mechanical perception threshold) is different in patients with chronic pain after breast cancer surgery. H1(3) : The effect of Pain Neuroscience Education and Biomedical Education applied in addition to standard physiotherapy on psychological state (psychological symptoms (stress, anxiety and depression), pain-related catastrophe) in patients with chronic pain after breast cancer surgery is different. H1(4) : Pain Neuroscience Education and Biomedical Education applied in addition to standard physiotherapy have different effects on quality of life in patients with chronic pain after breast cancer surgery. The patients were over the age of 18, diagnosed with breast cancer, had at least three months after primary cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy), had pain in the upper extremity and shoulder region for more than three months, and were evaluated on the Visual Analogue Scale in terms of pain intensity in the last week. Patients who indicate at least 40 points out of 100 (VAS) will be included. The Mini Mental Test will be applied to individuals over 65 years of age in terms of cooperation suitability and those with a score of 24 and above will be included in the study. Cases who met the inclusion criteria and accepted to participate in the study will be randomly assigned to 2 separate groups according to the online computer-based block randomization list. Pain Neuroscience Education and standard physiotherapy program (soft tissue mobilization + exercise) will be applied to the individuals in the 1st group, and Biomedical Education and standard physiotherapy program (soft tissue mobilization + exercise) will be applied to the individuals in the 2nd group. The working period is 6 weeks. Individuals in the 1st group will receive 4 sessions of Pain Neuroscience Training, and 4 sessions of Biomedical Pain Training will be applied to the individuals in the 2nd group. Standard physiotherapy will be applied to the cases in both groups for 6 weeks, 2 sessions per week. In the first session of the treatment, individuals in both groups will be informed about the treatment process. Individuals will be evaluated in terms of research and outcome measurements twice, at the beginning of the study and at the end of the 6th week, in line with the control frequencies used routinely in the clinic. The assessment will take approximately 45 minutes for each individual. At the beginning of the study, demographic and physical characteristics of individuals, medical and surgical background (cancer history, treatments, number of sessions and/or cures), drugs used (type and dosage), and lifestyle characteristics (alcohol and smoking and regular physical activity/exercise habits) ) related information will be saved. In the evaluation; Visual Analogue Scale, Pain Disability Index, Digital Pressure Algometer, Semmes Weinstein Monoflames, Pain Disaster Scale, Depression, Anxiety-Stress Scale-21(DASS-21), Functional Assessment of Cancer Treatment-Breast ( FACT-B+4) scale will be used.

Dose-Reduced Docetaxel With Cyclophosphamide for the Treatment of Vulnerable Older Women With Stage...
Anatomic Stage I Breast Cancer AJCC v8Anatomic Stage II Breast Cancer AJCC v82 moreThis phase II trial tests how well dose-reduced docetaxel combined with cyclophosphamide works in treating older women with early stage (stage I-III) HER2 negative breast cancer vulnerable to toxicity. Chemotherapy drugs, such as docetaxel and cyclophosphamide, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Docetaxel and cyclophosphamide are commonly used, but is not well tolerated at the standard dose and can affect the way older patients feel physically and emotionally. Giving dose-reduced docetaxel combined with cyclophosphamide may be an effective treatment option and improve quality of life in vulnerable older women with stage I-III HER2 negative breast cancer.

A Study of Enzalutamide, Enzalutamide in Combination With Mifepristone, or Chemotherapy in People...
Metastatic Breast CancerThe researchers are doing this study to find out if the study drug, enzalutamide, alone or combined with the study drug, mifepristone, is effective in treating advanced or metastatic androgen receptor-positive (AR+) triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) or estrogen receptor-low breast cancer (ER-low BC), and whether these study treatments work as well as standard chemotherapy with carboplatin, paclitaxel, capecitabine, or eribulin.

Cold Dissection Versus Electrocautery Dissection in Endoscopic Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate...
Breast NeoplasmsThe purpose of this study is to analyze whether cold dissection can decrease the rate of ischemia necrosis and other complications and then increase the aesthetic outcomes compared to electrocautery. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether cold dissection can decrease the rate of ischemia necrosis and other complications and then increase the aesthetic outcomes compared to electrocautery.

Pyrotinib Combined With Trastuzumab, Dalpiciclib, Letrozole Versus TCbHP (Trastuzumab Plus Pertuzumab...
Breast CancerThis is an investigator-initiated randomized controlled, open-label, multicenter, prospective Phase 2 clinical study. Patients with stage II-III HR +/HER2 + breast cancer were randomly divided into two groups at a ratio of 1:1. The experimental group received pyrotinib combined with trastuzumab, dalpiciclib and letrozole; the control group received trastuzumab combined with pertuzumab, docetaxel and carboplatin. The main study objective was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of neoadjuvant therapy for HR +/HER2 + breast cancer in the two groups.

Tucidinostat and Nab-paclitaxel in Advanced HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer
HR+/HER2- Breast CancerThis study is looking to see whether the combination of Tucidinostat and nab-paclitaxel is safe and effective in participants with advanced HR+/HER2- breast cancer.

TAS-116 Plus Palbociclib in Breast and Rb-null Cancer
Advanced Breast CancerTreatment-Refractory Solid Tumors5 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of TAS-116 with palbociclib in two groups of patients: Patients with advanced breast cancer that has become worse after taking palbociclib alone Patients with cancers that have an abnormality in a gene called the "retinoblastoma gene".

Efficacy and Safety of Ultra_HYPofractionated RadiotHerapy in Women With BrEast CaNcer Receiving...
Malignant Breast NeoplasmThe reduction in the number of fractions in radiotherapy is especially attractive in several senses, and even more so considering breast cancer, which has a high incidence and generally favorable prognosis. Thus, as a reference Institution, the investigators intend to start the treatment of selected patients with a radiotherapy scheme of 26 Gy / 5 fractions in one week, in a controlled manner, through this project.The investigators consider the moment extremely propitious to start the study, as in addition to having the first publication of a large randomized study, proving the effectiveness and safety of the strategy, the investigators will be able to benefit more patients and the health system itself by minimizing the daily visits of these patients at the hospital.

Cyclin Dependant Kinase 4/6 (CDK4/6) Inhibitors as a Second Line Treatment in Metastatic Breast...
Breast Cancer Stage IVBreast cancer is the commonest malignancy among females and one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Many drugs have been developed over the years to try to extend survival among these patients including cyclin dependant kinase inhibitors. Cyclin dependant kinase inhibitors (CDK inhibitors) mainly Palbociclib (PAL), ribociclib (RIB) and abemaciclib (ABM) are approved for treatment of hormone receptor positive, HER2 negative advanced breast cancer in the 1st line and subsequent lines in combination with aromatase inhibitors or fulvestrant. Studies showed that they extend progression free survival and recently they showed overall survival benefit. In this study investigators compare Palbociclib+ fulvestrant VS Ribociclib + fulvestrant as a second line treatment in metastatic ER+ve her2 -ve BC in oncology center mansoura university egyptian patients.