A Naturalistic Trial of the Norwegian Sickness Absence Clinic. The NSAC Efficacy Study
Musculoskeletal DisorderAnxiety Disorders9 moreThe Norwegian Sickness Absence Clinic (NSAC) is a publicly funded specialist outpatient health service, which is uniquely available for the work force. The overall aim of the NSAC is prevention of sickness absence, promote return to work (RTW) among those on sickness absence and prevent long term disability benefit dependency. In addition to being a health service, the NSAC has a focus on work and functional recovery, including also non-health related factors. Patients can be referred by general practitioners for mental health problems and musculoskeletal problems. The NSAC has a lower threshold for severity than specialist health services generally, and in particular for mental health problems. The efficacy of this service is unknown. The NSAC Efficacy Study is a randomized controlled multicentre trial which aims to assess the effect of the NSAC service. "Helse i Arbeid" is the Norwegian name for NSAC, and the Norwegian abbreviation is "HiA". The Norwegian study name is HIANOR. The NSAC Efficacy Study involves five different NSACs across northern Norway, and will recruit 2500 patients, randomized to in equal proportions to three treatment arms: NSAC - rapid: treatment at the NSAC at- or within 4 weeks NSAC - ordinary: treatment at the NSAC after 10-14 weeks NSAC - active control: monodisciplinary examination at the NSAC close to diagnosis-specific deadline for examination as suggested by guidelines (8-26 weeks, the majority at the end of this interval) The overall aim is to assess the effect of the NSAC service, with the hypothesis that the NSAC service is superior to what resembles treatment as usual (TAU) for outcomes such as return to work or improved health (waiting list control). Many of the diagnoses or problems for which patients are referred to the NSACs naturally improve regardless of health interventions, and - as of date - no research has been conducted to assess the efficacy of the service.

PLANTS Pilot Trial
Alcohol DrinkingSocial Acceptance2 moreThis pilot cluster-randomized controlled trial will evaluate the PLANTS (Providing LGBTQ+ Adolescents with Nurturance, Trustworthiness, and Safety) course among high school staff. The primary hypotheses are that the PLANTS course will have high acceptability, usability, appropriateness, and feasibility as reported by high school staff.

Coaching Late Elementary School Teachers in Bullying Detection and Intervention (Bullying Classroom...
InterventionControlThe investigators' overall objective is to demonstrate the efficacy of BCCU on elementary aged students' aggressive and bullying behaviors, teacher practices, and student and teacher relationships. The investigators' principal hypothesis is that the BCCU will improve students' aggression and bullying behaviors and their perceptions of the school climate and relationships in the building as well as teacher practices.

BullyDown, a Text Messaging-based Bullying Prevention Program for Middle School-aged Youth
BullyingGiven the limited impact of existing school-based interventions and the time associated with implementing them during school time, more efficient and effective intervention methods are needed. Programs that can be delivered to middle school youth irrespective of whether they are attending school physically or virtually may be especially relevant as school boundaries become more fluid. BullyDown addresses this critical need by providing a scalable program that could be quickly and cost-effectively disseminated nationally.

Efficacy of a Multi-level School Intervention for LGBTQ Youth
DepressionAnxiety7 moreEfficacy of a Multi-level School Intervention for LGBTQ Youth

Be-Prox. An Effectiveness Study of Bullying Intervention in Norwegian Kindergartens.
Bullying of ChildWith an overall aim to ensure a safe and sound kindergarten environment for all Norwegian children in accordance with the Kindergarten Act §§41-43, the objectives of the current project are: To evaluate the effectiveness of Be-Prox Norway to prevent and handle negative behavior and bullying among peers in Norwegian kindergartens. To examine implementation factors that promote and inhibit the effectiveness of Be-Prox Norway in Norwegian kindergartens. To describe the cost-effectiveness of the Be-Prox Norway intervention in Norwegian kindergartens. To generate knowledge on how the Be-Prox Norway intervention can be aligned and implemented in Norwegian kindergartens.

Online Bullying Bystander Intervention for Middle Schools Phase II
AdolescentBullying2 moreSchool interventions to reduce bullying can be effective but also require substantial time and resources. Online technologies have the potential to deliver effective bullying interventions to a large number of middle school students for less cost. The feasibility of delivering the effective STAC bullying intervention through a mobile web app will be tested using focus groups with middle school students and development and usability testing and the efficacy of the program will be tested using a randomized controlled trial.

A Naturalistic Trial of Nudging Clinicians in the Norwegian Sickness Absence Clinic. The NSAC Nudge...
Musculoskeletal DisorderAnxiety Disorders9 moreThe Norwegian Sickness Absence Clinic (NSAC) Nudge Study is a naturalistic randomized controlled multicentre trial which aim is to measure the efficacy of nudging clinicians' attention towards patients' motivation for work, barriers for return to work and work environment challenges, on functional recovery as primary outcome, and health outcomes as secondary outcome. Patients will be recruited in five different NSACs across northern Norway. In total 1100 patients will be randomized to two equal probability treatment arms: 1) NSAC with the nudge, and 2) NSAC without the nudge. The nudge is tailored to the individual patient's needs using survey, and the clinicians are presented with a summary of this patient survey prior to consultations highlighting health problems and challenges as reported by the patient in the survey.

The Use of Mentoring to Promote Well-being for Female SMART Members
HarassmentNon-Sexual8 moreWomen are highly underrepresented in the construction skilled trades. In addition to facing the industry's well-known physical risks, women are subjected to discrimination, harassment, and skills under-utilization. As a result, tradeswomen have increased risk for injury, stress-related health effects, and high attrition rates from apprenticeship programs, thus perpetuating their minority status. Mentoring is a well-established technique for learning technical and personal navigation skills in new or challenging social environments. The investigators propose development and dissemination of a mentorship program through local unions of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART), and evaluating its success in reducing women's injury and work stress, while improving retention.

Effectiveness Study of the Intervention "Stop Sexual Harassment" in Secondary School
Sexual HarassmentAnti-Gay Bias8 more"Stop sexual harassment" is a school based intervention tailored to reduce sexual- and gendered harassment among pupils in secondary school. The first aim of this study is to test to what extent "Stop sexual harassment" reduces sexual harassment and harassment based on sexual orientation and gender expression (gendered harassment) among 8th to 10th grade pupils in secondary school. The second aim of the study is to test to what extent the intervention increases teachers' responses to sexual- and gendered harassment among pupils. The intervention consists of eight lessons which address the prevention of sexual- and gendered harassment. METHOD: A minimum 32 schools with at least 3840 pupils will participate in a cluster randomized controlled trial. Participating schools will be randomly assigned to intervention schools and control schools. At the intervention schools, teachers will be introduced to "Stop sexual harassment" through a digital course which will provide them with a manual containing eight lessons to be held for the pupils. At the control schools there will not be any intervention. The effects of the intervention on pupils will be determined by assessing their experiences with sexual and gendered harassment, and internalized and externalized problems prior to the intervention (T1), shortly after the intervention (T2) and six moths after the intervention (T3). The effects of the intervention on teachers will be determined by assessing the teachers' experiences of responding to sexual and gendered harassment among pupils. HYPOTHESIS: It is expected that the intervention "Stop sexual harassment" will lead to reduced sexual and gendered harassment perpetration and victimization, and less internalized and externalized problems among the pupils in secondary school, and that teachers will more frequently take action when sexual- and gendered harassment is encountered among the pupils.