Cadonilimab Plus Nab -Paclitaxel for Patients With Recurrent, or Metastatic Cervical Cancer Resistant...
Uterine Cervical NeoplasmsCancer of Cervix4 moreThis is a phase II trial of combination therapy of cadonilimab(Bispecific Anti-PD-1/CTLA-4 Antibody) plus nab-Paclitaxel in patients with recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer that had failed PD-1/PD-L1 blockade therapy. As a bispecific antibody against PD-1 and CTLA-4, cardonirimab can not only induce the production of a large number of T cells in the early stage of immune response by antagonizing CTLA-4, but also block PD-1 and PD-L1/L2 combination. Thereby restoring the killing function of T cells to tumor cells and reducing the exhaustion of T cells.The hypothesis is the combination of cadonilimab and nab-Paclitaxel will overcome PD-1/PD-L1 blockade-resistance to enhance the response of patients with persistant, recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer.

Study of Chemoradiotherapy With Envafolimab For The Treatment of Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer...
Locally Advanced Cervical CancerThis is a single-arm, single-center, exploratory study, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of envafolimab combined with Chemoradiotherapy in participants with locally advanced cervical cancer.

Randomized Controlled, Open Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture for Bladder Function...
Cervical CancerUrinary retention is one of the most common complications of radical hysterectomy in patients with cervical cancer, with an incidence of 26-53% depending on the diagnostic criteria. The most common method to prevent urinary retention after radical hysterectomy is continuous catheterization, but up to 14.5% of patients need continuous catheterization for more than 4 weeks, because catheterization is an invasive procedure, increasing the risk of urinary tract infection, and long-term postoperative retention of urinary catheter caused by edema of the vesicourethral sphincter and urethral glands. Obstruction of bladder outlet caused by increased urethral outflow resistance may also lead to postoperative urinary retention, thus forming a vicious cycle and aggravating urinary retention. In our previous retrospective analysis, it was confirmed that acupuncture and moxibustion were effective in restoring bladder function after radical hysterectomy. Compared with the control group, the incidence of urinary retention in patients receiving acupuncture and moxibustion was reduced from 44.17% to 24.17%, and no serious adverse reactions occurred, and the patients had good tolerance. We plan to conduct further randomized controlled studies to confirm this.

Evaluating Scaleup of an Adapted Breast Cancer Early Diagnosis Program in Rwanda
Breast CancerBenign Breast Disease1 moreBreast cancer incidence is increasing in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and breast cancer mortality is high in these regions largely due to late stage diagnoses. This is true in the low-income East African country of Rwanda, where there are no national protocols in place to guide evaluation and referral of breast symptoms at primary health facilities. This study will use quantitative and qualitative methods to examine implementation of the Women's Cancer Early Detection Program (WCEDP) in order to understand optimal strategies to scale and sustain breast cancer early diagnosis in Rwanda and other limited-resource settings. The WCEDP is an adaptation of a prior intervention in Burera District, which focused on building community awareness of breast symptoms, improving clinicians' clinical breast assessment (CBA) skills, and implementing weekly breast clinics at the primary health care center and hospital levels. The Burera intervention was associated with improvements in health care workers' knowledge and skills, increases in care-seeking and receipt of care by women with breast symptoms, and an increase in early-stage breast cancer diagnoses.

