Wii Fit Exercises Versus Pilates Exercises in Adult Patients With Lower Extremity Burn
BurnsMuscle Weakness2 moreThe aim of the study is to compare the effect of Wii fit exercises and Pilates exercises on muscle strength and postural balance, and functional performance in adult patients with lower extremity burn.

Tranexamic Acid During Excisional Burn Surgery
BurnsBlood Loss4 moreThe purpose of this study is to access the efficacy of the drug tranexamic acid in reducing blood loss during burn excision surgery.

Virtual Reality on Pain and Range of Motion on Burn
BurnsThe Purpose of the study is to determine the effect of virtual reality exercise on pain and shoulder range of motion in pediatrics with 2nd-degree anterior shoulder burn injuries.

Dermal Substitution in Pediatric Burns
BurnsBurn ScarThe standard treatment of deep dermal to full thickness burns is surgical removal of the burn followed by skin transplantation. Dermal substitutes are increasingly used in the treatment of deep burns to replace lost dermis. Preservation of the collagen and elastin in the acellular human dermal substitute Glyaderm provides a more elastic scar. It is unknown what the effect of Glyaderm on scar quality is in a solely paediatric population. The objective of this case series is to investigate scar maturation and scar quality when applying Glyaderm in deep dermal to full thickness burns in a pediatric population aged ≤15 years old.

Trial of Different Wound Dressings in Split-skin Grafted Third Degree Burns
Split-skin Grafted Third-degree Burn WoundIn plastic and reconstructive surgery, treatment strategies of second-degree burn wounds and split-skin grafted third-degree burn wounds aim at reducing infection and improving reepithelialization. Although previous studies indicate that burn patients benefit from newer wound dressings, only a few studies comparing different wound dressings can be found. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate time to reepithelialization, pain, microbiology, handling and costs of different wound dressings in patients with split-skin grafted third-degree burn wounds.

Assessment of Safety and Effectiveness of NovoSorb® BTM in Severe Burns
BurnsThis is a multi-center, pivotal study to assess the safety and effectiveness of a new method of treating severe burns using NovoSorb® Biodegradable Temporizing Matrix (BTM).

Safety of Extracellular Vesicles for Burn Wounds
BurnsTreatment of patients with deep second degree burns of the skin with extracellular vesicles (EV) isolated from bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells.

Performance and Safety of Exufiber Ag+ and Exufiber on Partial Thickness Burns
Partial-thickness BurnThis a multi-center, open label, non-comparative, study that will evaluate the clinical safety and performance of Exufiber Ag+ and Exufiber dressings, separately, when used as intended in moderate to high exuding partial thickness burns (PTBs) through assessment of wound progression from baseline to the Subject's last clinical follow-up visit. Sixty-eight (68) eligible subjects, with moderate to high exuding partial-thickness burns, will be selected for treatment with either Exufiber Ag+ silver-coated gelling dressing, or Exufiber gelling dressing. The study will last 5 weeks, with a requirement of 5 study visits in total, including dressing changes at each study visit.

A Randomized Trial Evaluating EARLY Application of a Surfactant Dressing in Thermal Injury (EARLY)...
BurnsPartial-thickness BurnThe purpose of this study is to test the following hypotheses: Early use of water-soluble surfactant dressing (WSD) on partial-thickness burn wounds will result in tissue salvage and reduce surgical burden. Early use of WSD on partial-thickness burn wounds will result in faster healing. Use of WSD on partial-thickness burn wounds will result in less painful wound care. Early use of WSD on partial-thickness burn wounds will result in less infection. Early use of WSD on partial-thickness burn wounds will result in lower hospital costs.

A Pilot Trial of Disposable Nitrous Oxide Canisters in Providing Pain Control During Burn Dressing...
BurnsPain1 moreImprovements in burn care have resulted in increased survival. Despite these improved outcomes one of the leading challenges of burn care remains providing adequate analgesia during routine wound care and dressing changes. The traditional use of narcotics is challenging as the therapeutic window between analgesia and suppression of breathing becomes narrow with the intense pain and high doses of narcotics needed for dressing changes.