A ProspectiveTrial Comparing THUNDERBEAT to the Ligasure Energy Device During Laparoscopic Colon...
Colon CancerProspective randomized controlled study, at Colon and Rectal Surgery, WMC/NYPH. Subjects undergoing Laparoscopic Left Colectomy will be randomized into 1 of 2 groups based on the instrument used for tissue dissection and vessel ligation: Group 1 - THUNDERBEAT Group 2 - Ligasure Population

Linked Color Imaging/Magnifying Blue Laser Imaging vs. White Light for Adenomas and Serrated Lesions...
Colon CancerLinked color imaging (LCI) and magnifying blue laser imaging (BLI) are two new imaging systems used in endoscopy which are recently developed. BLI was developed to compensate for the limitations of NBI. BLI shows a bright image of the digestive mucosa, enabling the detailed visualization of both the microstructure and microvasculature. However, BLI still is not able to obtain sufficient brightness for distant lesions. The newly developed LCI system (FUJIFILM Co.) creates clear and bright endoscopic images by using short-wavelength narrow-band laser light combined with white laser light on the basis of BLI technology. LCI makes red areas appear redder and white areas appear whiter. Thus, it is easier to recognize a slight difference in color of the mucosa. This is a study to determine if using LCI of the colon, rather than the usual white light on the colon, will improve the detection of flat adenomas and serrated polyps. The polyps are called serrated because of their appearance under the microscope after they have been removed. They tend to be located up high in the colon, far away from the rectum. They have been definitely shown to be a type of precancerous polyp and it is possible that using LCI will make it easier to see them, as they can be quite difficult to see with standard white light. LCI/BLI enables endoscopists to accurately describe the pit pattern of adenomas. By comparing White Light Endoscopy and LCI/BLI, it will show if there is any comparable advantage to using one or the other for lesion detection and assessment.

Interactive Cancer Communication System (ICCS) Directed Physical Activity Enhancement for Colon...
Colon CancerThis study will develop and test the benefits of a new ICCS (Interactive Cancer Communication System), a mobile Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System (Survivorship CHESS) in colon cancer survivors. Survivorship CHESS will provide information, tools, and a support system based on our previous work with FRESH START and CHESS, two highly successful interventions that have promoted lifestyle change among cancer patients and survivors. Survivorship CHESS will be designed to help subjects develop 1) competence in information gathering, decision-making, and behaviors they are trying to change, 2) social support systems to help deal with the cancer experience, and 3) autonomy that comes with regaining a sense of control over their lives; this in turn, will help them adopt or maintain healthy lifestyle behaviors and improve their quality of life.

Study of Micrometastases in Patients With Stage I or Stage II Localized Colon Cancer That Can Be...
Colorectal CancerRATIONALE: Diagnostic procedures such as sentinel lymph node mapping may help doctors find patients who are at risk of developing micrometastases and plan better treatment. PURPOSE: This randomized phase II/III trial is studying micrometastases in patients with stage I or stage II localized colon cancer that can be removed by surgery.

SEMS Placement Followed by Chemotherapy and Surgery for Obstructing Left-sided Colonic Cancer
Complication of TreatmentThis study aimed to evaluate the safety and feasibility of SEMS followed by neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to elective surgery for obstructing left-sided colon cancer.

Acute Effect of modeRate-intensity aerOBIc Exercise on Colon Cancer Cell Growth
Colon AdenocarcinomaColon CancerThis study involves drawing blood samples from men before and after they perform 30-minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. The investigators will evaluate whether adding the exercise serum to colon cancer cells in a dish can reduce the growth of the cells compared to the resting serum. Note: serum is the liquid part of the blood that carries hormones and metabolites around the body.

Research on the Treatment of Metastatic Colon Cancer Patients Treated by FOLFOXIRI
Colorectal CancerColon cancer with metastase in the diagnose time account for one significant rate and has a increasing trend. The treatment result of this patient group rests modest. The biological therapeutic treatment is still expensive for major part of Vietnamese patients. So that, research on a new affordable and efficacious chemotherapy combination for these patients is extremely necessary in our country The purpose of the study is to comment somes clinico-pathology features of metastatic colon cancer patients whose disease was not radically resectable. The second aim is to Evaluate the treatment result and toxicity of FOLFOXIRI in these patients

Performance and Evaluation for CT Colonography Screening
Colonic NeoplasmsColorectal NeoplasmsColorectal cancer (CRC) is an important United Kingdom healthcare issue affecting 1 in 20 individuals, half of whom will die from the disease. Late presentation of CRC has a poor prognosis, whereas excellent cure rates (>95%) are seen in those who present early. Accurate and early diagnosis of CRC is therefore crucial. In most patients this is achieved via colonoscopy, a camera test which is widely available and allows tissue samples to be taken of any abnormalities seen during the procedure. However, a non-invasive alternative is Computed Tomography Colonography (CTC) which uses X-rays to produce images of the large bowel which are then interpreted by Radiologists. CTC has high sensitivity for the diagnosis of CRC (comparable to colonoscopy) and the cancer precursor - adenomatous polyps. Unlike colonoscopy, however, there is no accreditation process for CTC and there is no infrastructure to ensure that all reporting Radiologists are able to do so adequately and, as a result, there is a wide range of diagnostic accuracy. There are no universally-accepted standards to monitor quality or assess diagnostic performance, partly because we do not know what the quality markers are and there is currently no system to quantify them. Overall, this contributes to low cancer detection rates, missed cancers and inequity for patients across the National Health Service (NHS). This study aims to assess the impact of a structured training programme with assessment and feedback on NHS radiologist performance. If the impact is positive and results in significantly improved performance, then such a scheme could be adopted into an accreditation programme for CTC in the English Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP).

Molecular Stethoscope
Colonic NeoplasmsThe study aims to provide a more complete characterization and understanding of the genetic causes of and tumor DNA detection potential in colorectal cancer. Ultimately findings of this study will be used to develop early detection tests for colorectal cancer that are minimally invasive (based on a blood test). It is hoped that reliable, minimally invasive, early detection methods will lead to improved screening rates, increased screening safety, longer colorectal cancer survival, and overall cost savings. In order to assess the test's ability to detect tumor DNA, 25 participants with known colorectal cancer who will be undergoing surgical resection of the colon as part of their clinical care will be recruited. The investigators will collect blood from participants prior to surgery, tumor and normal tissue removed during surgery, a series of blood samples after surgery for up to one year and relevant medical records. DNA variants identified in blood will be compared against tissue samples. Serial samples will be analyzed to assess the variance in amount of circulating tumor DNA across time with standard treatment.

Single Port Colic Laparoscopic Surgery
Colonic NeoplasmsCrohn's Disease1 moreThis study aims to compare the results of colonic surgery performed by single and multiport laparoscopy.