Screening Study for Cervical Pre-cancer and Cancer Prevention in South African Women.
Cervical CancerHigh Grade Sil1 moreNearly 8 000 new cervical cancer cases are diagnosed in South Africa per year; many are still undiagnosed and about 50% of diagnosed cases succumb per year. Although the current prevalence of pre-cancer cervical disease is largely unknown, data from local studies suggest regional differences and an increase in the prevalence of cytological abnormalities when compared with historical data. Low frequency in cytology screening is the primary factor attributable to development of invasive cervical cancer and almost one-third of all cervical cancer patients had previous negative cytology. Due to the low sensitivity of cytology it can be assumed that the true prevalence of pre-cancer disease is underestimated by all available data. One round of optimal cervical cytology will detect around 50% of existing pre-cancer cervical disease as identified and proven using colposcopy and directed biopsy. It is now widely accepted that primary screening with a human papilloma virus (HPV) test can improve the sensitivity of screening and that even a single round of HPV screening can rapidly reduce the incidence of invasive cervical cancer and related mortality within a few years. South Africa has a high prevalence of HIV infection and a delay in or failure to initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART). These facts, together with the largely unscreened status of the female population and the high incidence of cervical cancer all suggest that HPV infection and precursors to cervical cancer are both unusually common among South African women. Accurate current knowledge of the performance of newer generation HPV based screening tests in HIV-infected and general female population are essential for cost-analysis and planning for national prevention and screening programs. This study will aim to demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of new generation HPV deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) based screening assays in a South African setting. The investigators hypothesize that HPV testing followed by normal and special cytology tests will be a successful screening model for a South African population.

NeoAdjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Radical Hysterectomy (OP) Versus Primary Chemo-RADiation in...
Cervical CancerRandomized comparison of neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by radical hysterectomy with pelvic ± para-aortic lymphonodectomy (LNE) versus primary cisplatin-based chemo-radiation in patients with cervical cancer FIGO IB2 and IIB.

PARa-aOrtic LymphAdenectomy in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer
Cervical CarcinomaAdenocarcinoma1 moreThis is an international, multicenter and randomized open-label phase III study designed to demonstrate, in patients with stage IIIC1 cervical cancer, whether para-aortic lymphadenectomy followed by tailored chemoradiation is associated with increased disease-free survival compared to patients staged with FDG-PET/CT only followed by chemoradiation. The planned sample size is 510; including 200 patients in France. In this trial, patients will be assigned in one of the two following treatments arms: Arm A (control arm): Standard chemo-radiotherapy and brachytherapy according to EMBRACE II and ESGO/ESTRO recommendations. Arm B (experimental arm): Pretherapeutic para-aortic lymphadenectomy followed by tailored chemo-radiotherapy and brachytherapy. Each patient will be followed up for 5 years.

Patient Self-sampling of HPV to Screen for Cervical Cancer
Human Papilloma VirusThe purpose of this study is to validate a patient self-sampling vaginal collection kit and laboratory testing for the detection of HPV (human papillomavirus) infection. Researchers will compare the laboratory results of self-collected vaginal swab samples to usual healthcare provider-collected cervical swab samples to determine the laboratory HPV testing accuracy of the self-collection swab.

HPV Self-sampling to Improve Access to Cervical Cancer Screening for Persons With HIV and/or Underserved...
Cervical CancerThe objective of this study is to evaluate self-collection of vaginal samples for HPV testing as an alternative cervical cancer screening strategy for persons with HIV and/or limited access to care. Self-collection kits will be offered to persons who refuse a Pap smear or are overdue (>=6 months) for cervical cancer screening, with screening uptake recorded as a primary outcome. Kits will be offered in-clinic to individuals who refuse a Pap smear, and individuals overdue for screening will have the option to receive and return kits in the mail. The investigators will additionally administer a phone-based survey to evaluate knowledge about HPV and cervical cancer, barriers and facilitators to screening, and attitudes towards screening. Data from medical records will be abstracted to describe the clinical characteristics of the sample and measure receipt of follow-up procedures. Focus groups will be conducted with clinic administrators, staff, and HIV and women's health experts to evaluate clinic and provider barriers and facilitators to cervical cancer screening. The investigators hypothesize that HPV self-sampling will result in favorable patient-centered outcomes and could reduce disparities in access to screening.

A Multimodal Intervention Program to Improve Sexual Health and Self-perceived Quality of Life in...
Cervical CancerSexual Dysfunction1 moreThe PROVIDENCE Trial aims to explore the improvement of sexual health and self-perceived health related quality of life (measured by Patient Reported Outcome Measures) through a multimodal intervention that includes patient education on healthy habits and the prevention of vaginal dysfunction using vaginal moisturizers and topical estrogens. To achieve this, a randomized design is proposed to assess sexual health and quality of life in patients treated for cervical cancer who undergo this intervention compared to those who receive standard care.