The Effect of Immediate Smoking Cessation Interventions for Smokers With Chronic Airway Diseases...
Tobacco CessationAsthma COPD1 moreSmoking cessation support is provided by smoking cessation outpatient clinics in our country. Smokers with chronic airway diseases can also apply to these services by making an appointment from quit lines. Quit rates of that group patients were found to be similar to the general population. In novel smoking cessation support approaches immediate cessation support is reported to be more effective than routine practice. The sample in these studies consists of individuals who applied for lung health screening programmes. There is no study in the literature examining the effect of this immediate support on patients with chronic airway diseases' quit success. Our aim with this study is to examine impact of immediate cessation support by getting an appointment to the same cessation clinic instantly on our sample's cessation success.

Randomised Open Label Trial of Hypertonic Saline and Carbocisteine in Bronchiectasis (CLEAR)
BronchiectasisPatients with bronchiectasis (BE) suffer from a persistent cough, daily sputum expectoration, recurrent chest infections, and a poor health-related quality of life. Current guidelines for the management of BE highlight the lack of evidence to recommend mucoactive agents, such as hypertonic saline (HTS) and carbocisteine, to aid sputum-removal as part of standard care. The investigators hypothesise that mucoactive agents (HTS or cabocisteine, or a combination of both) are effective in reducing exacerbations over a 52-week period, compared to usual care.

Trikafta for Patients With Non-cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis
Non-cystic Fibrosis BronchiectasisStudy participants with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis will be given Trikafta for four weeks. The researchers will monitor clinical endpoints, quality of life, and weight. Additionally, cutaneous punch biopsy material will be collected from each participant to test cellular response to Trikafta.

Clairleafᵀᴹ: A Study to Test Long-term Treatment With BI 1291583 in People With Bronchiectasis Who...
BronchiectasisThis study is open to adults aged 18 years and older with bronchiectasis. People can join the study if they were previously enrolled in another study with BI 1291583 (1397-0012: Airleafᵀᴹ). The purpose of this study is to find out whether a medicine called BI 1291583 helps people with bronchiectasis, an inflammatory lung condition. The investigators also want to know how well people with this condition can tolerate BI 1291583 in the long term. Participants take a low, medium, or high dose of BI 1291583 as a tablet once a day for up to 1 year. Participants who were taking placebo in the Airleafᵀᴹ study are put into the BI 1291583 dosage groups randomly, which means by chance. Placebo tablets look like BI 1291583 but do not contain any medicine. Participants who were taking BI 1291583 in the Airleafᵀᴹ study continue to take the same dose. Participants visit the study site 9 times and get 4 phone calls from the site staff. During the visits, the doctors collect information on any health problems of the participants. The doctors also check whether BI 1291583 helps reduce the symptoms of bronchiectasis.

Bronchiectasis Alpha-1 Augmentation Trial- Modulating Airway Neutrophil Function
Bronchiectasis AdultDouble-blind, randomized, cross-over trial involving 20 participants with bronchiectasis. This trial will make an important contribution to therapeutic development in bronchiectasis by determining whether alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) therapy results in reduced airway inflammation and improves neutrophil function. Patients will be randomly assigned to receive Prolastin-C 120mg/kg (n=10 patients) by weekly intravenous infusions, Prolastin-C 180mg/kg (n=10 patients) by weekly intravenous infusions or placebo (0.9% saline) for a period of 4 weeks, followed by a 3-5 week washout period and a further 4 weeks during which patients will cross-over to receive the alternative therapy.

Phase 2a, 28-day Investigational Use Study of ARINA-1 in Non-CF Bronchiectasis With Excess Mucus...
Non-cystic Fibrosis BronchiectasisThis is a randomized, Phase 2a, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ARINA-1 compared to placebo (isotonic saline, 0.9%) in participants with NCFBE. Study participants will receive either study treatment or placebo twice daily for 28 days. Efficacy endpoints will include quality of life, sputum rheological markers, and blood inflammatory markers. Quality of life will be measured using the following tools: Quality of Life-Bronchiectasis (QOL-B) questionnaire, St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), Chronic Airways Assessment Test (CAAT), and a daily clinical global impression questionnaire.

A Study of HSK31858 in Participants With Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis
Non-cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis (NCFBE)This is a phase II, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study to assess the efficacy and safety of HSK31858 in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFBE) participants.

Tobramycin Inhalation Solution for Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Eradication in Bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis AdultPseudomonas Aeruginosa InfectionPeople with bronchiectasis are prone to Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) infections, which can become chronic and lead to increased death rates and disease severity. Studies from cystic fibrosis suggest that eradication therapy aimed at PA can successfully transition patients to a culture-negative status, providing long-term benefits. Current guidelines for managing bronchiectasis in adults recommend eradicating PA when it is first or newly isolated; however, there is a lack of randomized controlled trials supporting such recommendations. The researchers hypothesize that both oral ciprofloxacin combined with Tobramycin inhalation solution and Tobramycin inhalation solution alone are superior to no eradication (inhaled saline) in terms of the eradication rates of PA, defined as a negative sputum culture of PA at both 24 weeks and 36 weeks.

Endurance Training in Patients With Post-TB Lung Disease
TuberculosisPost-Tuberculous Pleural Fibrosis1 moreTo determine the effects of endurance training on functional capacity and QOL(Quality of life) in patients with post-TB (tuberculosis) lung disease. Post-tuberculosis lung disease is a major health concern nowadays. There is limited evidence in the literature regarding the rehabilitation of patients with cured tuberculosis which leads to post-TB complications.

Trial on The Efficacy of Hypertonic Saline on Non-CF CSLD.
BronchiectasisTo determine the efficacy of nebulized 5% hypertonic saline on cough severity and quality of life, in children with non-CF CSLD. Secondary Aims: To determine the: Efficacy of nebulized 5% hypertonic saline on airway microbiome, pulmonary exacerbation rate, healthcare utilization, and rescue antibiotics. Efficacy of nebulized 5% hypertonic saline on lung function Adverse effects of nebulized 5% hypertonic saline in children