Understanding the Late Effects of Surviving a Pediatric Brain Tumor
Brain TumorPediatric Brain Tumor1 moreThe goal of this study is to learn about the cognitive and behavioral functioning of children being treated for cancer.

Intraoperative Goal Directed Fluid Management in Supratentorial Brain Tumor Craniotomy
Brain TumorCraniotomyPulse pressure variation (PPV) to standard fluid management (4ml/Kg/hr) in patients undergoing supratentorial mass excision. The investigators hypothesize that in these procedures, goal-directed fluid therapy (GDT) might improve brain relaxation, and patient hemodynamics intra and postoperatively.

Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy for Brain Tumors
Brain TumorSurgery2 moreThe prognosis of glioblastoma patients highly depends on resection extent. Various strategies have been introduced to overcome the dilemma of intraoperative tumor identification. In gastroenterology, confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE) allows precise differentiation of tumor tissue from surrounding mucosa in various diseases. Combining high-definition white light endoscopy with CLE significantly increases sensitivity and specificity compared with the sole application of high-definition white light endoscopy. CLE was recently introduced to neurosurgical applications. Although still in an early stage of clinical application, this technique has proven to be capable of differentiating various tumor entities in animal models as well as human tissue samples. CLE allows visualization of the underlying tissue on a microscopic scale, receiving information on the microstructure as well as cellular components. However, the clinical importance of this technique for its application in neurosurgery will be demonstrated in this clinical trial.

Cognitive Training in Attenuating Attention Deficits/Child Treatment for Cancer
LeukemiaLymphoma1 morePrimary Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility of enrolling children and adolescents with newly diagnosed brain tumors, leukemia, or lymphoma in a program designed to prevent the academic and cognitive declines that commonly result following central nervous system (CNS) disease and treatment. Hypothesis 1: Despite the rigors of disease and treatment, children and adolescents will be able to participate in the CTP while they are receiving treatment for cancer. The high participation of our patients in routine school activities during treatment suggests that they will have the energy and interest required to participate in cognitive training. To evaluate whether a Cognitive Training Program (CTP) might be helpful to patients in preventing attention deficits that commonly result following CNS disease and therapy. Hypothesis 2: Patients in the CTP arm of the study will show fewer declines in neurocognitive performance at the end of training and again six months later, as compared with the control group who will receive the usual services provided by the Education Program in Pediatrics. To explore the relationship between CTP treatment compliance and stability/decline in cognitive and academic performance in children and adolescents who are being treated for brain tumors, leukemia, and lymphoma. Hypothesis 3: Level of compliance with CTP treatment will be predictive of a patient's performance on neurocognitive measures.

Intracranial Hydatid Cyst
Intracranial NeoplasmCentral nervous system (CNS) hydatid cysts is a rare presentation of hydatid cyst, although may be the cause of intracranial space-occupying lesions in 4% in endemic countries. It affects mostly children. The diagnosis of CNS hydatid is still problematic in spite of the advancements in imaging techniques (CT or MRI). Extirpation of the intact cyst is the treatment of choice, resulting in most cases to a complete recovery.

Scalp Nerve Block and Opioid Consumption in Brain Surgery
Brain TumourAnterior scalp block with 0.5% plain Marcaine 20 ml. may reduce the intraoperative opioid consumption in neurosurgical patients who undergoing the supratentorial craniotomy compared to those who receive 0.9% normal saline solution (placebo).

Fluid Therapy During Brain Tumor Resection in Children
Brain NeoplasmsFluid management of children during neurosurgery is not well established. Hypotonic solutions, commonly still used in pediatric patients, may enhance cerebral edema and worse operative conditions. This study compares two different isotonic solutions administered perioperatively regarding acid base and fluid electrolyte disturbances.

A Pediatric Phase I Trial of RMP-7 and Carboplatin in Brain Tumors
Brain NeoplasmsGlioma1 moreThe presence of a highly selective blood-brain barrier (BBB) at the level of the brain capillary endothelium prevents chemotherapeutic agents from attaining therapeutic concentrations at the target site. RMP-7 is a synthetic bradykinin analog which specifically binds to B2 receptors expressed on the brain capillary endothelial cells and preferentially increases capillary permeability within CNS tumors. Carboplatin is an anticancer agent with preclinical and clinical antitumor activity against a variety of brain tumors. A pediatric phase I trial of the combination of RMP-7 and carboplatin will be conducted to determine the maximum tolerated dose of RMP-7 in children with refractory brain tumors.

Phase I and Pharmacokinetic Trial of Phenylbutyrate Given as a Continuous Infusion in Pediatric...
Brain NeoplasmsNeuroblastomaThis is a pharmacokinetic trial. Patients receive phenylbutyrate through a central venous catheter for each 28 day cycle. The first several days of drug administration should be inpatient. Cycles may be repeated if there is no tumor progression or dose limiting toxicities (DLT). There are no breaks between cycles. Once a minimum of 3 patients have completed at least 4 weeks of therapy without DLT, new patients will be entered at the next dose level.

Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Brain Metastases
Metastasis BrainStereotactic radiotherapy is an innovative treatment enabling to target accurately brain metastases. The aim of this study is to evaluate tumoral response and acute and late toxicity of this treatment.