Outcomes Following Combined Adductoplasty™ and Lapiplasty® (MTA3D)
Metatarsus AdductusHallux ValgusProspective, multicenter, unblinded study to evaluate outcomes of the Adductoplasty™ Procedure in combination with the Lapiplasty® Procedure for patients in need of metatarsus adductus and hallux valgus correction. Up to 80 subjects will be treated in this study at up to 10 clinical sites. Patients 14 years through 65 years with symptomatic metatarsus adductus and hallux valgus will be eligible to participate based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria defined in the study protocol.

A Phase III Study to Evaluate Analgesic Efficacy and Safety of PRF-110 for Post-surgical Pain
BunionPRF-110 is a viscous, yellowish clear oily solution of ropivacaine intended for administration into surgical sites to provide post-operative analgesia. The pharmacokinetic profile for PRF-110 suggests that its effect could last up to 72 hours. This is A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Saline Placebo- and Active-Controlled, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Analgesic Efficacy and Safety of Intra-operative Administration of PRF-110 Following Unilateral Bunionectomy

CPL-01 in the Management of Postoperative Pain After Bunionectomy
BunionSubjects receive study drug during bunionectomy and are followed for pain and opioid use, with the hypothesis that those who receive CPL-01 will have less pain and less opioid use than either control arm.

Pilot Study of Percutaneous Correction of Hallux Valgus
Hallux ValgusThis is a pilot study with a randomized controlled design.

Short-term Results After Minimally Invasive Chevron Osteotomy for Hallux Valgus Correction
Hallux ValgusMinimally Invasive Surgical ProceduresBy means of clinical satisfaction and clinical scores comparison of an open to a minimally invasive distal chevron osteotomy for correction of a hallux valgus deformity is performed.

Correction of Hallux Valgus With the Nexis® PECA Bunion Implantable Osteosynthesis Medical Device...
Hallux ValgusThe Nexis® screw system is a range of osteosynthesis screws for the foot. Nexis® Bunion Screws are Class IIb implantable medical devices. The primary objective of the study is to confirm the performance and effectiveness of the device under investigation for the correction of hallux valgus with the evaluation functional capacities of the patient's foot. It will be assessed with "general sub-score" of the EFAS questionnaire determined during the postoperative visit at 6 months. The evaluation of quality of life scores, angular correction, bone consolidation and occurrence of adverse events will also be carried out.

Early Weight-Bearing After the Lapiplasty Procedure
Hallux ValgusBunionThe objectives of this study are to evaluate the following outcomes of the Lapiplasty® Procedure for patients in need of hallux valgus surgery: The study will determine the radiographic recurrence of hallux valgus and the timing of failure following hallux valgus correction with the Lapiplasty® Procedure. The study will determine whether the Lapiplasty® Procedure effectively corrects anatomical alignment of the 1st metatarsal and sesamoids in all three planes. The study will assess whether early weight-bearing after the Lapiplasty® Procedure affects the union rates or causes loss of 3-plane correction. The study will evaluate the quality of life and pain scores following the Lapiplasty® Procedure.

Clinical Trial on Patient-Specific-Instrumentation Assisted Lapidus Fusion for Hallux Valgus
Hallux ValgusBunion1 moreRCT to compare the effectiveness of PSI assisted Lapidus surgery vs conventional Lapidus surgery in hallux valgus.

Efficacy of Additional Osteotomies to Correct Hallux Valgus
Hallux ValgusDeviation of the big toe in valgus at the level of the first metatarsophalangeal joint is called Hallux Valgus. In case of significant pain especially due to a conflict with the shoes, surgery could be indicated. Angle between the first metatarsal (M1) and the first phalangeal (P1) is named Hallux Valgus Angle (HVA). Angle between M1 and the second metatarsal (M2) is named InterMetatarsal Angle (IMA). Angle between M1 distal articular surface and M1 shaft axis in a frontal plane is named Distal Metatarsal Articular Angle (DMAA). Insufficient surgical correction is a risk factor of recurrence (HVA>20° after surgery). According to Okuda et al in a 67 patients group treated by proximal osteotomies correction, postoperative risk factors of recurrence at 33 month of follow-up are : HVA>40° before the surgery and HVA>15° with an IMA>10° 10 weeks (3-24) after the surgery. Currently, one of the most common used procedure is a translated (laterally) distal chevron associated with a release of the metatarso-sesamoid suspensory ligament and a Akin procedure on P1. Nevertheless this procedure does not correct deformation in all plans. HVA and IMA are corrected but DMAA and M1 pronation angle are not. Surgeons can add three different osteotomies in this type of chevron. In the dorsal saw cut a varisation wedge osteotomy is possible , in the plantar saw cut a supination wedge osteotomy is possible, and both are possible. No studies have tried to assess these three possibilities. The investigators hypothesize that the addition of a varisation and/or a supination wedge osteotomies in a distal chevron decrease risk factors of recurrence at six months of follow-up

Effects of Customized Insoles for Individuals With Symptomatic Hallux Valgus
Hallux ValgusFoot Diseases1 moreHallux valgus is one of the most common forefoot deformities. Its prevalence increases with age, representing approximately 23% in adulthood, being more common in females. Some studies indicate that the use of the insole associated with the finger separator promotes pain relief and that this may be related to better alignment of the hallux. However, there is still no consensus about the ideal insole or how long it should be used to relieve pain or improve function in patients with hallux valgus. Therefore, the objective of this study will be to evaluate the effect of the customized insole on pain and function of individuals with symptomatic hallux valgus.