Correction of Breech Presentation With Laser Acupuncture
Breech PresentationAcupuncture-type interventions (such as moxibustion and acupuncture) at Bladder 67 (BL67, Zhiyin point) have been proposed to have positive effects on breech presentation. However, the role of laser acupuncture for Breech presentation remains unknown. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of laser acupuncture in correcting breech presentation.

Trendelenburg Positioning and External Cephalic Version Outcome
Breech Presentation of Fetus With Successful VersionWomen at term (over 37 weeks) that are candidates for external cephalic version will be positioned in the trendelenburg position 5 minutes prior to external cephalic version performance and during the procedure. The control group will not be positioned differently than usual. We will evaluate external cephalic version success and compare the 2 groups.

Breech Pelvimetry by EOS® Technique With Change of Maternal Position and Delivery Route
EOSPregnancy Related2 moreWhen a patient presents with a fetus in PS after 36+0SA, after acceptance of participation in the study, pelvimetry with evaluation of the height of the fetal presentation by EOS® system in the upright and sitting position will be performed. CT pelvimetry will not be performed. The patient may then be offered an attempt at VME, with clear, fair and appropriate information, after being informed of the data from the right standing EOS® pelvimetry (report and images). VME will be performed according to the recommendations and practice of the department. In the event of failure with a fetus that remains in PS, the choice of delivery route will be decided in consultation with the patient after clear, fair and appropriate information. If the patient wishes to have a vaginal delivery, the pregnancy will be continued without intervention until spontaneous labour or induction in case of indication (premature rupture of membranes (PMR), over term, or intercurrent maternal or fetal pathology). The modalities of the delivery route and/or a possible induction will be discussed between the obstetric team and the patient. If the patient wishes a caesarean delivery in case of persistent PS, the delivery will be scheduled after 39+0SA or earlier if indicated (RPM, intercurrent maternal or fetal pathology). In the case of a successful VME with a fetus that remains in cephalic presentation until labour, management will follow current recommendations. The characteristics of the dimensions and angles of the obstetric pelvis and the height of the fetal presentation in the standing and sitting positions, the performance and success of MEC, the choice of delivery route, and the final delivery route will be recorded.

Spinal Anesthesia for External Cephalic Version
Breech Presentation; Before LaborThis study evaluates the potential benefits of spinal anaesthesia for nulliparous mothers scheduled for external version of babies in breech position.

Twin A Breech External Cephalic Version Intervention Trial (TWEXIT)
Breech PresentationTwin; Complicating PregnancyA prospective study assessing the use of external cephalic version for the management of Twin A breech presentation in twin pregnancy.

Spinal Analgesia Versus No Analgesia: Study for External Cephalic Version
Breech PresentationThe purpose of this study is to examine whether spinal anesthesia affects the chances of successful external cephalic version (ECV) of a breech presenting fetus. Two study groups will be included; one will receive spinal anesthesia, the other will not. The non-spinal group will be permitted to cross over if ECV procedure is painful. The main outcome is success of ECV.

Elevation of the Fetal Buttocks Prior to External Cephalic Version
Breech PresentationExternal Cephalic VersionThis is a prospective, randomized double-blind clinical trial evaluating the effect of a balloon device (Fetal Pillow) to elevate the fetal buttocks during external cephalic version procedures. Eligible study population: nulliparous pregnant women between 37-40 weeks estimated gestational age with a breech presenting fetus and no contraindications to external cephalic version.

Effect of Amnioinfusion on External Cephalic Version Successful Rate
Breech PresentationThe aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of transabdominal amnioinfusion before second external cephalic version after initial failure.Patient with a single foetus, at term, in breech presentation and after a first cephalic version are included. The randomisation determines whether the patient is included in the group with amnioinfusion before second cephalic version or with usual second cephalic version only; The efficacy's evaluation is based on rate of cephalic presentation at birth.Success rate of cephalic version with or without transabdominal amnioinfusion, rates of cesarian section in the two groups,maternal and fetal morbidity, time between second cephalic version and birth will be studied. Prospective interventional randomized sequential comparative multicentric study. A maximum of 240 patients will be included (120 in each group). As the study is sequential it will be over as soon as a significative difference is shown.

Effects of Relaxing Hydrotherapy in Third Trimester of Pregnancy
PregnancyBreech Presentation3 moreThis study will be the first scientific approach to investigate physical and psychological effects of the passive hydrotherapy-method WATSU (WaterShiatsu) on women and their unborn children at the third trimester of pregnancy. Potential therapeutic benefits of the method shall be evaluated. It is being hypothesized that WATSU is related to measurable changes in everyday stress perception, psychological wellbeing, quality of life, pregnancy-related low back pain, tonus of the uterus, amount of amniotic fluid, spontaneous course of breech presentations, prospects of external cephalic versions. Participants in the intervention-group will be treated twice with WATSU (60 minutes per treatment, standardized sequence) in the >36th week of pregnancy. There will not be any sham-intervention in the control-group. Both groups will be examined by ultrasound (prior and after the treatments plus on day 8 of the trial) and answer questionnaires (prior and after the treatments plus once a week until birth).

Open Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Remifentanil Versus Nitrous...
Non-cephalic PresentationInhalation of Nitrous Oxide3 moreObjectives: The objective is to demonstrate the superiority of remifentanil versus nitrous oxide as adjuvant analgesic treatment to increase the chances of success of external cephalic version in the management of non-cephalic presentation in women with singleton pregnancy at term. Another objective is to compare their safety, tolerability and acceptability. Methodology: single-center clinical trial, randomized, open, parallel-group and sequential design, with active comparator. Pragmatic approach. Sequential design of O'Brien-Fleming with two interim analysis. Analysis by intention to treat. Comparison of the rate of successful version, referred to analgesic effect, safety, caesarean rates and acceptability rate of the procedure for pregnant women.